
You might be taking coding tutorials online, diligently working through labs in boot camp, or maybe you’ve just started your research into what a transition into Software Engineering looks like, and everything is starting to click into place.


Know the difference between an IDE and a Text Editor? Check. Are you able to build a CRUD app using your language of choice? Check. Can you pin down the runtime of an algorithm relative to its input?

知道IDE和文本编辑器之间的区别吗? 检查一下 您是否可以使用自己选择的语言来构建CRUD应用程序 ? 检查一下 您可以相对于算法输入确定算法的运行时间吗?

Uh, hold up. What do you mean by runtime? And what exactly is an algorithm again? In a cold sweat, you Google “Runtime Analysis,” and there it is — Big O Notation.

嗯,快点 您所说的运行时是什么意思? 又是什么算法呢? 汗流Google背,您可以使用Google“运行时分析”,这就是Big O符号。

In programming, we start our learning journey by focusing on the end goal. “If it works, I’m happy,” is a common phrase uttered by many a junior developer. But as you work on larger and more complex projects, understanding how your code scales becomes essential in ensuring that you design elegant and efficient solutions to the problems you face.

在编程中,我们通过专注于最终目标来开始学习之旅。 “如果可行,我很高兴”,这是许多初级开发人员常说的一句话。 但是,当您处理更大,更复杂的项目时,了解代码规模如何对确保您针对遇到的问题设计优雅而有效的解决方案至关重要。

This is where Big O Notation comes into play. Big O Notation allows us to describe the complexity of our code algebraically in a way where we can estimate how fast or slow our code will function when placed under the strain of large amounts of data.

这就是Big O Notation发挥作用的地方。 大O表示法使我们能够以代数方式描述代码的复杂性,在这种方式下,我们可以估计当置于大量数据的压力下时,代码将以多快或慢的速度运行。

Sound complicated? Well, it kind of is, but it’s an essential skill for programmers not only in practice but in the evaluation of our ability (oh yeah, this is going to come up in interviews). So — let’s take a deep breath, shake off that leftover trauma from your days in PreCalc, and dip our toes into the world of Space and Time Complexity.

听起来复杂吗? 是的,但这是程序员的一项基本技能,不仅在实践中,而且在评估我们的能力方面(是的,这将在面试中提出)。 因此-让我们深吸一口气,摆脱掉您在PreCalc中度过的剩余创伤,然后将脚趾浸入时空复杂性世界。

First, let’s be clear about what Big O isn’t. Big O is not going to give you or your team an exact answer on how long a piece of code will take to run. Far from it. As I mentioned earlier, Big O allows us to discuss our code algebraically to get a sense of how quickly it might operate under the strain of large data sets. Luckily, this simplifies things a bit for us newcomers, as it allows us to move our focus from runtime in terms of milliseconds to discussing runtime in relation to the number, and complexity, of operations in our code.

首先,让我们弄清楚Big O不是什么。 Big O不会为您或您的团队提供一段代码要花多长时间的确切答案。 离得很远。 正如我前面提到的,大O允许我们用代数讨论我们的代码,以获得它可能如何Swift的大型数据集的压力下操作 。 幸运的是,这使我们的新手得到了一些简化,因为它使我们可以将重点从运行时(以毫秒为单位)转移到讨论与代码中操作的数量和复杂性有关的运行时。

For example, let’s say we have the following piece of code:


def example_search(key, array)   for i in 0...array.length      return "#{key} found!" unless array[i] != key   end   return "#{key} not found :("end

Here, we’re merely looping through a provided array to find a specific key. If that key isn’t found, we’re sure to highlight that as well. It’s a pretty quick operation overall if we’re using an array with five items, but what if we use this method to search for a key in an array 1,000 items long, or even 100,000 items long?

在这里,我们仅循环遍历提供的数组以找到特定的键。 如果找不到该密钥,那么我们也一定要突出显示该密钥。 如果我们使用包含五个项目的数组,总体上来说这是一个相当快的操作,但是如果我们使用此方法在一个数组中搜索关键字,则该关键字长为1000个项目,或者甚至是100,000个项目呢?

Well, with Big O Notation, we can look at our algorithm and see that it will take O(n) time to run. Big O Notation, written as O(blank), show us how many operations our code will run, and how its runtime grows in comparison to other possible solutions.

