一.  ITSmobile简介

ITSmobile( Internet Transaction Server for Mobile)是新一代实现移动设备(如RF)应用的SAP技术,基于广泛应用Dynpro编程模式,ITSmobile代替了WEB SAPConsole,SAPConsole NW7.1 之后将被逐渐淘汰。ITSmobile适用于SAP Netweaver 7.10,7.0和SAP Netweaver 2004。ITSmobile是集成的一部分,基于Netweaver和ITS。





Ø 可以使用ABAP语言进行开发和调试

Ø 可以使用SAPGUI基于windows的调试

Ø 快速初始化模板和可视化的HTML

Ø 可以编辑模板生成的HTML,达到需求

Ø HTML 或者 JavaScript可以简单的集成



支持语音拣选(pick by voice),XHTML+Voice ,ITS XV Template generator

支持RFID (Radio-frequency identification)

http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/46/668d4b72255de4e10000000a1553f6/frameset.htm 更多的help



二、生成Internet Service和 模板

版本要求:SAP Web AS ABAP 620, Basis Support Package 63

Ø 执行 SE80,选择 package创建Internet service.

Ø 在树形结构包中选择 ITS Services并且右击选择Create ,

Ø 假如你已创建package ,击右Create ® More ® Internet Service.

Ø  Enter a service name and a transaction that is to be linked to the service. Leave the ITS Mixed Mode option unselected and save your entries.

A Theme 99 folder is created for the service at the same time as the service.

Ø  In transaction SE80, switch to your ABAP application and select all of the screens for which you want to create a template, and choose Create Template from the context menu (if necessary, through More Functions).

Ø Enter the name of the previously created service and a theme (such as 99) and selection Mobile Devices as the generation style.

Ø On the Parameters tab page, enter all of the required parameters. If you have created the service as screen-based and have already specified the associated transaction during the creation process, the parameter ~TRANSACTION is predefined.






Defines the service as a mobile service and sets the corresponding ITS standards.


<your transaction>

Specifies the transaction to be executed.


<your theme>

(for example, 99)

Specifies the desired theme for your service.

Ø Confirm by choosing Save.

You have now generated an ITS template for every selected screen. You now need to publish your newly-created Internet service on the ITS:

Ø In transaction SE80, switch back to your Internet service.

Ø Select the service and choose Publish ® Entire Service from the context menu.

Ø Note at this point, that to publish the entire service, you need to select at least one ITS instance (ITS site). To do this, in the ABAP Workbench, choose Utilities ® Settings. Choose the Internet Transaction Server tab page, and then choose Publish. At this point, you can decide the instances (sites) on which your service is to be published.

A message in the status line shows whether the publishing was successful.

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