摘 要
(1)使用长短期记忆神经网络作为主体构建古代文本断代模型。在断代模型当中,文本中的每一个字被转换成一串高维向量,然后将文本包含的所有向量送入模型分析它们之间的非线性关系。最终,模型会输出一个该段文本的年代类别标签。实验结果表明利用Bi-LSTM(Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory, Bi-LSTM)神经网络构造的模型能够很好的完成断代任务,断代的正确率能达到80%以上。本文的断代模型提供了一种高效且准确的古文断代方法,这将节省古文研究工作者在文本断代过程中的时间。
关键词: 古汉语,自然语言处理,断代,断句,分词,词性标注
Machine Learning-based Segmentation, Tagging
and Corpus Building for Ancient Chinese
In recent years, deep learning has penetrated into every aspect of research and life. This paper mainly studies the application of deep learning in natural language processing, especially in ancient Chinese natural language processing. This paper aims to use computer to help ancient Chinese researchers to complete special and cumbersome tasks such as dating, sentence breaking, word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging in ancient Chinese. The sentence breaking and the word segmentation are the unique tasks of Chinese natural language processing, especially the sentence-breaking tasks are the unique tasks of ancient Chinese natural language processing. The use of computers to deal with the various tasks of ancient Chinese helps to improve the efficiency of language workers and avoid the subjective factors of human error, which frees them from the heavy basic tasks of ancient Chinese, so that they can put more energy into other aspects of research.
In this paper, we use Long short-term memory neural networks as the main body, and design different input and output structures to build specific models for different ancient Chinese natural language processing tasks. The training set is an ancient Chinese corpus that we have publicly downloaded from the Internet, and we have manually marked some of the ancient Chinese corpus texts. The model designed in this paper can complete tasks such as breaking the ancient Chinese text, breaking sentences, word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging. The main work and innovations covered in this article are as follows:
(1) The Bi-LSTM was used as the main body to construct the ancient text dating model. In the age judging model, each word in the text is converted into a series of high-dimensional vectors, and then all the vectors contained in the text are sent to the model to analyze the nonlinear relationship between them. Finally, the model outputs a time category label for the text of the paragraph. Experiments show that the model constructed by Bi-LSTM can perform the task of age judging well, and the prediction accuracy can reach 80%. The model in this part provides an efficient and accurate method for ancient Chinese texts’ age judging, which will save the time consumption of ancient Chinese researchers in the process of textualization.
(2) In view of the lack of punctuation in the original works of some ancient Chinese books, this paper proposes a sentences breaking model. In this part, we use the deep neural network to learn a large number of ancient Chinese texts that have already been sentenced, so that the sentences breaking model automatically learns the rules of sentences breaking in a certain period and a certain subject. So in the process of informationization of ancient Chinese literature, we can hand over the sentences breaking work to the computer to reduce the task of ancient Chinese workers.
(3) An integrated model of automatic word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging is proposed. Since there is no public Chinese corpus with word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging, this paper obtains a small number of data sets by manually marking tag, and stores them in the database as a training set training model to verify the word segmentation proposed in this paper. Experiments show that the word segmentation and annotation model proposed in this paper can accomplish the task of marking ancient Chinese word segmentation well. The database can also be further expanded by model labeling and manual calibration.
Based on the Bi-LSTM network, the paper establishes a series of models for different tasks of ancient Chinese texts. The experiment proves that the model proposed in this paper has good effects in the existing limited ancient Chinese corpus. The model can be applied to the construction of the subsequent larger corpus as an auxiliary tool to help the ancient Chinese workers mark the text. The new corpus generated by the model can be used to train the model to improve the accuracy of the model, which constitutes a situation in which the corpus and the model promote each other, and promotes the informationization of ancient Chinese and the construction of a large ancient Chinese corpus.