好了,使用大O表示法,我们可以查看我们的算法,然后看它将花费O(n)时间来运行。 与其他可能的解决方案相比,Big O表示法(写为O(blank))向我们展示了我们的代码将运行多少个操作以及其运行时间如何增长。

Our example code runs at O(n) because in the worst-case if our key isn’t found the first time our code runs, it might have to continue looping through the entire array until we can determine if the key is there or not and its runtime will continue growing at a constant rate.


Why did I emphasize worst-case? We always want to focus on the maximum amount of time a process could take to understand the outer limits of our code to avoid bad solutions. It reassures us that a solution won’t take longer than we expect, and empowers us to feel confident that our code won’t lead to runtime issues in the future.

为什么我要强调最坏的情况 ? 我们始终希望将精力集中在一个过程上,以了解我们的代码的外部限制,以避免错误的解决方案所花费的最长时间。 它向我们保证,解决方案所用的时间不会比我们预期的长,并且使我们有信心,我们的代码将来不会导致运行时问题。

So how does a runtime of O(n) compare to other run times, and what other runtimes can we expect for different types of solutions? Well, every algorithm is going to have its own runtime, but you can expect to see the following run fairly commonly:

那么O(n)的运行时与其他运行时相比如何?对于不同类型的解决方案,我们还能期待其他哪些运行时? 嗯,每种算法都有自己的运行时,但是您可以期望看到以下运行相当普遍:

  • O(log n)O(log n)
  • O(n)上)
  • O(n * log n)O(n *对数n)
  • O(n²)O(n²)
  • O(n!)上!)

For now, don’t worry about how to calculate these yet (we’re just taking baby steps for the moment). All you need to know for now is that the list above is ordered by efficiency — algorithms that run at O(log n) run much faster than algorithms that run at O(n!). You can find a graph demonstrating this below:

目前,您不必担心如何计算这些(我们目前只是采取一些小步骤)。 您现在只需要知道,上面的列表是按效率排序的-以O(log n)运行的算法比以O(n!)运行的算法运行快得多。 您可以在下面找到一个演示此图的图形:

Graph of Possible Runtimes (source: https://bit.ly/31XKRXO)
可能的运行时间图(来源: https : //bit.ly/31XKRXO )

Ultimately, this is a simplification, and things are rarely so neat. But, with practice and further research, you’ll begin to develop a better understanding of how Big O run time can be determined for specific algorithms, and how they compare to other possible solutions.

最终,这只是一个简化,事情很少如此整洁。 但是,通过实践和进一步的研究,您将开始更好地理解如何确定特定算法的Big O运行时间,以及它们如何与其他可能的解决方案进行比较。

结论 (Conclusion)

And that’s it — a quick primer on what Big O Notation, and why it is so essential for Software Engineers. If you only remember a few things from this article, it should be these:

就是这样-Big O Notation的快速入门,以及为什么它对软件工程师如此重要。 如果您只记得本文中的一些内容,应该是:

  • Algorithm speed isn’t discussed in actual runtime but Big O Notation.在实际运行时中并未讨论算法速度,而是使用Big O符号。
  • Big O Notation is important because it allows us to discuss the efficiency of our code and compare solutions without getting caught up in complex calculations.大O符号很重要,因为它使我们能够讨论代码的效率并比较解决方案,而不会陷入复杂的计算中。
  • We always focus on the worst-case when using Big O Notation to ensure that we choose the most efficient solution at scale.

    使用Big O表示法时,我们始终专注于最坏的情况 ,以确保我们选择最有效的解决方案。

  • Scale influences speed significantly, and even though an O(n) solution might be faster than an O(log n) solution at first, that changes quickly as you add more data to the equation.比例会显着影响速度,尽管起初O(n)解决方案可能比O(log n)解决方案快,但随着向方程中添加更多数据,其变化很快。

Hopefully, you walk away from this article feeling empowered to tackle this subject on your own. As I mentioned earlier, Big O Notation and Space & Time Complexity are subjects that truly essential for Software Engineering, and your understanding of them could be what leads you to land your dream job.

希望您能摆脱本文,感到自己有能力自行解决此问题。 正如我前面提到的,“大O符号”和“时空复杂性”是软件工程真正必不可少的主题,您对它们的理解可能会导致您获得理想的工作。

Good luck!


翻译自: https://medium.com/dataseries/a-quick-primer-on-big-o-notation-c99ccc7ddbae




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