
  • Events:如 click, change, input, submit 等用户事件
  • XMLHttpRequests:比如从远端服务获取数据
  • Timers: 比如 JavaScript 的自有 API setTimeout(), setInterval()


Respond when Angular sets or resets data-bound input properties. The method receives a SimpleChanges object of current and previous property values.
Note that this happens very frequently, so any operation you perform here impacts performance significantly.

看一个例子:子组件实现了Change detect hook:

子组件的bankName, 绑定到了父组件的bankName属性上:


export class BankAccount implements OnChanges{ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {debugger;}// This property is bound using its original name.@Input() bankName: string;// this property value is bound to a different property name// when this component is instantiated in a template.@Input('account-id') id: string;// this property is not bound, and is not automatically updated by AngularnormalizedBankName: string;
}@Component({selector: 'app',template: `<bank-account [bankName]="bankName" account-id="4747"></bank-account>`
export class App implements OnInit, AfterViewInit{_bankName = 'Jerry';ngAfterViewInit(): void {this._bankName = 'Jerry2';}get bankName(){debugger;return this._bankName;}ngOnInit(): void {debugger;}}






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