Key Words: Ancient Chinese, Natural language processing, Judging the age, Punctuation, Word segmentation, Part of speech
目 录
致 谢 I
摘 要 III
Abstract V
1 引言 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 5
1.3 论文组织结构 6
2 研究综述 8
2.1 古代文本断代方法 8
2.2 古代文本断句方法 10
2.3 古代文本分词方法 12
2.4 词性标注综述 16
2.5 本章小结 17
3 古代文本断代模型 18
3.1 数据来源及预处理 18
3.2 模型结构 19
3.3 实验 24
3.4 本章小结 31
4 古代汉语断句模型 32
4.1 数据来源及预处理 32
4.2 模型构建 33
4.3 实验及效果展示 34
4.4 本章小结 38
5 古代汉语分词、标注系统及数据库建设 39
5.1 数据来源及预处理 39
5.2 分类模型的评估标准 41
5.3 模型架构 42
5.4 实验及性能分析 46
5.5 词性标注 49
5.6 本章小结 51
6 总结与展望 53
6.1 总结 53
6.2 展望 53
参考文献 55

# 导入数据
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import pickle
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
import pickle
import os#   https://github.com/yongyehuang/Tensorflow-Tutorial/blob/master/Tutorial_6%20-%20Bi-directional%20LSTM%20for%20sequence%20labeling%20(Chinese%20segmentation).ipynb  #
with open('cleaned_train800-1160.txt', 'rb') as inp:texts = inp.read().decode('utf-16')
sentences = texts.split('\r\n')  # 根据换行切分# 将不规范的内容(如每行的开头)去掉
def clean(s):if u'“/s' not in s:  # 句子中间的引号不应去掉return s.replace(u'“ ', '')elif u'”/s' not in s:return s.replace(u'” ', '')elif u'‘/s' not in s:return s.replace(u'‘', '')elif u'’/s' not in s:return s.replace(u'’', '')else:return stexts = u''.join(map(clean, sentences))  # 把所有的词拼接起来# print('Length of texts is %d' % len(texts))
# print('Example of texts: \n', texts[:300])sentence = re.split(u'[,。!?、‘’“”:()—《》]', texts)
# print('Sentences number:', len(sentence))
# print('Sentence Example:\n', sentence[2])#############################为每个字添加标签##############
# f = open('E:\\pyCode\\Bi-directional_LSTM\\a.txt','w')
for sentenc in sentence:#给每个字添加标签a=sentenc.split()for index in range(len(a)):if (len(a[index]) == 1):a[index] += '/s  'elif (len(a[index]) == 2):a[index] = a[index][:1] + '/b  ' + a[index][1:] + '/e  'elif (len(a[index]) == 3):a[index] = a[index][:1] + '/b  ' + a[index][1:2] + '/m  '+a[index][2:]+'/e  'elif (len(a[index]) == 4):a[index] = a[index][:1] + '/b  ' + a[index][1:2] + '/m  '+a[index][2:3]+'/m  '+a[index][3:]+'/e  'elif (len(a[index]) == 5):a[index] = a[index][:1] + '/b  ' + a[index][1:2] + '/m  '+a[index][2:3]+'/m  ' + a[index][3:4] + '/m  ' + a[index][4:] + '/e  'elif (len(a[index]) == 6):a[index] = a[index][:1] + '/b  ' + a[index][1:2] + '/m  '+a[index][2:3]+'/m  '+a[index][3:4]+'/m  '+a[index][4:5]+'/m  '+a[index][5:]+'/e  'elif (len(a[index]) == 7):a[index] = a[index][:1] + '/b  ' + a[index][1:2] + '/m  '+a[index][2:3]+'/m  '+a[index][3:4]+'/m  '+a[index][4:5]+'/m  '+a[index][5:6]+'/m  '+a[index][6:]+'/e  'elif (len(a[index]) == 8):a[index] = a[index][:1] + '/b  ' + a[index][1:2] + '/m  '+a[index][2:3]+'/m  '+a[index][3:4]+'/m  '+a[index][4:5]+'/m  '+a[index][5:6]+'/m  '+a[index][6:7]+'/m  '+a[index][7:]+'/e  's=u''.join(a)# f.write(sentences+'\n')sentences.append(s)# print(sentences)########################
def get_Xy(sentence):"""将 sentence 处理成 [word1, w2, ..wn], [tag1, t2, ...tn]"""words_tags = re.findall('(.)/(.)', sentence)if words_tags:words_tags = np.asarray(words_tags)words = words_tags[:, 0]tags = words_tags[:, 1]return words, tags # 所有的字和tag分别存为 data / labelreturn None
datas = list()
labels = list()
