







实现平台:Visual Stdio2019







Type Attribute-value Token-name
常量 Id 1
常量 True 2
常量 False 3
常量 Number 4
数据类型 Integer 5
数据类型 Decimal 6
数据类型 Bool 7
非关键字 8
运算符 ( 10
运算符 ) 11
运算符 ! 21
运算符 ++ 22
运算符 – 23
运算符 * 31
运算符 / 32
运算符 % 33
运算符 + 41
运算符 - 42
运算符 < 51
运算符 <= 52
运算符 > 53
运算符 >= 54
运算符 == 61
运算符 != 62
运算符 && 71
运算符 || 81
运算符 = 91
注释 /**/ 999
结束 ## 1000

1运算符和常量 id,true,false,number,decimal
2括号 ()
3一元运算 +, - !
4算术运算 *,/,%
5算术运算 +,-
6关系运算 <, <=, >, >=
7关系运算 ==, !=
8逻辑与 &&
9逻辑或 ||
10赋值/存储 =










#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stack>
#define _KEY_WORDEND "waiting for your expanding"
#define MAX 507
#define DEBUG
using namespace std;typedef struct //词的结构,二元组形式(单词种别,单词自身的值)
{int typenum; //单词种别char* word;
char input[255];
char token[255] = "";
int p_input; //指针
int p_token;
char ch;
char* rwtab[] = { "id","true","false","number","integer","decimal","bool",_KEY_WORDEND };//关键字
int var_list_symbol[50] = {};//变量类型表
string var_list_name[50] = {};//变量名字表
double var_list_value[50] = {};//变量值
int var_list_size = 0;
bool cout_type = false;
bool cout_induction = false;
bool cout_action = false;
bool cout_list = false;
bool cout_first = false;
bool cout_follow = false;
bool cout_itemset = false;
bool cout_ERROR = false;WORD* scanner();//扫描int words(string input_str)
{ofstream outfile("out.xml", ios::trunc);int over = 1;memset(input, 0, sizeof(input) / sizeof(char));WORD* oneword = new WORD;for (int i = 0; i < input_str.length(); i++) {input[i] = input_str[i];}p_input = 0;memset(token, 0, sizeof(token) / sizeof(char));p_token = 0;ch = 0;//printf("your words:  %s\n", input);while (over < 1000 && over != -1){oneword = scanner();if (oneword->typenum < 1000){if (oneword->typenum != 999)outfile << oneword->typenum << " " << oneword->word << endl;}over = oneword->typenum;}outfile.close();return 0;
char m_getch()
{ch = input[p_input];p_input++;return ch;
void getbc()
{while (ch == ' ' || ch == 10){ch = input[p_input];p_input++;}
void concat()
{token[p_token] = ch;p_token++;token[p_token] = '\0';
int letter()
{if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')return 1;elsereturn 0;
int digit()
{if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')return 1;else if (ch == '.')return 2;elsereturn 0;
int reserve()
{int i = 0;while (strcmp(rwtab[i], _KEY_WORDEND)){if (!strcmp(rwtab[i], token))return i + 1;i++;}return 8;//如果不是关键字,则返回种别码8
void retract()
WORD* scanner()
{WORD* myword = new WORD;myword->typenum = 10;  //初始值myword->word = "";p_token = 0;   //单词缓冲区指针m_getch();getbc();//去掉空白if (letter())//判断读取到的首字母是字母{//如intwhile (letter() || digit()){concat(); //连接m_getch();}retract(); //回退一个字符myword->typenum = reserve();//判断是否为关键字,返回种别码myword->word = token;return myword;}else if (digit())  //判断读取到的单词首字符是数字{while (digit()) //所有数字连接起来{concat();m_getch();}retract();//数字单词种别码统一为1,单词自身的值为数字本身myword->typenum = 1;myword->word = token;return(myword);}else switch (ch){case '=':m_getch();//首字符为=,再读取下一个字符判断if (ch == '='){myword->typenum = 61;myword->word = "==";return(myword);}retract();//读取到的下个字符不是=,则要回退,直接输出=myword->typenum = 91;myword->word = "=";return(myword);break;case '+':m_getch();//首字符为+,再读取下一个字符判断if (ch == '+'){myword->typenum = 22;myword->word = "++";return(myword);}retract();//读取到的下个字符不是+,则要回退,直接输出+myword->typenum = 41;myword->word = "+";return(myword);break;case '-':m_getch();//首字符为+,再读取下一个字符判断if (ch == '-'){myword->typenum = 23;myword->word = "--";return(myword);}retract();//读取到的下个字符不是+,则要回退,直接输出+myword->typenum = 42;myword->word = "-";return(myword);break;case '/'://读取到该符号之后,要判断下一个字符是什么符号,判断是否为注释m_getch();//首字符为/,再读取下一个字符判断if (ch == '*') // 说明读取到的是注释{m_getch();while (ch != '*'){m_getch();//注释没结束之前一直读取注释,但不输出if (ch == '*'){m_getch();if (ch == '/')//注释结束{myword->typenum = 999;myword->word = "注释";return (myword);break;}}}}else{retract();//读取到的下个字符不是*,即不是注释,则要回退,直接输出/myword->typenum = 32;myword->word = "/";return (myword);break;}case '*':myword->typenum = 31;myword->word = "*";return(myword);break;case '(':myword->typenum = 10;myword->word = "(";return(myword);break;case ')':myword->typenum = 11;myword->word = ")";return(myword);break;case '%':myword->typenum = 33;myword->word = "%";return(myword);break;case '>':m_getch();if (ch == '='){myword->typenum = 54;myword->word = ">=";return(myword);break;}retract();myword->typenum = 53;myword->word = ">";return(myword);break;case '<':m_getch();if (ch == '='){myword->typenum = 52;myword->word = "<=";return(myword);break;}else{retract();myword->typenum = 51;myword->word = "<";return (myword);}case '\0':myword->typenum = 1000;myword->word = "OVER";return(myword);break;case '&':m_getch();if (ch == '&'){myword->typenum = 71;myword->word = "&&";return(myword);break;}retract();myword->typenum = -1;myword->word = "ERROR";return(myword);break;case '|':m_getch();if (ch == '|'){myword->typenum = 81;myword->word = "||";return(myword);break;}retract();myword->typenum = -1;myword->word = "ERROR";return(myword);break;case '!':m_getch();if (ch == '='){myword->typenum = 62;myword->word = "!=";return(myword);break;}else{retract();myword->typenum = 21;myword->word = "!";return (myword);}case '$':myword->typenum = 1000;myword->word = "OVER";return(myword);break;default:myword->typenum = -1;myword->word = "ERROR";return(myword);break;}
}class WF
{public:string left, right;int back;int id;WF(char s1[], char s2[], int x, int y){left = s1;right = s2;back = x;id = y;}WF(const string& s1, const string& s2, int x, int y){left = s1;right = s2;back = x;id = y;}bool operator < (const WF& a) const{if (left == a.left)return right < a.right;return left < a.left;}bool operator == (const WF& a) const{return (left == a.left) && (right == a.right);}void print(){if (cout_itemset)printf("%s->%s\n", left.c_str(), right.c_str());}
};class Closure
{public:vector<WF> element;void print(string str){//项集族if (cout_itemset)printf("%-15s%-15s\n", "", str.c_str());for (int i = 0; i < element.size(); i++)element[i].print();}bool operator == (const Closure& a) const{if (a.element.size() != element.size()) return false;for (int i = 0; i < a.element.size(); i++)if (element[i] == a.element[i]) continue;else return false;return true;}
};struct Content
{int type;int num;string out;Content() { type = -1; }Content(int a, int b):type(a), num(b) {}
};vector<WF> wf;
map<string, vector<int> > dic;
map<string, vector<int> > VN_set;
map<string, bool>  vis;
string start = "S";
vector<Closure> collection;
vector<WF> items;
char CH = '$';
int go[MAX][MAX];
int to[MAX];
vector<char> V;
bool used[MAX];
Content action[MAX][MAX];
int Goto[MAX][MAX];
map<string, set<char> > first;
map<string, set<char> > follow;void make_item()
{memset(to, -1, sizeof(-1));for (int i = 0; i < wf.size(); i++)VN_set[wf[i].left].push_back(i);for (int i = 0; i < wf.size(); i++)for (int j = 0; j <= wf[i].right.length(); j++){string temp = wf[i].right;temp.insert(temp.begin() + j, CH);dic[wf[i].left].push_back(items.size());if (j)to[items.size() - 1] = items.size();items.push_back(WF(wf[i].left, temp, i, items.size()));}
#ifdef DEBUG//puts("-------------------------项目表-------------------------");//for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)//printf("%s->%s back:%d id:%d\n", items[i].left.c_str(), items[i].right.c_str(), items[i].back, items[i].id);//puts("--------------------------------------------------------");
