
In the real world of SQL, imagine if there is a situation when you need to copy data from one table to another table. SQL has an answer for this and the answer is “SQL Insert Into Select“.

在SQL的真实世界中,想象一下是否存在需要将数据从一个表复制到另一表的情况。 SQL对此有一个答案,答案是“ SQL Insert In Select ”。

SQL插入选择 (SQL Insert Into Select)

SQL Insert Into Select clause is used when we want to copy data from one table to another table.

当我们要将数据从一个表复制到另一表时,将使用SQL Insert Into Select子句。

SQL插入选择规则 (Rules For SQL Insert Into Select)

  • INSERT INTO SELECT requires that data types in source and target tables match.INSERT INTO SELECT要求源表和目标表中的数据类型匹配。
  • The existing records in the target table are unaffected.目标表中的现有记录不受影响。

SQL插入选择语法 (SQL Insert Into Select Syntax)

INSERT INTO table2 (column1, column2, ... , columnN)
SELECT c1, c2, ... , cn FROM table1
WHERE condition;

In the above syntax, data from table1 is selected using SELECT statement and then is inserted into the table2 using INSERT statement.


SQL插入选择示例 (SQL Insert Into Select Example)

Let us consider the following table for understanding SQL Insert Into Select Statement.




TeacherId TeacherName State Country
1 Amit Bengaluru India
2 Harry Texas US
3 John London UK
教师编号 老师的名字 国家
1个 阿米特 班加罗尔 印度
2 哈里 德州 我们
3 约翰 伦敦 英国



StudentId StudentName State Country
1 Henry Wales UK
2 Rohit Delhi India
3 Steve London UK
学生卡 学生姓名 国家
1个 亨利 威尔士 英国
2 罗希特 新德里 印度
3 史蒂夫 伦敦 英国

Query for the tables:


CREATE TABLE `teacher` (`TeacherId` INT NOT NULL,`TeacherName` VARCHAR(45) NULL,`State` VARCHAR(45) NULL,`Country` VARCHAR(45) NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`TeacherId`),UNIQUE INDEX `TeacherId_UNIQUE` (`TeacherId` ASC) VISIBLE);CREATE TABLE `student` (`StudentId` INT NOT NULL,`StudentName` VARCHAR(45) NULL,`State` VARCHAR(45) NULL,`Country` VARCHAR(45) NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`StudentId`),UNIQUE INDEX `StudentId_UNIQUE` (`StudentId` ASC) VISIBLE);Insert into Teacher(TeacherId,TeacherName,State,Country) VALUES (1, 'Amit','Bengaluru','India'), (2, 'Harry','Texas','US'), (3, 'John','London','UK');
Insert into Student(StudentId,StudentName,State,Country) VALUES (1, 'Henry','Wales','UK'), (2, 'Rohit','Delhi','India'), (3, 'Steve','London','UK');

Let us assume a case when the Student from India got a teaching job in the same Institute. In that case, the data for students from India need to be copied to the data in Teacher table.

让我们假设一个案例,即印度学生在同一所学院获得教学工作。 在这种情况下,需要将印度学生的数据复制到“教师”表中的数据。

Insert into Teacher (TeacherId,TeacherName,State,Country)
Select 4,StudentName,State,Country from Student where country = 'India';

Notice that there is already a teacher with id 2, so we are using “select 4” to use a different id for the student data that we are copying to the teacher table.


Below image shows the teacher table data after the command execution.


SQL Insert Into Select


结论 (Conclusion)

SQL insert into select clause is very helpful in copying data from one table to another. We can use it to create a selective dump of a table data. It’s supported by all the major SQL database vendors such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc.

将SQL插入select子句对于将数据从一个表复制到另一个表非常有帮助。 我们可以使用它来创建表数据的选择性转储。 所有主要SQL数据库供应商(例如MySQL,Oracle,SQL Server,PostgreSQL等)都支持它。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/24344/sql-insert-into-select



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