# print('Start creating words and tags data ...')
for sentence in tqdm(iter(sentences)):result = get_Xy(sentence)if result:datas.append(result[0])labels.append(result[1])import pickle
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# import numpy as npwith open('data/data.pkl', 'rb') as inp:X = pickle.load(inp)y = pickle.load(inp)word2id = pickle.load(inp)id2word = pickle.load(inp)tag2id = pickle.load(inp)id2tag = pickle.load(inp)# 划分测试集/训练集/验证集
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X_train, y_train,  test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# print('X_train.shape={}, y_train.shape={}; \nX_valid.shape={}, y_valid.shape={};\nX_test.shape={}, y_test.shape={}'.format(
#     X_train.shape, y_train.shape, X_valid.shape, y_valid.shape, X_test.shape, y_test.shape))# ** 3.build the data generator
class BatchGenerator(object):""" Construct a Data generator. The input X, y should be ndarray or list like type.Example:Data_train = BatchGenerator(X=X_train_all, y=y_train_all, shuffle=False)Data_test = BatchGenerator(X=X_test_all, y=y_test_all, shuffle=False)X = Data_train.Xy = Data_train.yor:X_batch, y_batch = Data_train.next_batch(batch_size)"""def __init__(self, X, y, shuffle=False):if type(X) != np.ndarray:X = np.asarray(X)if type(y) != np.ndarray:y = np.asarray(y)self._X = Xself._y = yself._epochs_completed = 0self._index_in_epoch = 0self._number_examples = self._X.shape[0]self._shuffle = shuffleif self._shuffle:new_index = np.random.permutation(self._number_examples)self._X = self._X[new_index]self._y = self._y[new_index]@propertydef X(self):return self._X@propertydef y(self):return self._y@propertydef num_examples(self):return self._number_examples@propertydef epochs_completed(self):return self._epochs_completeddef next_batch(self, batch_size):""" Return the next 'batch_size' examples from this data set."""start = self._index_in_epochself._index_in_epoch += batch_sizeif self._index_in_epoch > self._number_examples:# finished epochself._epochs_completed += 1# Shuffle the dataif self._shuffle:new_index = np.random.permutation(self._number_examples)self._X = self._X[new_index]self._y = self._y[new_index]start = 0self._index_in_epoch = batch_sizeassert batch_size <= self._number_examplesend = self._index_in_epochreturn self._X[start:end], self._y[start:end]# print('Creating the data generator ...')
data_train = BatchGenerator(X_train, y_train, shuffle=True)
data_valid = BatchGenerator(X_valid, y_valid, shuffle=False)
data_test = BatchGenerator(X_test, y_test, shuffle=False)
# print('Finished creating the data generator.')import tensorflow as tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config=config)
from tensorflow.contrib import rnn
import numpy as np
import time
For Chinese word segmentation.