}void dfs(const string& x)
{if (vis[x]) return;vis[x] = 1;vector<int>& id = VN_set[x];for (int i = 0; i < id.size(); i++){string& left = wf[id[i]].left;string& right = wf[id[i]].right;for (int j = 0; j < right.length(); j++)if (isupper(right[j])){dfs(right.substr(j, 1));set<char>& temp = first[right.substr(j, 1)];set<char>::iterator it = temp.begin();bool flag = true;for (; it != temp.end(); it++){if (*it == '~') flag = false;first[left].insert(*it);}if (flag) break;}else{first[left].insert(right[j]);break;}}
}void make_first()
{vis.clear();map<string, vector<int> >::iterator it2 = dic.begin();for (; it2 != dic.end(); it2++)if (vis[it2->first]) continue;else dfs(it2->first);
#ifdef DEBUGif (cout_first)puts("****************FIRST集***************************");map<string, set<char> >::iterator it = first.begin();for (; it != first.end(); it++){if (cout_first)printf("FIRST(%s)={", it->first.c_str());set<char>& temp = it->second;set<char>::iterator it1 = temp.begin();bool flag = false;for (; it1 != temp.end(); it1++){if (flag)if (cout_first)printf(",");if (cout_first) printf("%c", *it1);flag = true;}if (cout_first) puts("}");}
}void append(const string& str1, const string& str2)
{set<char>& from = follow[str1];set<char>& to = follow[str2];set<char>::iterator it = from.begin();for (; it != from.end(); it++)to.insert(*it);
}bool _check(const vector<int>& id, const string str)
{for (int i = 0; i < id.size(); i++){int x = id[i];if (wf[x].right == str) return true;}return false;
}void make_follow()
{while (true){bool goon = false;map<string, vector<int> >::iterator it2 = VN_set.begin();for (; it2 != VN_set.end(); it2++){vector<int>& id = it2->second;for (int i = 0; i < id.size(); i++){bool flag = true;WF& tt = wf[id[i]];string& left = tt.left;const string& right = tt.right;for (int j = right.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--)if (isupper(right[j])){if (flag){int tx = follow[right.substr(j, 1)].size();append(left, right.substr(j, 1));int tx1 = follow[right.substr(j, 1)].size();if (tx1 > tx) goon = true;if (_check(id, "~"))flag = false;}for (int k = j + 1; k < right.length(); k++)if (isupper(right[k])){string idd = right.substr(k, 1);set<char>& from = first[idd];set<char>& to = follow[right.substr(j, 1)];set<char>::iterator it1 = from.begin();int tx = follow[right.substr(j, 1)].size();for (; it1 != from.end(); it1++)if (*it1 != '~')to.insert(*it1);int tx1 = follow[right.substr(j, 1)].size();if (tx1 > tx) goon = true;if (_check(id, "~"))break;}else{int tx = follow[right.substr(j, 1)].size();follow[right.substr(j, 1)].insert(right[k]);int tx1 = follow[right.substr(j, 1)].size();if (tx1 > tx) goon = true;break;}}else flag = false;}}if (!goon) break;}
#ifdef DEBUGif (cout_follow)puts("***************FOLLOW集*******************");map<string, set<char> >::iterator it = follow.begin();for (; it != follow.end(); it++){if (cout_follow)printf("FOLLOW(%s)={", it->first.c_str());set<char>& temp = it->second;//if ( it->first[0] == 'S' )temp.insert('#');set<char>::iterator it1 = temp.begin();bool flag = false;for (; it1 != temp.end(); it1++){if (flag) if (cout_follow)printf(",");if (cout_follow)printf("%c", *it1);flag = true;}if (cout_follow)puts("}");}
}void make_set()
