
/********************************************************************** @fn      AF_DataRequest** @brief   Common functionality for invoking APSDE_DataReq() for both*          SendMulti and MSG-Send.** input parameters** @param  *dstAddr - Full ZB destination address: Nwk Addr + End Point.* @param  *srcEP - Origination (i.e. respond to or ack to) End Point Descr.* @param   cID - A valid cluster ID as specified by the Profile.* @param   len - Number of bytes of data pointed to by next param.* @param  *buf - A pointer to the data bytes to send.* @param  *transID - A pointer to a byte which can be modified and which will*                    be used as the transaction sequence number of the msg.* @param   options - Valid bit mask of Tx options.* @param   radius - Normally set to AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS.** output parameters** @param  *transID - Incremented by one if the return value is success.** @return  afStatus_t - See previous definition of afStatus_... types.*/
uint8 AF_DataRequestDiscoverRoute = TRUE;
afStatus_t AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP,uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID,uint8 options, uint8 radius )
{pDescCB pfnDescCB;ZStatus_t stat;APSDE_DataReq_t req;afDataReqMTU_t mtu;// Verify source end pointif ( srcEP == NULL ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}#if !defined( REFLECTOR )if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrNotPresent ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
#endif// Validate broadcastingif ( ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr16Bit     ) ||( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast )    ){// Check for valid broadcast valuesif( ADDR_NOT_BCAST != NLME_IsAddressBroadcast( dstAddr->addr.shortAddr )  ){// Force mode to broadcastdstAddr->addrMode = afAddrBroadcast;}else{// Address is not a valid broadcast typeif ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}}}else if ( dstAddr->addrMode != afAddr64Bit &&dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrGroup &&dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrNotPresent ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}// Set destination addressreq.dstAddr.addrMode = dstAddr->addrMode;if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr64Bit )osal_cpyExtAddr( req.dstAddr.addr.extAddr, dstAddr->addr.extAddr );//数组 所以拷贝elsereq.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = dstAddr->addr.shortAddr;//数字,直接赋值req.profileID = ZDO_PROFILE_ID;if ( (pfnDescCB = afGetDescCB( srcEP )) ){uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pfnDescCB(AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, srcEP->endPoint ));if ( pID ){req.profileID = *pID;osal_mem_free( pID );}}else if ( srcEP->simpleDesc ){req.profileID = srcEP->simpleDesc->AppProfId;}req.txOptions = 0;if ( ( options & AF_ACK_REQUEST              ) &&( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrBroadcast ) &&( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrGroup     )    ){req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_ACK;}if ( options & AF_SKIP_ROUTING ){req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_SKIP_ROUTING;}if ( options & AF_EN_SECURITY ){req.txOptions |= APS_TX_OPTIONS_SECURITY_ENABLE;mtu.aps.secure = TRUE;}else{mtu.aps.secure = FALSE;}mtu.kvp = FALSE;req.transID       = *transID;req.srcEP         = srcEP->endPoint;req.dstEP         = dstAddr->endPoint;req.clusterID     = cID;req.asduLen       = len;req.asdu          = buf;req.discoverRoute = AF_DataRequestDiscoverRoute;//(uint8)((options & AF_DISCV_ROUTE) ? 1 : 0);req.radiusCounter = radius;
#if defined ( INTER_PAN )req.dstPanId      = dstAddr->panId;if ( StubAPS_InterPan( dstAddr->panId, dstAddr->endPoint ) ){if ( len > INTERP_DataReqMTU() ){stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}else{stat = INTERP_DataReq( &req );}}else
#endif // INTER_PAN{if (len > afDataReqMTU( &mtu ) ){if (apsfSendFragmented){stat = (*apsfSendFragmented)( &req );}else{stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}}else{stat = APSDE_DataReq( &req );}}/** If this is an EndPoint-to-EndPoint message on the same device, it will not* get added to the NWK databufs. So it will not go OTA and it will not get* a MACCB_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD callback. Thus it is necessary to generate the* AF_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD here. Note that APSDE_DataConfirm() only generates one* message with the first in line TransSeqNumber, even on a multi message.* Also note that a reflected msg will not have its confirmation generated* here.*/if ( (req.dstAddr.addrMode == Addr16Bit) &&(req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr == NLME_GetShortAddr()) ){afDataConfirm( srcEP->endPoint, *transID, stat );}if ( stat == afStatus_SUCCESS ){(*transID)++;}return (afStatus_t)stat;


typedef struct
{union{uint16      shortAddr;ZLongAddr_t extAddr;} addr;afAddrMode_t addrMode;byte endPoint;uint16 panId;  // used for the INTER_PAN feature
} afAddrType_t;

