photoshop 插件

Photoshop is already a powerful and versatile app, but you can make it even more powerful, more versatile, and easier to use with Photoshop Add-Ons.


Photoshop Add-Ons theoretically come in two flavors, Extensions and Plug-ins, although the differences are mainly behind the scenes. Both do much the same thing: they either add new functionality to Photoshop—like better HDR processing or the ability to export layers to CSS—or make it simpler to use Photoshop’s existing feature set—like panels that group together a load of retouching actions or create lots of specific layers or masks at once.

从理论上讲,Photoshop附加组件有两种形式,即扩展和插件,尽管差异主要在幕后。 两者的功能大致相同:它们要么向Photoshop添加新功能(例如更好的HDR处理 能力,要么将图层导出到CSS的能力),或者使使用Photoshop现有功能集的操作更简单(例如将大量修饰动作组合在一起的面板或一次创建许多特定的图层或蒙版 。

Photoshop add-ons vary hugely in scale. Some are simple, one button panels that get added to your interface. Others are stand-alone, fully featured editing apps that hook into Photoshop. Let’s have a quick look at the two ends of the spectrum.

Photoshop加载项的规模差异很大。 一些简单的一键式面板已添加到您的界面中。 其他的则是独立的,功能齐全的编辑应用程序,它们可以连接到Photoshop。 让我们快速看一下频谱的两端。

Lumizone is a plug-in panel that makes it easy to select and mask different areas of your images based on how light or dark they are. In the image below, I’ve turned all the darkest shadow areas green. You can see how the highlights—even in the shadow areas—are left untouched. While it’s possible to do this in Photoshop without Lumizone or a similar plug-in, it’s a lot more work.

Lumizone是一个插件面板,可根据它们的亮或暗程度轻松选择和遮盖图像的不同区域。 在下图中,我将所有最暗的阴影区域变为绿色。 您可以看到即使在阴影区域中的高光也保持不变。 尽管可以在不使用Lumizone或类似插件的情况下在Photoshop中执行此操作,但要做的工作还很多。

At the other end of the scale, Luminar is a full photo editor in its own right, but you can use it as a Photoshop plugin. When you edit an image in Photoshop, you can send it to Luminar, make some changes, and then send it back to Photoshop with those changes applied. Here, we’re editing an image in Luminar’s plugin.

另一方面, Luminar本身就是一个完整的照片编辑器 ,但是您可以将其用作Photoshop插件。 在Photoshop中编辑图像时,可以将其发送到Luminar,进行一些更改,然后应用这些更改将其发送回Photoshop。 在这里,我们正在Luminar的插件中编辑图像。

And here’s the same image back in Photoshop ready for further edits.


If we’re being a little general in describing add-ons, it’s because there’re thousands of them available. Adobe lets developers integrate deeply with Photoshop using a variety of different scripting languages and methods so there are almost no limits to what they can do.

如果我们对加载项的描述有些笼统,那是因为有数千种加载项可用。 Adobe使开发人员可以使用多种不同的脚本语言和方法与Photoshop进行深度集成,因此他们可以做什么几乎不受限制。

Photoshop附加组件入门 (Getting Started With Photoshop Add-Ons)

You’re most likely to run into Photoshop add-ons when you search Google for a way to do something quickly or more efficiently. For example, Adobe kind of missed the boat (or more like, totally ignored the boat) on the filter-editing movement inspired by Instagram. Photoshop’s built-in Filter Gallery is, honestly, a throwback to the 90s.

当您搜索Google来快速或更有效地执行某项操作时,您最有可能会遇到Photoshop附加组件。 例如,Adobe有点错过了Instagram启发的滤镜编辑运动中的船(或更像是完全忽略了船)。 老实说,Photoshop的内置Filter Gallery可以追溯到90年代。

Other developers have stepped up to add this functionality to Photoshop. Luminar, Color Effex Pro, Filter Forge, and dozens of other apps add intuitive filter based editing. If you need the power of Photoshop but want certain kinds of adjustments to be more straightforward and more repeatable, they’re a great place to start. And as soon as you begin Googling ways to get Instagram filters in Photoshop, you’ll find them.