{bool has[MAX];for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)if (items[i].left[0] == 'S' && items[i].right[0] == CH){Closure temp;string& str = items[i].right;vector<WF>& element = temp.element;element.push_back(items[i]);int x = 0;for (x = 0; x < str.length(); x++)if (str[x] == CH)break;memset(has, 0, sizeof(has));has[i] = 1;if (x != str.length() - 1){queue<string> q;q.push(str.substr(x + 1, 1));while (!q.empty()){string u = q.front();q.pop();vector<int>& id = dic[u];for (int j = 0; j < id.size(); j++){int tx = id[j];if (items[tx].right[0] == CH){if (has[tx]) continue;has[tx] = 1;if (isupper(items[tx].right[1]))q.push(items[tx].right.substr(1, 1));element.push_back(items[tx]);}}}}collection.push_back(temp);}for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++){map<int, Closure> temp;for (int j = 0; j < collection[i].element.size(); j++){string str = collection[i].element[j].right;int x = 0;for (; x < str.length(); x++)if (str[x] == CH) break;if (x == str.length() - 1)continue;int y = str[x + 1];int ii;//cout << i << "previous: " << str << endl;str.erase(str.begin() + x);str.insert(str.begin() + x + 1, CH);//cout << i <<"after: " << str << endl;WF cmp = WF(collection[i].element[j].left, str, -1, -1);for (int k = 0; k < items.size(); k++)if (items[k] == cmp){ii = k;break;}//string& str1 = items[ii].right;memset(has, 0, sizeof(has));vector<WF>& element = temp[y].element;element.push_back(items[ii]);has[ii] = 1;x++;if (x != str.length() - 1){queue<string> q;q.push(str.substr(x + 1, 1));while (!q.empty()){string u = q.front();q.pop();vector<int>& id = dic[u];for (int j = 0; j < id.size(); j++){int tx = id[j];if (items[tx].right[0] == CH){if (has[tx]) continue;has[tx] = 1;if (isupper(items[tx].right[1]))q.push(items[tx].right.substr(1, 1));element.push_back(items[tx]);}}}}}map<int, Closure>::iterator it = temp.begin();for (; it != temp.end(); it++)collection.push_back(it->second);for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++)sort(collection[i].element.begin(), collection[i].element.end());for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++)for (int j = i + 1; j < collection.size(); j++)if (collection[i] == collection[j])collection.erase(collection.begin() + j);}
#ifdef DEBUG//puts("-------------CLOSURE---------------------");stringstream sin;for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++){sin.clear();string out;sin << "closure-I" << i;sin >> out;collection[i].print(out);}//puts("");
}void make_V()
{memset(used, 0, sizeof(used));for (int i = 0; i < wf.size(); i++){string& str = wf[i].left;for (int j = 0; j < str.length(); j++){if (used[str[j]]) continue;used[str[j]] = 1;V.push_back(str[j]);}string& str1 = wf[i].right;for (int j = 0; j < str1.length(); j++){if (used[str1[j]]) continue;used[str1[j]] = 1;V.push_back(str1[j]);}}sort(V.begin(), V.end());V.push_back('#');
}void make_cmp(vector<WF>& cmp1, int i, char ch)
{for (int j = 0; j < collection[i].element.size(); j++){string str = collection[i].element[j].right;int k;for (k = 0; k < str.length(); k++)if (str[k] == CH)break;if (k != str.length() - 1 && str[k + 1] == ch){str.erase(str.begin() + k);str.insert(str.begin() + k + 1, CH);cmp1.push_back(WF(collection[i].element[j].left, str, -1, -1));}}sort(cmp1.begin(), cmp1.end());
}void make_go()
{memset(go, -1, sizeof(go));int m = collection.size();for (int t = 0; t < V.size(); t++){char ch = V[t];for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){vector<WF> cmp1;make_cmp(cmp1, i, ch);//cout << cmp1.size() << endl;if (cmp1.size() == 0) continue;for (int j = 0; j < m; j++){vector<WF> cmp2;for (int k = 0; k < collection[j].element.size(); k++){string& str = collection[j].element[k].right;int x;for (x = 0; x < str.length(); x++)if (str[x] == CH)break;if (x && str[x - 1] == ch)cmp2.push_back(WF(collection[j].element[k].left, str, -1, -1));}sort(cmp2.begin(), cmp2.end());//cout << cmp2.size() << endl;bool flag = true;if (cmp2.size() != cmp1.size()) continue;//cout << cmp1.size() << endl;for (int k = 0; k < cmp1.size(); k++)if (cmp1[k] == cmp2[k]) continue;else flag = false;//cout << "out " << endl;if (flag)go[i][ch] = j;}//cout << "YES" << endl;}}
