Note: This article is currently only a draft and is a part of a

series of articles I’m going to publish the next few months – if you

want to contribute to it, please feel free to. However it would be nice

if you could coordinate your efforts with


This article is still work in progress and still needs a lot of effort.



MagicSysRq is a special key combination which lets the user perform

certain low level tasks of the kernel and is especially useful when the

whole system seems to be hung. MagicSysRq e.g. makes it possible to,

more or less, cleanly shutdown a system, which doesn’t even respond to

CTRL+ALT+DEL any more.

The MagicSysRq functions are invoked by pressing ALT+SysRq+Function Key

where function key describes one of the following.

TODO:Insert table here


The probably most used combination of MagicSysRq functions is the one

RSEIUB, which can be easyly remebered by the mnemonic trick “Raising

Elephants is so utterly boringfootnote{“You can still find several

references the mnemonic Raising Skinny Elephants is utterly boring on

the internet – however it is probably better to do the sync after the

tasks exited/were killed} – although we’re dealing with penguins here

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