

[ˌædmə`rєʃən; ˌædməˋrєiʃn]

《admire 的名词》


1 (U) 赞叹,钦佩,赞赏; 憧憬,羡慕[of, for]

feel [have] ~ for

? 钦佩 [佩服] …

in ~ of

? 赞赏…

with ~

赞赏 [钦佩] 地

2 [the ~]众人赞赏之对象[of]

She is the ~ of her students.


to admiration

完美地; 美满地

She acted the part to ~.



1钦佩admiration, admire, esteem 辨析>>

葡admiração[P] admiração (f)[E] admiration [ædmər'eiʃən] (n)[C] 钦佩

德Verehrung[die] pl.Verehrungen 倾慕。崇拜。admiration, adoration, veneration

英challenge... s remarks.他们对他评论的公正性持疑3 a. 理所当然地需要 The problem ~s explanation.该问题理当需要说明The work ~s the admiration of all ages.这件作品值得受各时代的赞赏b. 需要The problem ~s us to use our intellect.这个问题需要我们运用智力c. 促 ...

英fix... [因感情而] 僵住; 使 [因感情而] 不能动弹[in, with]~ one's jaw indetermination下巴僵住以示决意He was ~ed in [with] admiration.他全神贯注地赞赏著2 a. 将 [向…]集中,使 专注 [专心] [于…][on]I ~ed my mind on that fact.我全神贯注于那个事实He ...

英give way... 了。*As winter gave way to spring,the day began to lengthen.冬天转变为春天时,白天开始长了起来。*Jealousy gave way to admiration of thir prowess.人们已由嫉妒转变到钦佩他们的杰出才干。*Sorrow gave way to joy.伤心转为喜悦。*Black and white televis ...

英look at... Father always looks at me with love in his eyes.父亲总带着慈祥的眼光看着我。Everybody looked at the hero with great admiration.大家都以钦佩的目光注视这位英雄。2. have a way of thinking or feeling toward; think about a certain way; consider ...

英rave about1.speak about sth.with great admiration;talk about sth.with exaggerated enthusiasm大声赞扬;狂热地谈论某事*All the girls raved about the new singer.所有女孩都 ...

英self-admirationself-ad.mi.ra.tion[ˌsZlfædmə`rєʃən; ˋsєlfædməˋrєiʃən]名词自赞; 自赏; 自负

英tribute... (纳贡的义务)2 a. (C) (表示赞赏、敬意的) 赞辞; 供物,赠品[of, to]floral ~s (给女演员等的) 献花; (葬礼的) 供花a ~ of admiration [praise]赞辞a ~ to the memory of the late Mr.A向已故的 A 先生表示敬意 [致吊词]pay a ~ to?向…致赞辞,向…表示敬意b. ...

法baver... 水或颜料化开弄脏字迹或图画v.i. 1. 垂涎,流涎2. [引]邋邋遢遢地吃东西3. baver de [转,俗](由于赞赏、惊讶而)目瞪口呆:baver d'admiration 赞赏不已4. en baver [民]干苦活,吃苦:Il va vous en faire baver. 他要给你苦吃了。5. baver sur 诽谤,讲…坏话:baver sur la ...


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