
Windows 8 allows third-party browser to replace Internet Explorer in the Metro environment — except on Windows RT. You can use Google Chrome in Metro today, and Firefox for Metro is on the way.

Windows 8允许第三方浏览器在Metro环境中替换Internet Explorer( Windows RT除外)。 您现在可以在Metro中使用Google Chrome,而Firefox for Metro即将推出。

When Windows 8 is released, changing your Metro browser will be as simple as installing Firefox or Chrome and setting it as the default browser. Getting Firefox for Metro at this point would involve compiling it yourself.

Windows 8发布时,更改Metro浏览器就像安装Firefox或Chrome并将其设置为默认浏览器一样简单。 此时获取Firefox for Metro可能需要自己进行编译。

下载Chrome for Metro (Downloading Chrome for Metro)

To set Google Chrome as your default browser in Metro, you’ll have to grab the “Dev channel for Windows” release of Chrome from Google’s Chrome Release Channels page.

要将Google Chrome浏览器设置为Metro中的默认浏览器,您必须从Google的“ Chrome发布渠道”页面获取Chrome的“ Windows开发通道”版本。

Firefox Metro integration work is ongoing – I couldn’t get any of the current –elm branch builds to function in Metro at this point. If you really want to play with Firefox for Metro and help out, you can check out the Windows 8 Integration page on the Mozilla wiki for instructions on compiling it yourself – not for the faint of heart!

Firefox Metro集成工作正在进行中–目前,我无法获得任何现有的–elm分支构建以在Metro中运行。 如果您真的想使用Firefox for Metro并提供帮助,可以查看Mozilla Wiki上的Windows 8集成页面,以获取有关自己进行编译的说明-不用担心!

在Metro中激活浏览器 (Activating a Browser in Metro)

Only your default browser will be available in Metro. In other words, if you set Google Chrome as your default browser, you’ll lose access to the Metro version of Internet Explorer. If Internet Explorer remains your default browser, you won’t be able to use the Metro version of Google Chrome, even if it’s installed.

在Metro中只有默认的浏览器可用。 换句话说,如果将Google Chrome设置为默认浏览器,则将无法访问Metro版本的Internet Explorer。 如果Internet Explorer仍然是您的默认浏览器,则即使安装了Metro版本的Google Chrome,也将无法使用它。

You’ll be prompted to set Chrome as your default browser after installing it. Click the Next button and select Google Chrome in the list.

安装后,系统会提示您将Chrome设置为默认浏览器。 单击下一步按钮,然后在列表中选择Google Chrome。

You can change this setting later from the Default Programs window. Type Default Programs at the Start screen and press Enter to open it. From the Default Programs window, select the Set your default programs link.

您可以稍后在“默认程序”窗口中更改此设置。 在“开始”屏幕上键入“默认程序”,然后按Enter将其打开。 在“默认程序”窗口中,选择“设置默认程序”链接。

Locate Google Chrome in the list and click the Set this program as default option. To re-enable Internet Explorer as your default Metro browser, select Internet Explorer in this window and set it as your default browser.

在列表中找到Google Chrome,然后点击将此程序设置为默认选项。 要将Internet Explorer重新启用为默认的Metro浏览器,请在此窗口中选择Internet Explorer并将其设置为默认浏览器。

使用新的Metro浏览器 (Using Your New Metro Browser)

After setting a browser as your default, you’ll notice its icon on your Start screen has changed to a special Metro version. Internet Explorer’s Metro icon will change to a desktop icon, and will launch the desktop version of Internet Explorer when clicked. If you launch Google Chrome from the desktop, it will launch the desktop version instead of the Metro version.

将浏览器设置为默认浏览器后,您会注意到“开始”屏幕上的图标已更改为特殊的Metro版本。 Internet Explorer的Metro图标将变为桌面图标,并在单击时启动Internet Explorer的桌面版本。 如果您从桌面启动Google Chrome,它将启动桌面版本而不是Metro版本。

Currently, the Metro version of Google Chrome uses the same interface as the desktop version, but with a full-screen interface. Google says they’ll be “smoothing out the UI on Metro and improving touch support” before the release of Windows 8. (Source) Still, it’s interesting how close Google is sticking to the desktop version’s interface – which also looks similar on Android tablets – in comparison to Microsoft’s drastic interface changes between the desktop and Metro-style versions of Internet Explorer.

当前,Metro版本的Google Chrome浏览器使用与桌面版本相同的界面,但具有全屏界面。 谷歌表示,他们将在Windows 8发行之前“改善Metro上的UI并改善触摸支持”。(来源)不过,有趣的是,谷歌与桌面版本的界面保持着密切的联系-在Android平板电脑上看起来也是如此–与Microsoft在桌面版和Metro风格的Internet Explorer之间进行的大幅更改相比。

Chrome for Metro is integrated with the charms, so you can mouse over the top or bottom right corners of your screen and use the standard charm options. For example, you can use the Settings charm to access Chrome’s settings or the Share charm to share links from Chrome with other apps, such as the Mail app.

Chrome for Metro已与超级按钮集成在一起,因此您可以将鼠标悬停在屏幕的右上角或右下角,并使用标准超级按钮选项。 例如,您可以使用“设置”超级按钮访问Chrome的设置,或者使用“共享”超级按钮来与其他应用(例如“邮件”应用)共享来自Chrome的链接。

Chrome also supports Metro’s snap feature, so you can use it side-by-side with another Metro app.


If you find a bug in the Metro version of Chrome for Windows 8, Google encourages you to file a bug report.

如果您在Windows 8的Metro版本的Chrome中发现错误,则Google建议您提交错误报告。



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