pow(a,b,c) operator in python returns (a**b)%c . If I have values of b, c, and the result of this operation (res=pow(a,b,c)), how can I find the value of a?


Despite the statements in the comments this is not the discrete logarithm problem. This more closely resembles the RSA problem in which c is the product of two large primes, b is the encrypt exponent, and a is the unknown plaintext. I always like to make x the unknown variable you want to solve for, so you have y= xb mod c where y, b, and c are known, you want to solve for x. Solving it involves the same basic number theory as in RSA, namely you must compute z=b-1 mod λ(c), and then you can solve for x via x = yz mod c. λ is Carmichael's lambda function, but you can also use Euler's phi (totient) function instead. We have reduced the original problem to computing an inverse mod λ(c). This is easy to do if c is easy to factor or we already know the factorization of c, and hard otherwise. If c is small then brute-force is an acceptable technique and you can ignore all the complicated math.

Here is some code showing these steps:

import functools

import math

def egcd(a, b):

"""Extended gcd of a and b. Returns (d, x, y) such that

d = a*x + b*y where d is the greatest common divisor of a and b."""

x0, x1, y0, y1 = 1, 0, 0, 1

while b != 0:

q, a, b = a // b, b, a % b

x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1

y0, y1 = y1, y0 - q * y1

return a, x0, y0

def inverse(a, n):

"""Returns the inverse x of a mod n, i.e. x*a = 1 mod n. Raises a

ZeroDivisionError if gcd(a,n) != 1."""

d, a_inv, n_inv = egcd(a, n)

if d != 1:

raise ZeroDivisionError('{} is not coprime to {}'.format(a, n))


return a_inv % n

def lcm(*x):


Returns the least common multiple of its arguments. At least two arguments must be


:param x:



if not x or len(x) < 2:

raise ValueError("at least two arguments must be supplied to lcm")

lcm_of_2 = lambda x, y: (x * y) // math.gcd(x, y)

return functools.reduce(lcm_of_2, x)

def carmichael_pp(p, e):

phi = pow(p, e - 1) * (p - 1)

if (p % 2 == 1) or (e >= 2):

return phi


return phi // 2

def carmichael_lambda(pp):


pp is a sequence representing the unique prime-power factorization of the

integer whose Carmichael function is to be computed.

:param pp: the prime-power factorization, a sequence of pairs (p,e) where p is prime and e>=1.

:return: Carmichael's function result


return lcm(*[carmichael_pp(p, e) for p, e in pp])

a = 182989423414314437

b = 112388918933488834121

c = 128391911110189182102909037 * 256

y = pow(a, b, c)

lam = carmichael_lambda([(2,8), (128391911110189182102909037, 1)])

z = inverse(b, lam)

x = pow(y, z, c)



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