

 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <cctype>
 4 #include <iostream>
 5 #include <algorithm>
 6 using namespace std;
 8 struct Cont
 9 {
10     int id, num, t_penalty;
11     int penalty[10];
12     bool solved[10], join;
13     bool operator < (const Cont & c) const
14     {
15         if (num != c.num)  return num > c.num;
16         if (t_penalty != c.t_penalty)  return t_penalty < c.t_penalty;
17         return id < c.id;
18     }
19 } cont[110];
21 int main()
22 {
23 #ifdef LOCAL
24     freopen("in", "r", stdin);
25 #endif
26     int T;
27     scanf("%d", &T);
28     getchar();
29     char str[100];
30     gets(str);
31     while (T--)
32     {
33         memset(cont, 0, sizeof(cont));
34         for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
35             cont[i].id = i;
36         while (gets(str) && str[0])
37         {
38             int c, p, time;
39             char ch;
40             sscanf(str, "%d%d%d", &c, &p, &time);
41             for (int i = strlen(str)-1; i >= 0; i++)
42                 if (isupper(str[i]))
43                 {
44                     ch = str[i];
45                     break;
46                 }
47             cont[c].join = true;
48             if (ch == 'C')
49             {
50                 if (!cont[c].solved[p])
51                 {
52                     cont[c].num++;
53                     cont[c].penalty[p] += time;
54                     cont[c].solved[p] = true;
55                 }
56             }
57             else if (ch == 'I')
58             {
59                 if (!cont[c].solved[p])
60                     cont[c].penalty[p] += 20;
61             }
62         }
63         for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
64             for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++)
65                 if (cont[i].solved[j])
66                     cont[i].t_penalty += cont[i].penalty[j];
67         sort(cont+1, cont+101);
68         for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
69             if (cont[i].join)
70                 printf("%d %d %d\n", cont[i].id, cont[i].num, cont[i].t_penalty);
71         if (T)  printf("\n");
72     }
73     return 0;
74 }

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