#ifdef DEBUG//puts("---------------EDGE----------------------");stringstream sin;string out;for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)for (int k = 0; k < MAX; k++)if (go[i][k] == j){sin.clear();sin << "I" << i << "--" << (char)(k) << "--I" << j;sin >> out;//printf("%s\n", out.c_str());}
}void make_table()
{memset(Goto, -1, sizeof(Goto));//write s to the table for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++)for (int j = 0; j < V.size(); j++){char ch = V[j];int x = go[i][ch];if (x == -1) continue;if (!isupper(ch))action[i][ch] = Content(0, x);elseGoto[i][ch] = x;}//write r and acc to the table for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++)for (int j = 0; j < collection[i].element.size(); j++){WF& tt = collection[i].element[j];if (tt.right[tt.right.length() - 1] == CH){if (tt.left[0] == 'S')action[i]['#'] = Content(2, -1);elsefor (int k = 0; k < V.size(); k++){int y = V[k];//cout << "YES " << endl;//cout << tt.left << "->" << tt.right << " " << tt.back << endl;if (!follow[tt.left].count(V[k])) continue;//cout <<tt.left << "->" << tt.right << " " <<  i << " " << V[k] << " " << tt.back << endl;action[i][y] = Content(1, tt.back);}}}
#ifdef DEBUGif (cout_action) {puts("------------------------------------------LR(0)分析表--------------------------------------------------------");printf("%10s%5c%5s", "|", V[0], "|");for (int i = 1; i < V.size(); i++)printf("%5c%5s", V[i], "|");puts("");for (int i = 0; i < (V.size() + 1) * 10; i++)printf("-");puts("");}stringstream sin;for (int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++){if (cout_action)printf("%5d%5s", i, "|");for (int j = 0; j < V.size(); j++){char ch = V[j];if (isupper(ch)){if (cout_action) {if (Goto[i][ch] == -1)printf("%10s", "|");elseprintf("%5d%5s", Goto[i][ch], "|");}}else{sin.clear();if (action[i][ch].type == -1);if (cout_action)printf("%10s", "|");else{Content& temp = action[i][ch];if (temp.type == 0)sin << "S";if (temp.type == 1)sin << "R";if (temp.type == 2)sin << "acc";if (temp.num != -1)sin << temp.num;sin >> temp.out;if (cout_action)printf("%7s%3s", temp.out.c_str(), "|");}}}if (cout_action)puts("");}if (cout_action) {for (int i = 0; i < (V.size() + 1) * 10; i++)printf("-");puts("");}
}void print(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5, string s6, string s7)
{printf("%-15s|%-15s%-15s%-20s|%-15s%-15s%-15s\n", s1.c_str(), s2.c_str(), s3.c_str(), s4.c_str(), s5.c_str(),s6.c_str(), s7.c_str());
}string get_steps(int x)
{stringstream sin;sin << x;string ret;sin >> ret;return ret;
}template<class T>
string get_stk(vector<T> stk)
{stringstream sin;for (int i = 0; i < stk.size(); i++)sin << stk[i];string ret;sin >> ret;return ret;
}string get_shift(WF& temp)
{stringstream sin;sin << "reduce(" << temp.left << "->" << temp.right << ")";//推导过程string out;sin >> out;return out;
}void analyse(string src)
{ofstream reduce_file("reduce.xml", ios::trunc);if (cout_list)print("steps", "op-stack", "input", "operation", "state-stack", "ACTION", "GOTO");vector<char> op_stack;vector<int> st_stack;src += "#";op_stack.push_back('#');st_stack.push_back(0);int steps = 1;for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++){char u = src[i];int top = st_stack[st_stack.size() - 1];Content& act = action[top][u];//cout << "YES : " << i << " " << u << " " << top << " " << act.type << endl;if (act.type == 0){if (cout_list)print(get_steps(steps++), get_stk(op_stack), src.substr(i), "shift", get_stk(st_stack), act.out, "");op_stack.push_back(u);st_stack.push_back(act.num);}else