其他开发人员已加紧将此功能添加到Photoshop中。 Luminar, Color Effex Pro , Filter Forge和许多其他应用程序添加了直观的基于滤镜的编辑。 如果您需要Photoshop的强大功能,但又希望某些调整更加直接和可重复,那么这是一个很好的起点。 并且,一旦您开始使用Google搜索在Photoshop中获取Instagram滤镜的方法,便会找到它们。

Similarly, if you’re looking for how to add your photo to a mock book or magazine cover, you’ll probably encounter PSD Covers and their plug-in. If you’re having difficulty doing something in Photoshop, start searching for “[my problem] Photoshop plug-in” and see where that gets you.

同样,如果您正在寻找如何将照片添加到模拟书或杂志的封面,则可能会遇到PSD Covers及其插件。 如果您在Photoshop中执行某项操作时遇到困难,请开始搜索“ [我的问题] Photoshop插件”,然后看一下如何找到您。

Adobe also maintains an (incomplete) list of third-party plug-ins and an (also incomplete) marketplace. You’ll find a mix of free and paid add-ons there. Have a look through and see what catches your eye.

Adobe还维护一个(不完整的)第三方插件列表和一个(也不完整的)市场 。 您会在此处找到免费和付费加载项的混合。 浏览一下,看看什么引起您的注意。

Once you’ve found an add-on, you want to try, download it and work through its specific installation instructions. You usually just have to double-click on an installer, follow a wizard, and restart Photoshop.

找到加载项后,您想尝试下载它并按照其特定的安装说明进行操作。 通常,您只需双击安装程序,按照向导操作,然后重新启动Photoshop。

使用Photoshop附加组件 (Using Photoshop Add-Ons)

In general, you access Photoshop add-ons in one of two ways: from a new panel or through the Filter menu. Let’s take them one at a time.

通常,您可以通过以下两种方式之一访问Photoshop附加组件:从新面板或通过“过滤器”菜单。 让我们一次带他们一个。

Photoshop面板 (Photoshop Panels)

Before you can use a Photoshop panel based add-on, you need to add it to the interface, since Photoshop does not show all panels by default. With the add-on installed, go to Windows > Extensions and select the panel from the list. You can see I’ve got four add-on panels installed.

在使用基于Photoshop面板的附加组件之前,需要将其添加到界面中,因为Photoshop 默认情况下不会显示所有面板 。 安装了附加组件后,转到Windows>扩展,然后从列表中选择面板。 您可以看到我已经安装了四个附加面板。

And just like that, the panel appears, ready for you to use.


Photoshop滤镜 (Photoshop Filters)

Filters work a bit differently. Open the image you plan to send to a plug-in in Photoshop and make any edits you want. You then have two options:

过滤器的工作方式略有不同。 在Photoshop中打开要发送到插件的图像,然后进行所需的编辑。 然后,您有两个选择:

  • If you haven’t used any layers, duplicate the background to a new layer with the keyboard shortcut Control+J (on Windows) or Command+J (on macOS).如果您尚未使用任何图层,请使用键盘快捷键Control + J(在Windows上)或Command + J(在macOS上)将背景复制到新图层。
  • If you have used some layers or adjustment layers, merge everything to a new top layer with the keyboard shortcut Control+Alt+Shift+E (on Windows) or Command+Option+Shift+E (on macOS).如果您使用了某些图层或调整图层,请使用键盘快捷键Control + Alt + Shift + E(在Windows上)或Command + Option + Shift + E(在macOS上)将所有内容合并到新的顶层。

Either way, you’ll end up with a new layer on top of everything, ready to be sent to the plug-in.


Select the layer and then open the “Filter” menu. At the bottom of the list, you’ll see each filter manufacturer whose filters you’ve installed. I have NBP, Nik, and Skylum plug-ins.

选择图层,然后打开“过滤器”菜单。 在列表的底部,您将看到每个已安装过滤器的过滤器制造商。 我有NBP,Nik和Skylum插件。

Select the plug-in you want to use from the list and Photoshop sends the selected layer to the filter.


Make any edits you want, and when you’re done, click the button that says something like Apply, Done, or Okay—it’s different from filter to filter. All the edits you’ve made are applied, and the merged layer is sent back to Photoshop.

进行所需的任何编辑,完成后,单击显示诸如“应用”,“完成”或“确定”之类的按钮-过滤器与过滤器不同。 应用您所做的所有编辑,并将合并后的图层发送回Photoshop。

Photoshop is the king for a reason. With add-ons, third-party developers have probably added anything you think is missing.

Photoshop之所以成为国王是有原因的。 使用附加组件,第三方开发人员可能添加了您认为丢失的任何内容。


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