The Sites Table stores information about site collections. The Table is defined using T-SQL syntax, as follows.

 TABLE <table name>(FullUrl                        nvarchar(255) DEFAULT N’’,Id                             uniqueidentifier,NextUserOrGroupId              int,OwnerID                        int,SecondaryContactID             int,Subscribed                     bit,TimeCreated                    datetime,UsersCount                     int           DEFAULT ((1)),BWUsed                         bigint,DiskUsed                       bigint,SecondStageDiskUsed            bigint,QuotaTemplateID                smallint,DiskQuota                      bigint,UserQuota                      int,DiskWarning                    bigint,DiskWarned                     datetime,BitFlags                       int,SecurityVersion                bigint,CertificationDate              datetime,DeadWebNotifyCount             smallint,PortalURL                      nvarchar(260),PortalName                     nvarchar(255),LastContentChange              datetime      DEFAULT (getutcdate()),LastSecurityChange             datetime      DEFAULT (getutcdate()),AuditFlags                     int,InheritAuditFlags              int,UserInfoListId                 uniqueidentifier,UserIsActiveFieldRowOrdinal    int,UserIsActiveFieldColumnName    nvarchar(64),UserAccountDirectoryPath       nvarchar(255),RootWebId                      uniqueidentifier,HashKey                        binary(16),DomainGroupMapVersion          bigint,DomainGroupMapCacheVersion     bigint        DEFAULT ((-1)),DomainGroupMapCache            image,HostHeader                     nvarchar(128),EmailEnabled                   bit  );

FullUrl: The absolute URL of the site collection.

Id: The Site Collection Identifier (section of the site collection. Used only during upgrade.

NextUserOrGroupId: An integer value that is incremented when a new user or site group is added to the site collection. Indicates that the value of the next user or Site Group Identifier (section to be used.

OwnerID: The User Identifier (section of the user who owns the site collection.

SecondaryContactID: The User Identifier of the user who is the secondary contact of the site collection.

Subscribed: A bit set to 1 to indicate that the site collection has been subscribed for implementation-specific notifications.

TimeCreated: The date and time in UTC format when the site collection was created.

UsersCount: The number of users in the site collection.

BWUsed: The number of sites in the site collection actively used. Serves a Windows SharePoint Services implementation-specific, usage-reporting feature.

DiskUsed: The size of disk space used to store content in the site collection, in bytes.

SecondStageDiskUsed: The size of disk space used to store the second-stage trash bin items for the site collection, in bytes.

QuotaTemplateID: An identifier of a quota template used to set the disk quota for the site collection.

DiskQuota: The maximum size, in bytes, of disk space that can be allocated by the site collection. A value of 0 indicates that no limit is set.

UserQuota: The maximum number of users that the site collection can contain. A value of 0 indicates that no limit is set.

DiskWarning: An integer value indicating the number of times a warning was sent to the site collection owner about disk usage.

DiskWarned: A date and time value in UTC format set to the last time a warning was sent to the site collection owner about disk usage, if any.

BitFlags: A Site Collection Flags (section value describing the site collection.

SecurityVersion: A version number incremented when changes are made to the site collection's permissions.

CertificationDate: The date and time, in UTC format, when the site collection was last confirmed by its owner as being used.

DeadWebNotifyCount: The number of times that a notification was sent to the site collection owner that the site collection will be deleted if the owner does not certify it as being used. (See CertificationDate.)

PortalURL: The URL of an external website designated as the sites' portal. This is a Windows SharePoint Services implementation-specific navigation links feature.

PortalName: The name of the external website referenced in the PortalURL column. Used for display in the Windows SharePoint Services implementation-specific navigation feature.

LastContentChange: The date and time value, in UTC format, that the content of the site collection was last changed.

LastSecurityChange: The date and time value, in UTC format, when the permissions on the site collection were last changed.

AuditFlags: An Audit Flags (section value specifying the operations to be audited that are set directly on the site collection.

InheritAuditFlags: An Audit Flags value specifying the operations to be audited on the specified object that are inherited.

UserInfoListId: The List Identifier (section of a list holding user information for the site collection.

UserIsActiveFieldRowOrdinal: The ordinal of the column in the list identified by UserInfoList Id that tracks whether a user is an active user in the site collection.

UserIsActiveFieldColumnName: The name of the column in the list identified by UserInfoListId that tracks whether a user is an active user  in the site collection.

UserAccountDirectoryPath: A provider-specific user account path. The value is used for validation of added user accounts if the site collection flags bit 0x00080000 is set in the BitFlags column.

RootWebId: The Site Identifier (section of the site configured as the root site in the site collection.

HashKey: A hash key associated with the site collection.

DomainGroupMapVersion: The version of the domain group map.

DomainGroupMapCacheVersion: The version of the domain group map cache.

DomainGroupMapCache: A binary serialization of the domain group map cache, containing a mapping of external groups to the site groups of which they are members.

HostHeader: When used in host header mode, this contains the Host Header string associated with the site collection's web application.

EmailEnabled: A bit indicating if the site collection has Windows SharePoint Services implementation-specific email integration features enabled. Set to 1 if enabled; otherwise, set to 0.

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