IdentityHashMap类的put()方法 (IdentityHashMap Class put() method)

  • put() method is available in java.util package.


  • put() method is used to set the given value element (val_ele) with the given key element (key_ele) when no value element associated previously with the given key otherwise it replaces the old value element with the given new value element (val_ele) for the given key element (key_ele) when any value element associated with the given key previously.


  • put() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.


  • put() method does not throw an exception at the time of replacing the value element if exists.




    public Value put(Key key_ele, Value val_ele);



  • Key key_ele – represents the key element with which the given value is to be linked.

    Key key_ele –表示与给定值链接的键元素。

  • Value val_ele – represents the value element to be linked with the given key element (key_ele).

    值val_ele –表示要与给定键元素(key_ele)链接的value元素。

Return value:


The return type of the method is Value, it returns the old value element linked with the given key element (key_ele) when exists otherwise it returns null.

该方法的返回类型为Value ,如果存在则返回与给定键元素(key_ele)链接的旧value元素,否则返回null。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of Value put(Key key_ele, Value val_ele)
// method of IdentityHashMap
import java.util.*;
public class PutOfIdentityHashMap {public static void main(String[] args) {// Instantiates a IdentityHashMap object
Map < Integer, String > map = new IdentityHashMap < Integer, String > ();
// By using put() method is to add
// key-value pairs in a IdentityHashMap
map.put(10, "C");
map.put(20, "C++");
map.put(50, "JAVA");
map.put(40, "PHP");
map.put(30, "SFDC");
// Display IdentityHashMap
System.out.println("IdentityHashMap: " + map);
// By using put() method is to
// replace the existing value associated
// for the given key element with the
// new value element
map.put(50, "Microservices");
// Display Modified IdentityHashMap
System.out.print("IdentityHashMap: " + map);



IdentityHashMap: {20=C++, 40=PHP, 50=JAVA, 30=SFDC, 10=C}
IdentityHashMap: {20=C++, 40=PHP, 50=Microservices, 30=SFDC, 10=C}


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