我无法使用map的迭代器调用show函数 . 有没有办法使用迭代器来做到这一点?




using namespace std;

class A


int i;


A(int pi):i(pi) { cout<

void show() const { cout<

~A() { cout<


int main()


map mymap;

A a(9) , b(8) , c(7);

mymap['a'] = a;

mymap['b'] = b;

mymap['c'] = c;

map::iterator it;

for(it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end() ; it++)


return 0;


在使用 it->second.show() 时,我收到以下错误:

在/ usr / include / c /4.9/bits/stl_map.h:63:0中包含的文件中,来自/ usr / include / c /4.9/map:61,来自3:/ usr / include / c /4.9/元组:在实例化'std :: pair <_t1> :: pair(std :: tuple <_args1 ...>&,std :: tuple <_args2 ...>&,std :: _ Index_tuple <_indexes1 . ..>,std :: _ Index_tuple <_indexes2 ...>)[with Args1 = {char &&}; long unsigned int ... Indexes1 = {0ul}; Args2 = {}; long unsigned int ... Indexes2 = {}; _T1 = const char; _T2 = A]':/ usr / include / c /4.9/tuple:1093:63:从'std :: pair <_t1> :: pair(std :: piecewise_construct_t,std :: tuple <_args1 .. .>,std :: tuple <_args2 ...>)[with _Args1 = {char &&}; _Args2 = {}; _T1 = const char; _T2 = A]'/ usr / include / c /4.9/ext/new_allocator.h:120:4:需要'void __gnu_cxx :: new_allocator :: construct(Up *, Args && ...)[with _Up = std :: pair; _Args = {const std :: piecewise_construct_t&,std :: tuple,std :: tuple <>}; _Tp = std :: _ Rb_tree_node>]'/ usr / include / c /4.9/bits/alloc_traits.h:253:4:需要'static std :: _ Require :: __ construct_helper :: type> std: :allocator_traits :: _ S_construct(Alloc&, Tp *, Args && ...)[with _Tp = std :: pair; _Args = {const std :: piecewise_construct_t&,std :: tuple,std :: tuple <>}; _Alloc = std :: allocator >>; std :: _ Require :: __ construct_helper <_tp> :: type> = void]'/ usr / include / c /4.9/bits/alloc_traits.h:399:57:'static decltype(S_construct( a, p) ,(forward <_args>)(std :: allocator_traits :: construct :: __ args)...))std :: allocator_traits :: construct(Alloc&, Tp *, Args && ...)[with Tp = std ::对; Args = {const std :: piecewise_construct_t&,std :: tuple,std :: tuple <>}; Alloc = std :: allocator >>; decltype(S_construct( a, p,(forward <_args>)(std :: allocator_traits :: construct :: __ args)...))=]'/ usr / include / c /4.9/bits/stl_tree.h:423 :42:需要'std :: _ Rb_tree_node <_val> * std :: _ Rb_tree <_key> :: _ M_create_node( Args && ...)[with _Args = {const std :: piecewise_construct_t&,std :: tuple,std :: tuple <>}; _Key = char; _Val = std :: pair; _KeyOfValue = std :: _ Select1st>; _Compare = std :: less; _Alloc = std :: allocator>; std :: _ Rb_tree <_key> :: _ Link_type = std :: _ Rb_tree_node> *]'/ usr / include / c /4.9/bits/stl_tree.h:1790:64:'std要求:: _ Rb_tree <_key> :: iterator std :: _ Rb_tree <_key> :: _ M_emplace_hint_unique(std :: _ Rb_tree <_key> :: const_iterator, Args && ...)[with _Args = {const std :: piecewise_construct_t&,std :: tuple,std :: tuple <>}; _Key = char; _Val = std :: pair; _KeyOfValue = std :: _ Select1st>; _Compare = std :: less; _Alloc = std :: allocator>; std :: _ Rb_tree <_key> :: iterator = std :: _ Rb_tree_iterator>; std :: _ Rb_tree <_key> :: const_iterator = std :: _ Rb_tree_const_iterator>]'/ usr / include / c /4.9/bits/stl_map.h:519:8:从'std:需要: :map <_key> :: mapped_type&std :: map <_key> :: operator [](std :: map <_key> :: key_type &&) [用_Key = char; _Tp = A; _Compare = std :: less; _Alloc = std :: allocator>; std :: map <_key> :: mapped_type = A; std :: map <_key> :: key_type = char] '17:14:从这里需要/ usr / include / c /4.9/tuple:1104:70:错误:没有匹配函数来调用'A :: A()'秒(std :: forward (std :: get ( tuple2))...)^ / usr / include / c /4.9/tuple:1104:70:注意:候选人是:9:5:注意:A :: A(int)9:5:注意:候选人需要1个参数,0提供5:7:注意:constexpr A :: A(const A&)5:7:注意:候选人期望1个参数,0提供

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