if (act.type == 1){WF& tt = wf[act.num];int y = st_stack[st_stack.size() - tt.right.length() - 1];int x = Goto[y][tt.left[0]];//cout << y << " " << tt.left[0] << " " << x << endl;if (cout_induction)cout << get_shift(tt) << endl;reduce_file << act.out << endl;if (cout_list)print(get_steps(steps++), get_stk(op_stack), src.substr(i), get_shift(tt), get_stk(st_stack), act.out, get_steps(x));for (int j = 0; j < tt.right.length(); j++){st_stack.pop_back();op_stack.pop_back();}op_stack.push_back(tt.left[0]);st_stack.push_back(x);i--;}else if (act.type == 2){if (cout_list)print(get_steps(steps++), get_stk(op_stack), src.substr(i), "Accept", get_stk(st_stack), act.out, "");//i--;}else continue;}if (op_stack.size() > 2) {cout << "Error [error:#]" << endl;cout_ERROR = true;}elsecout_ERROR = false;reduce_file.close();
}void cout_varlist() {cout << "符号表" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < var_list_size; i++) {if (var_list_symbol[i] == 5)cout << "[ " << "integer" << " " << var_list_name[i] << " ]" << endl;elsecout << "[ " << "decimal" << " " << var_list_name[i] << " ]" << endl;}
}void add_symbols_txt() {ofstream outfile("symbols.xml", ios::trunc);for (int i = 0; i < var_list_size; i++)outfile << "[ " << var_list_symbol[i] << " " << var_list_name[i] << " " << var_list_value[i] << " ]" << endl;outfile.close();return;
}void add_var(int n, string token_str) {//添加符号表token_str = token_str.substr(2, token_str.length());for (int i = 0; i < var_list_size; i++) {if (var_list_name[i] == token_str)return;}var_list_symbol[var_list_size] = n;var_list_name[var_list_size] = token_str;var_list_size++;add_symbols_txt();
}string get_tokens() {string token_temp = "";string token_temp1 = "";ifstream file("out.xml");while (getline(file, token_temp1)) {int num_token = atoi(token_temp1.c_str());switch (num_token) {case 1:token_temp.append("id"); break;case 2:token_temp.append("true"); break;case 3:token_temp.append("false"); break;case 4:token_temp.append("number"); break;case 5:getline(file, token_temp1);if (atoi(token_temp1.c_str()) == 8)add_var(5, token_temp1);break;case 6:getline(file, token_temp1);if (atoi(token_temp1.c_str()) == 8)add_var(6, token_temp1);break;case 7:token_temp.append("bool"); break;case 8:token_temp.append("var"); break;case 10:token_temp.append("("); break;case 11:token_temp.append(")"); break;case 21:token_temp.append("!"); break;case 22:token_temp.append("++"); break;case 23:token_temp.append("--"); break;case 31:token_temp.append("*"); break;case 32:token_temp.append("/"); break;case 33:token_temp.append("%"); break;case 41:token_temp.append("+"); break;case 42:token_temp.append("-"); break;case 51:token_temp.append("<"); break;case 52:token_temp.append("<="); break;case 53:token_temp.append(">"); break;case 54:token_temp.append(">="); break;case 61:token_temp.append("=="); break;case 62:token_temp.append("!="); break;case 71:token_temp.append("&&"); break;case 81:token_temp.append("||"); break;case 91:token_temp.append("="); break;case 999:token_temp.append(""); break;case 1000:token_temp.append(""); break;}}file.close();return token_temp;
}void init() {int n;char s[MAX];ifstream myfile("production.xml");string temp;getline(myfile, temp);n = atoi(temp.c_str());for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){getline(myfile, temp);int k = 0;for (k = 0; k < temp.length(); k++) {s[k] = temp[k];}s[k] = '\0';int len = strlen(s), j;for (j = 0; j < len; j++)if (s[j] == '-') break;s[j] = 0;wf.push_back(WF(s, s + j + 2, -1, -1));
#ifdef DEBUGwf[wf.size() - 1].print();