指定发送选项options,比如是否加密 AF_SKIP_ROUTING


typedef struct
{byte endPoint;byte *task_id;  // Pointer to location of the Application task ID.SimpleDescriptionFormat_t *simpleDesc;afNetworkLatencyReq_t latencyReq;
} endPointDesc_t;

  req.profileID = srcEP->simpleDesc->AppProfId;
  req.srcEP         = srcEP->endPoint;


/********************************************************************** @fn          afIncomingData** @brief       Transfer a data PDU (ASDU) from the APS sub-layer to the AF.** @param       aff  - pointer to APS frame format* @param       SrcAddress  - Source address* @param       sig - incoming message's link quality* @param       SecurityUse - Security enable/disable** @return      none*/
void afIncomingData( aps_FrameFormat_t *aff, zAddrType_t *SrcAddress, uint16 SrcPanId,NLDE_Signal_t *sig, byte SecurityUse, uint32 timestamp )
{endPointDesc_t *epDesc = NULL;uint16 epProfileID = 0xFFFF;  // Invalid Profile IDepList_t *pList = epList;
#if !defined ( APS_NO_GROUPS )    uint8 grpEp = APS_GROUPS_EP_NOT_FOUND;
#endif  if ( ((aff->FrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK) == APS_FC_DM_GROUP) ){
#if !defined ( APS_NO_GROUPS )    // Find the first endpoint for this groupgrpEp = aps_FindGroupForEndpoint( aff->GroupID, APS_GROUPS_FIND_FIRST );if ( grpEp == APS_GROUPS_EP_NOT_FOUND )return;   // No endpoint foundepDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( grpEp );if ( epDesc == NULL )return;   // Endpoint descriptor not foundpList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );
#elsereturn; // Not supported
#endif    }else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == AF_BROADCAST_ENDPOINT ){// Set the listif ( pList != NULL ){epDesc = pList->epDesc;}}else if ( (epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( aff->DstEndPoint )) ){pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );}while ( epDesc ){if ( pList->pfnDescCB ){uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pList->pfnDescCB(AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, epDesc->endPoint ));if ( pID ){epProfileID = *pID;osal_mem_free( pID );}}else if ( epDesc->simpleDesc ){epProfileID = epDesc->simpleDesc->AppProfId;}if ( (aff->ProfileID == epProfileID) ||((epDesc->endPoint == ZDO_EP) && (aff->ProfileID == ZDO_PROFILE_ID)) ){{afBuildMSGIncoming( aff, epDesc, SrcAddress, SrcPanId, sig, SecurityUse, timestamp );}}if ( ((aff->FrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK) == APS_FC_DM_GROUP) ){
#if !defined ( APS_NO_GROUPS )      // Find the next endpoint for this groupgrpEp = aps_FindGroupForEndpoint( aff->GroupID, grpEp );if ( grpEp == APS_GROUPS_EP_NOT_FOUND )return;   // No endpoint foundepDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( grpEp );if ( epDesc == NULL )return;   // Endpoint descriptor not foundpList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );
#endif      }else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == AF_BROADCAST_ENDPOINT ){pList = pList->nextDesc;if ( pList )epDesc = pList->epDesc;elseepDesc = NULL;}elseepDesc = NULL;}}


typedef struct
{byte FrmCtrl;byte XtndFrmCtrl;byte DstEndPoint;byte SrcEndPoint;uint16 GroupID;uint16 ClusterID;uint16 ProfileID;uint16 macDestAddr;byte wasBroadcast;byte apsHdrLen;byte *asdu;byte asduLength;byte ApsCounter;uint8 transID;uint8 BlkCount;uint8 AckBits;
} aps_FrameFormat_t;

其中重要信息有:目的端点,源端点,组号,clustid,profileid,asdu(应用层负载),asdu len


typedef struct
{union{uint16      shortAddr;ZLongAddr_t extAddr;} addr;byte addrMode;
} zAddrType_t;






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