[Oracle] Data Pump 详细使用教程(1)- 总览

[Oracle] Data Pump 详细使用教程(2)- 总览

[Oracle] Data Pump 详细使用教程(3)- 总览

[Oracle] Data Pump 详细使用教程(4)- 总览

[Oracle] Data Pump 详细使用教程(5)- 总览

当我们起了一个datapump job之后,可以通过v$session_longops查看当前进度。

USERNAME - job owner
OPNAME - job name
TARGET_DESC - job operation
SOFAR - megabytes transferred thus far during the job
TOTALWORK - estimated number of megabytes in the job
UNITS - megabytes (MB)
MESSAGE - a formatted status message of the form:
'job_name: operation_name : nnn out of mmm MB done'  
SYS@TEST16>select username,opname,sofar,TOTALWORK,UNITS,message from v$session_longops where opname='SYS_EXPORT_FULL_03';USERNAME        OPNAME                    SOFAR  TOTALWORK UNITS MESSAGE
--------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------
SYSTEM          SYS_EXPORT_FULL_03         4737      35368 MB    SYS_EXPORT_FULL_03: EXPORT : 4737 out of 35368 MB done



1. 在logging模式下按ctrl+C

2. expdp or impdp attach=SYSTEM.SYS_EXPORT_FULL_03


Activity Command Used

Add additional dump files.


Exit interactive mode and enter logging mode.


Stop the export client session, but leave the job running.


Redefine the default size to be used for any subsequent dump files.


Display a summary of available commands.


Detach all currently attached client sessions and terminate the current job.


Increase or decrease the number of active worker processes for the current job. This command is valid only in the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database 11g.


Restart a stopped job to which you are attached.


Display detailed status for the current job and/or set status interval.


Stop the current job for later restart.



Activity Command Used

Exit interactive-command mode.


Stop the import client session, but leave the current job running.


Display a summary of available commands.


Detach all currently attached client sessions and terminate the current job.


Increase or decrease the number of active worker processes for the current job. This command is valid only in Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.


Restart a stopped job to which you are attached.


Display detailed status for the current job.


Stop the current job.



1. status:查看当前job的状态,如完成的百分比、并行度等,每个worker代表一个并行进程。

Export> statusJob: SYS_EXPORT_FULL_03Operation: EXPORT                         Mode: FULL                           State: EXECUTING                      Bytes Processed: 8,357,285,928Percent Done: 23Current Parallelism: 2Job Error Count: 0Dump File: /home/oracle/dump/full_%u.dmpDump File: /home/oracle/dump/full_01.dmpbytes written: 8,357,294,080Dump File: /home/oracle/dump/full_02.dmpbytes written: 4,096Worker 1 Status:Process Name: DW00State: EXECUTING                      Object Type: DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/COMMENTCompleted Objects: 5,120Worker Parallelism: 1Worker 2 Status:Process Name: DW01State: EXECUTING                      Object Schema: P95169Object Name: GRADE_RCCASEObject Type: DATABASE_EXPORT/SCHEMA/TABLE/TABLE_DATACompleted Objects: 3Total Objects: 1,866Completed Rows: 23,505,613Worker Parallelism: 1

2. parallel:动态调整并行度

Export> parallel=4

3. add_file:增加dumpfile

Export> ADD_FILE=hr2.dmp, dpump_dir2:hr3.dmp

4. stop_job, kill_job, start_job


5. continue_client:退出交互模式,进入logging模式;

exit_client: 退出客户端


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