



// Card.java Author: Lewis and Loftus


// Solution to Programming Project 4.5


import java.util.*;

public class Card


public final static int ACE = 1;

public final static int TWO = 2;

public final static int THREE = 3;

public final static int FOUR = 4;

public final static int FIVE = 5;

public final static int SIX = 6;

public final static int SEVEN = 7;

public final static int EIGHT = 8;

public final static int NINE = 9;

public final static int TEN = 10;

public final static int JACK = 11;

public final static int QUEEN = 12;

public final static int KING = 13;

public final static int CLUBS = 1;

public final static int DIAMONDS = 2;

public final static int HEARTS = 3;

public final static int SPADES = 4;

private final static int NUM_FACES = 13;

private final static int NUM_SUITS = 4;

private int face,suit;

private String faceName,suitName;

private int myInt1,myInt2;

Random rand = new Random();


// Creates a random card.


public Card ()


face = rand.nextInt(4) + 1;


suit = rand.nextInt(13) + 1;




// Sets the string representation of the face using its stored

// numeric value.


private void setFaceName()


switch (face)


case 1:

faceName = "Ace";


case 2:

faceName = "Two";


case 3:

faceName = "Three";


case 4:

faceName = "Four";


case 5:

faceName = "Five";


case 6:

faceName = "Six";


case 7:

faceName = "Seven";


case 8:

faceName = "Eight";


case 9:

faceName = "Nine";


case 10:

faceName = "Ten";


case 11:

faceName = "Jack";


case 12:

faceName = "Queen";


case 13:

faceName = "King";





// Sets the string representation of the suit using its stored

// numeric value.


private void setSuitName()


switch (suit)


case 1:

suitName = "Clubs";


case 2:

suitName = "Diamonds";


case 3:

suitName = "Hearts";


case 4:

suitName = "Spades";





// Determines if this card is higher than the passed card. The

// second parameter determines if aces should be considered high

// (beats a King) or low (lowest of all faces). Uses the suit

// if both cards have the same face.


public boolean isHigherThan (Card card2,boolean aceHigh)


boolean result = false;

if (face == card2.getFace())


if (suit > card2.getSuit())

result = true;




if (aceHigh && face == ACE)

result = true;


if (face > card2.getFace())

result = true;


return result;



// Determines if this card is higher than the passed card,// assuming that aces should be considered high.


public boolean isHigherThan (Card card2)


return isHigherThan (card2,true);



// Returns the face (numeric value) of this card.


public int getFace ()


return face;



// Returns the suit (numeric value) of this card.


public int getSuit ()


return suit;



// Returns the face (string value) of this card.


public String getFaceName ()


return faceName;



// Returns the suit (string value) of this card.


public String getSuitName ()


return suitName;



// Returns the string representation of this card,including

// both face and suit.


public String toString ()


return faceName + " of " + suitName;



我有一张Deck Of cards文件可以创建52张卡片

import java.util.*;

public class DeckOfCards


private Card deckOfCards[];

private int currentCardUsed;

private final int NumberOfCards = 52;

private int nextCard;

private Random rand;

String myString = "All Cards have been dealt.";

public DeckOfCards()


deckOfCards = new Card[NumberOfCards];

currentCardUsed = 0;

Random rand = new Random();

for(int index = 0; index < deckOfCards.length; index ++)


deckOfCards[index] = new Card();



public void shuffleCards()


currentCardUsed = 0;

for(int newCard = 0; newCard < deckOfCards.length; newCard ++)


int nextCard = rand.nextInt(NumberOfCards);

Card temporaryDeck = deckOfCards[newCard];

deckOfCards[newCard] = deckOfCards[nextCard];

deckOfCards[nextCard] = temporaryDeck;



public Card dealCard()


if(currentCardUsed < deckOfCards.length)


return deckOfCards[currentCardUsed ++];




return null;





public class DeckTester


public static void main(String [] args)


DeckOfCards deck = new DeckOfCards();











Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at DeckOfCards.shuffleCards(DeckOfCards.java:39)

at DeckTester.main(DeckTester.java:8)


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