fbird_add_user — 别名 ibase_add_user

fbird_affected_rows — 别名 ibase_affected_rows

fbird_backup — 别名 ibase_backup

fbird_blob_add — 别名 ibase_blob_add

fbird_blob_cancel — Cancel creating blob

fbird_blob_close — 别名 ibase_blob_close

fbird_blob_create — 别名 ibase_blob_create

fbird_blob_echo — 别名 ibase_blob_echo

fbird_blob_get — 别名 ibase_blob_get

fbird_blob_import — 别名 ibase_blob_import

fbird_blob_info — 别名 ibase_blob_info

fbird_blob_open — 别名 ibase_blob_open

fbird_close — 别名 ibase_close

fbird_commit_ret — 别名 ibase_commit_ret

fbird_commit — 别名 ibase_commit

fbird_connect — 别名 ibase_connect

fbird_db_info — 别名 ibase_db_info

fbird_delete_user — 别名 ibase_delete_user

fbird_drop_db — 别名 ibase_drop_db

fbird_errcode — 别名 ibase_errcode

fbird_errmsg — 别名 ibase_errmsg

fbird_execute — 别名 ibase_execute

fbird_fetch_assoc — 别名 ibase_fetch_assoc

fbird_fetch_object — 别名 ibase_fetch_object

fbird_fetch_row — 别名 ibase_fetch_row

fbird_field_info — 别名 ibase_field_info

fbird_free_event_handler — 别名 ibase_free_event_handler

fbird_free_query — 别名 ibase_free_query

fbird_free_result — 别名 ibase_free_result

fbird_gen_id — 别名 ibase_gen_id

fbird_maintain_db — 别名 ibase_maintain_db

fbird_modify_user — 别名 ibase_modify_user

fbird_name_result — 别名 ibase_name_result

fbird_num_fields — 别名 ibase_num_fields

fbird_num_params — 别名 ibase_num_params

fbird_param_info — 别名 ibase_param_info

fbird_pconnect — 别名 ibase_pconnect

fbird_prepare — 别名 ibase_prepare

fbird_query — 别名 ibase_query

fbird_restore — 别名 ibase_restore

fbird_rollback_ret — 别名 ibase_rollback_ret

fbird_rollback — 别名 ibase_rollback

fbird_server_info — 别名 ibase_server_info

fbird_service_attach — 别名 ibase_service_attach

fbird_service_detach — 别名 ibase_service_detach

fbird_set_event_handler — 别名 ibase_set_event_handler

fbird_trans — 别名 ibase_trans

fbird_wait_event — 别名 ibase_wait_event

ibase_add_user — Add a user to a security database

ibase_affected_rows — Return the number of rows that were affected by the previous query

ibase_backup — Initiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediately

ibase_blob_add — Add data into a newly created blob

ibase_blob_cancel — Cancel creating blob

ibase_blob_create — Create a new blob for adding data

ibase_blob_echo — Output blob contents to browser

ibase_blob_get — Get len bytes data from open blob

ibase_blob_import — Create blob, copy file in it, and close it

ibase_blob_info — Return blob length and other useful info

ibase_blob_open — Open blob for retrieving data parts

ibase_close — Close a connection to an InterBase database

ibase_commit_ret — Commit a transaction without closing it

ibase_commit — Commit a transaction

ibase_connect — Open a connection to a database

ibase_db_info — Request statistics about a database

ibase_delete_user — Delete a user from a security database

ibase_drop_db — Drops a database

ibase_errcode — Return an error code

ibase_errmsg — Return error messages

ibase_execute — Execute a previously prepared query

ibase_fetch_assoc — Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array

ibase_fetch_object — Get an object from a InterBase database

ibase_fetch_row — Fetch a row from an InterBase database

ibase_field_info — Get information about a field

ibase_free_event_handler — Cancels a registered event handler

ibase_free_query — Free memory allocated by a prepared query

ibase_free_result — Free a result set

ibase_gen_id — Increments the named generator and returns its new value

ibase_maintain_db — Execute a maintenance command on the database server

ibase_modify_user — Modify a user to a security database

ibase_name_result — Assigns a name to a result set

ibase_num_fields — Get the number of fields in a result set

ibase_num_params — Return the number of parameters in a prepared query

ibase_param_info — Return information about a parameter in a prepared query

ibase_pconnect — Open a persistent connection to an InterBase database

ibase_prepare — Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution

ibase_query — Execute a query on an InterBase database

ibase_restore — Initiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediately

ibase_rollback_ret — Roll back a transaction without closing it

ibase_rollback — Roll back a transaction

ibase_server_info — Request information about a database server

ibase_service_attach — Connect to the service manager

ibase_service_detach — Disconnect from the service manager

ibase_set_event_handler — Register a callback function to be called when events are posted

ibase_trans — Begin a transaction

ibase_wait_event — Wait for an event to be posted by the database

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