
1. Photo-Mosaic text effect in Photoshop

This will illustrate how to create a mosaic type effect using random photographs and a bold font. All you need are some pretty photos you can get from anywhere and creativity. This is really easy to do but you can get some very impressive results if your put your creative mind to work.

2. Creating Cardiac Rate Effect with Photoshop

On this Photoshop tutorial i am going to show u how to make cardiac rate effect which I got by experimenting with Photoshop filters.

3. How to Create Eroded Metal Text With Photoshop

This tutorial shows you how to create an eroded metal text effect. Throughout this tutorial various drawing techniques, channels, and patterns will be used

4. How to Create Typography Poster Enigma Using Photoshop

This tutorial goes through the process of making this typography poster called “Enigma” only using Adobe Photoshop. You will have a basic look into the 3D-Tool of Photoshop, how to texture and stylize your 3D Typography and how to make a shiny space background to create your own space-inspired text

5. L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

This tutorial will show you how to create the text effect like you see in the L.A Noire game cover. The whole tutorial will take about 1-1:30h. It’s a bit tricky but the outcome is really cool.

6.Honey leaking effect on the delicious pancake.

This tutorial shows the leaking effect of honey on the delicious pancake.

7.Create a 3D Text Effect Using Photoshop Layer Styles

In this tutorial it is showed that how powerful and flexible this tool is. We will go beyond the overused gradient overlay and 1px stroke effects. We will use patterns and some useful tricks to create a 3D text effects.

8.Photoshop Tutorial – Creating 3D Text Effect with Blending Options

In this tutorial you would learn how to play with various blending options and image manipulation techniques to come up with a three dimensional (3D) text effect like the one displayed below.

9. Learn to Create Marble Text Effect

This tutorial explains how to use Photoshop layer styles and Filters to create a nice marble text effect.

10.Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect

This Photoshop tutorial explains how to create a nice simple stuffed text effect, using Photoshop layers, styles and filters.

11. Create Space Style Text Effect

This tutorial will show you how to create a futuristic space-style text effect, using Photoshop layer styles and a couple of filters.

12.Create Creepy, Branch Based Typography

This tutorial makes you learn how to create some creepy looking, unique typography using photo-manipulation and branch images. Perfect for a horror themed design

13.Creating Good Enough to Eat Typography

Learn to create typography that’s good enough to eat! This tasty type is constructed by manipulating icons, working with lighting effects for an appetizing gleam, and working with the path tool to create some gloopy ketchup!

14.Glossy Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial

In this tutorial we would be playing around with 3D effects for our typography, implementing various manipulation effects in the process.

15.Design an Awesome Desert Ruin (3D) Text Effect in Photoshop

This tutorial makes you learn to design an Awesome Desert Ruin Text Effect in Photoshop

16.Create an Ancient Stone Text Effect

This tutorial creates an Ancient Stone text effect Inspired by The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM Game in Photoshop

17. Create a Cool Liquid Text Effect with Feather Brush Decoration in Photoshop

This tuotrial creates a Cool Liquid Text Effect with Feather Brush Decoration in Photoshop

18. Create a 3D text effect in Photoshop

How to create 3D text effect in Photoshop using editable text and layer styles is shown in this tutorial.

19.Create Eye-Catching text effect

Usign this tutorial you will learn to create eye-catching text effect using a few filters and layer styles.

20. Light Tubes Text Effect

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Photoshop layer styles and brushes to create a nice glossy text effect, with some light tips around the letters.

21. Chocolate Bar Text Effect

This tutorial explains how to create a simple pattern, then using it along with a couple of layer styles to make a chocolate bar like text effect. It then explains how to modify a simple brush to add a nice filling to the text, and finally, adding some adjustment layers to complete the effect.

22. Glossy Encapsulated Text Effect

This tutorial explains a simple way to create a glossy encapsulated text effect, using layer styles to create the glossy plastic like effect, and simple filters to create the texture.

23. Yummy Cookies Typography in Photoshop

This tutorial shows how to create a really nice text effect playing with cookies texture and layer styles. The technique is super simple and the whole process won’t take more than 30 minutes.

24. Realistic fire text effect – fast

Introducing the fast way to fire text effect, there are many fire tutorials out there but some of them are very long and imply to many photoshop tehniques that for a beginner photoshop user are to hard. So this is how you create a realistic fire text effect fast with this photoshop tutorial.

25. Creating Text Style with Wood Effect – Photoshop Tutorial

This Photoshop Tutorial will help you create a text effect using wood texture. You can use different texture to create awesome text styles. In this tutorial we would be using various textures and blending options to come with a beautiful wooden textured text like the one displayed below.

26. Design a Dirty, Cracked Text with Blood Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will see the steps took to Design a Dirty, Cracked Text with Blood Effect in Photoshop

27. How to Create Grunge Medieval Text in Photoshop

This tutorial shows to create grunge Medieva; Text in Photoshop

28.Leather Text Effect

This tutorial will explain how to use the layer styles to achieve a leather-like text effect, and how to create a nice glossy stroke to add more depth to the final effect.

29. Crumpled Paper Textured 3D Text Effect In Photoshop CS5

This tutorial will explain how to decorate the 3D text created in Part 1, and finalize the effect, using some brushes, textures and adjustment layers.

30. Fusion Text Effect

This tutorial creates a bright fusion text effect using brushes and layer styles.

31. Add Text To A Landscape

This tutorial teches you how to add text to a landscape.

32. Banana style text effect

This tutorials gives you step by step of makingbanana style text effect

33. Glossy Futuristic Text Effect

A simple way for creating a super glossy reflective text effect, and adding a nice texture for a more futuristic look.

34. Lace Stroke Text Effect

In this tutorial, we are going to create a lace brush and modify its settings to create a lace-like stroke, and then, apply some layer styles to finish up the text effect.

35. Smilies Text Effect

This tutorial will explain one of the approaches to create a pattern, and then, using it to create a nice text effect.

36. How to Create a Chocolate Text Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial learn how to create a ‘Chocolatey Goodness’ text effect in Illustrator and Photoshop. You’ll learn the benefits of the burn and dodge tool while experimenting with Layer Styles.

37. Colorful Light Text Effect

In this tutorial,you can create a nice bright colorful light text effect.

38. Simple Abstract Text with Brushes, Cloud and Warp Tool in Photoshop

This tutorial teches you how to use self-made brush to create some nice abstract effect, plus having fun with the cloud filter and warp tool in Photoshop,combined all these into making this abstract text effect, hopefully you will find it useful Spicing up business cards with logos and design elements can have a lasting effect.

39. Elegant Green Text Effect

In this tutorial,you can create a really simple but elegant fresh-looking text effect using layer styles to give the text a metallic look, then, applying some filters to create the nice texture.

40. Ice Text

This tutorial shows how to make cool Ice text effect.



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    从食物,草和水到复古,发光或哈利波特,在Photoshop中创建文字效果的可能性是无限的. 但是,作为图形设计师,您确实需要一些指导或灵感来设计创意文本效果–对于这种情况,在线教程是最佳的来源. 好吧 ...

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    和学员沟通交流的时候,希望老师编写一篇关于折纸效果的photoshop教程.如下面的PS折纸文字效果.    恰逢最近做的项目中用到了一个不错的字体设计案例,一起分享一下吧.   ps折纸字的设计思路 ...

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  9. PS趣味文字效果之一

    日期:2006-07-23     人气: <script language="javascript" src="http://www.fwvv.net/d/cou ...

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