}void rush_var_list() {for (int i = 0; i < var_list_size; i++) {if (var_list_symbol[i] == 5)var_list_value[i] = int(var_list_value[i]);}
}void make_production() {ifstream production_file("production.xml");string str;getline(production_file, str);while (getline(production_file, str)) {cout << str << endl;}
}void result() {rush_var_list();stack<double> result_stack;ifstream production_file("production.xml");ifstream token_file("out.xml");ifstream reduce_file("reduce.xml");string reduce_str;string token_str, t;double num[50];string str[50];int _str_size = 0;//非关键字指针int _str_size_now = 0;int num_ptr = 0;//num最大指针int reduce_ptr = 0;//reduce栈用到的num当前指针while (getline(token_file, token_str)) {//token提取数字stringstream linestream;linestream.str(token_str);string first = token_str.substr(0, 1);int n = atoi(token_str.c_str());if (n == 1) {token_str = token_str.substr(1, token_str.length());double num1 = atof(token_str.c_str());num[num_ptr] = num1;num_ptr++;}}token_file.clear();//读文件指针回到起始token_file.seekg(ios_base::beg);while (getline(token_file, token_str)) {//token提取非关键字stringstream linestream;linestream.str(token_str);linestream >> t;char c = t[0];int num1 = atoi(t.c_str());if (num1 == 8) {str[_str_size] = token_str.substr(2, token_str.length());_str_size++;}}while (getline(reduce_file, reduce_str)) {reduce_str = reduce_str.substr(1, reduce_str.length());int n = atoi(reduce_str.c_str());n = n + 2;double a, b;bool not_found_flag = true;string symbols_str, symbols_str1;switch (n) {//32 寻找符号表中值case 32:token_file.clear();//读文件指针回到起始token_file.seekg(ios_base::beg);getline(token_file, symbols_str);if (!getline(token_file, symbols_str1)) {symbols_str = symbols_str.substr(2, symbols_str.length());for (int i = 0; i < var_list_size; i++) {if (var_list_name[i] == symbols_str) {if (cout_type) {if (var_list_symbol[i] == 6)cout << "[Decimal, " << var_list_value[i] << "]" << endl;else if (var_list_symbol[i] == 5)cout << "[Integer, " << var_list_value[i] << "]" << endl;}elsecout << var_list_value[i] << endl;not_found_flag = false;}}if (not_found_flag)cout << "Error [undefined identifier:" << symbols_str << "]" << endl;}else {string str_now = str[_str_size_now];for (int i = 0; i < var_list_size; i++) {if (var_list_name[i] == str_now) {result_stack.push(var_list_value[i]);_str_size_now++;}}}break;case 31: result_stack.push(0); break;case 30: result_stack.push(1); break;case 29: result_stack.push(num[reduce_ptr]); reduce_ptr++; break;case 28:break;case 27:break;case 26:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (a != 0)result_stack.push(0);else result_stack.push(1);break;case 25:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();result_stack.push(a--);break;case 24:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();result_stack.push(a++);break;case 23:break;case 22:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();result_stack.push(int(b) % int(a));break;case 21:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (a == 0)result_stack.push(b);else result_stack.push(b / a);break;case 20:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();result_stack.push(b * a);break;case 19:break;case 18:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();result_stack.push(a + b);break;case 17:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();result_stack.push(b - a); break;case 16:break;case 15:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b >= a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 14:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b > a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 13:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b <= a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 12:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b < a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 11:break;case 10:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b == a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 9:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b != a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 8:break;case 7:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b && a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 6:break;case 5:a = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();b = result_stack.top();result_stack.pop();if (b || a) result_stack.push(1);else result_stack.push(0); break;case 4:break;case 3:token_file.clear();//读文件指针回到起始token_file.seekg(ios_base::beg);getline(token_file, symbols_str);symbols_str = symbols_str.substr(2, symbols_str.length());for (int i = 0; i < var_list_size; i++) {if (var_list_name[i] == symbols_str) {var_list_value[i] = result_stack.top();not_found_flag = false;}}if (not_found_flag)cout << "not found " << symbols_str << endl;break;case 2:break;}}if (!result_stack.empty() && !cout_ERROR) {double result = result_stack.top();if (result == 1) {if (cout_type)cout << "[Bool, true]" << endl;elsecout << "true" << endl;}else if (result == 0) {if (cout_type)cout << "[Bool, false]" << endl;elsecout << "false" << endl;}else {ifstream file1("reduce.xml");string temp1, temp2;while (getline(file1, temp1))temp2 = temp1;file1.close();bool flag = true;if (temp2 == "R1") {//=产生式flag = false;}if (cout_type) {int result1 = result;float temp = result1 - result;if (fabs(temp) < 1e-6) {if (flag)cout << "[Integer, " << result << "]" << endl;}elseif (flag)cout << "[decimal, " << result << "]" << endl;}elseif (flag)cout << result << endl;}}production_file.close();token_file.close();reduce_file.close();
}void cout_help() {cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;cout << "编辑器中所有变量都需要定义才可使用,数据类型有integer和decimal" << endl;cout << "可输入命令如下:默认只输出值 " << endl;cout << "    $type(输出类型和值)" << endl;cout << "    $induction(输出推到产生式)" << endl;cout << "    $symbols(输出符号表)" << endl;cout << "    $default(恢复默认值)" << endl;cout << "    $first(输出文法first集)" << endl;cout << "    $follow(输出文法follow集)" << endl;cout << "    $production(输出所有产生式)" << endl;cout << "    $help(输出帮助)" << endl;cout << "    $list(输出语法分析动作表)" << endl;cout << "    ##(退出)" << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;
}int main()
{init();string input_str;bool flag = true;cout_help();while (flag) {cout << ">>>";getline(cin, input_str);if (input_str == "##") {cout << "quit" << endl;return 0;}else if (input_str == "$symbols") {cout_varlist();}else if (input_str == "$first") {cout_first = !cout_first;make_first();cout_first = !cout_first;}else if (input_str == "$follow") {cout_follow = !cout_follow;make_follow();cout_follow = !cout_follow;}else if (input_str == "$production") {make_production();}else if (input_str == "$type") {cout_type = !cout_type;cout << "$type=" << cout_type << endl;}else if (input_str == "$induction") {cout_induction = !cout_induction;cout << "$induction=" << cout_induction << endl;}else if (input_str == "$default") {bool cout_type = false;bool cout_induction = false;bool cout_action = false;bool cout_list = false;bool cout_first = false;bool cout_follow = false;bool cout_itemset = false;bool cout_ERROR = false;cout << "init" << endl;}else if (input_str == "$list") {cout_list = !cout_list;cout << "$list=" << cout_list << endl;}else if (input_str == "$help") {cout_help();}else {words(input_str);analyse(get_tokens());result();}}return 0;




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