

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using WatiN.Core;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<LoginTester.LoginAccount> Accounts = new List<LoginTester.LoginAccount>();
            Accounts.Add(new LoginTester.LoginAccount() { UserName = "your user account", Password = "aaaaa", ShouldSuccess = false });
            Accounts.Add(new LoginTester.LoginAccount() { UserName = "your user account", Password = "", ShouldSuccess = false });
            Accounts.Add(new LoginTester.LoginAccount() { UserName = "your user account", Password = "your password", ShouldSuccess = true });

LoginTester tester = new LoginTester("http://passport.cnblogs.com/login.aspx", "http://home.cnblogs.com", "tbUserName", "tbPassword", "btnLogin");
            tester.BrowserVisible = true;
            Accounts.ForEach(t=>tester.ExecuteTest(t.UserName, t.Password, t.ShouldSuccess));

            Console.WriteLine("************Test Report Summary****************");

public class LoginTester
            public class LoginAccount
                public string UserName { get; set; }
                public string Password { get; set; }
                public bool ShouldSuccess { get; set; }

private string loginUrl = string.Empty;
            private string loginSuccessForwaredUrl = string.Empty;
            private string loginButtonName = string.Empty;
            private string userNameFieldName = string.Empty;
            private string passwordFieldName = string.Empty;
            public string ReportSummary { get; private set; }
            public bool BrowserVisible { get; set; }

public LoginTester(string loginUrl, string loginSuccessForwaredUrl, string userNameFieldName, string passwordFieldName, string loginButtonName)
                this.loginUrl = loginUrl;
                this.loginSuccessForwaredUrl = loginSuccessForwaredUrl;

this.userNameFieldName = userNameFieldName;
                this.passwordFieldName = passwordFieldName;
                this.loginButtonName = loginButtonName;

public void ExecuteTest(string userName, string password, bool loginSuccess)
                string msg = string.Format("用户名: {0}, 密码: {1}, 期望能否登录: {2}", userName, password, loginSuccess);

using (IE browser = new IE(this.loginUrl))
                    browser.Visible = this.BrowserVisible;

bool loginIsSuccess = browser.Url.IndexOf(this.loginSuccessForwaredUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0;

msg = string.Format("{0}\r\n        {1}", msg, loginIsSuccess == loginSuccess ? "Successful" : "Failed");
                    ReportSummary += msg+"\r\n";





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