# ##################### config ######################
decay = 0.85
max_epoch = 5
max_max_epoch = 10
timestep_size = max_len = 32  # 句子长度
vocab_size = 7010  # 样本中不同字的个数+1(padding 0),根据处理数据的时候得到
input_size = embedding_size = 64  # 字向量长度
class_num = 5
hidden_size = 128  # 隐含层节点数
layer_num = 2  # bi-lstm 层数
max_grad_norm = 5.0  # 最大梯度(超过此值的梯度将被裁剪)lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [])  # 注意类型必须为 tf.int32
model_save_path = 'ckpt/bi-lstm.ckpt'  # 模型保存位置with tf.variable_scope('embedding'):embedding = tf.get_variable("embedding", [vocab_size, embedding_size], dtype=tf.float32)def weight_variable(shape):"""Create a weight variable with appropriate initialization."""initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1)return tf.Variable(initial)def bias_variable(shape):"""Create a bias variable with appropriate initialization."""initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape)return tf.Variable(initial)def lstm_cell():cell = rnn.LSTMCell(hidden_size, reuse=tf.get_variable_scope().reuse)return rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell, output_keep_prob=keep_prob)def bi_lstm(X_inputs):"""build the bi-LSTMs network. Return the y_pred"""# X_inputs.shape = [batchsize, timestep_size]  ->  inputs.shape = [batchsize, timestep_size, embedding_size]inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, X_inputs)# ** 1.构建前向后向多层 LSTMcell_fw = rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell() for _ in range(layer_num)], state_is_tuple=True)cell_bw = rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell() for _ in range(layer_num)], state_is_tuple=True)# ** 2.初始状态initial_state_fw = cell_fw.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)initial_state_bw = cell_bw.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)# 下面两部分是等价的# **************************************************************# ** 把 inputs 处理成 rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn 的要求形式# ** 文档说明# inputs: A length T list of inputs, each a tensor of shape# [batch_size, input_size], or a nested tuple of such elements.# *************************************************************# Unstack to get a list of'n_steps' tensors of shape (batch_size, n_input)# inputs.shape = [batchsize, timestep_size, embedding_size]  ->  timestep_size tensor, each_tensor.shape = [batchsize, embedding_size]# inputs = tf.unstack(inputs, timestep_size, 1)# ** 3.bi-lstm 计算(tf封装)  一般采用下面 static_bidirectional_rnn 函数调用。#   但是为了理解计算的细节,所以把后面的这段代码进行展开自己实现了一遍。#     try:#         outputs, _, _ = rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(cell_fw, cell_bw, inputs,#                         initial_state_fw = initial_state_fw, initial_state_bw = initial_state_bw, dtype=tf.float32)#     except Exception: # Old TensorFlow version only returns outputs not states#         outputs = rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(cell_fw, cell_bw, inputs,#                         initial_state_fw = initial_state_fw, initial_state_bw = initial_state_bw, dtype=tf.float32)#     output = tf.reshape(tf.concat(outputs, 1), [-1, hidden_size * 2])# ***********************************************************# ***********************************************************# ** 3. bi-lstm 计算(展开)with tf.variable_scope('bidirectional_rnn'):# *** 下面,两个网络是分别计算 output 和 state# Forward directionoutputs_fw = list()state_fw = initial_state_fwwith tf.variable_scope('fw'):for timestep in range(timestep_size):if timestep > 0:tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()(output_fw, state_fw) = cell_fw(inputs[:, timestep, :], state_fw)outputs_fw.append(output_fw)# backward directionoutputs_bw = list()state_bw = initial_state_bwwith tf.variable_scope('bw') as bw_scope:inputs = tf.reverse(inputs, [1])for timestep in range(timestep_size):if timestep > 0:tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()(output_bw, state_bw) = cell_bw(inputs[:, timestep, :], state_bw)outputs_bw.append(output_bw)# *** 然后把 output_bw 在 timestep 维度进行翻转# outputs_bw.shape = [timestep_size, batch_size, hidden_size]outputs_bw = tf.reverse(outputs_bw, [0])# 把两个oupputs 拼成 [timestep_size, batch_size, hidden_size*2]output = tf.concat([outputs_fw, outputs_bw], 2)output = tf.transpose(output, perm=[1, 0, 2])output = tf.reshape(output, [-1, hidden_size * 2])# ***********************************************************return output  # [-1, hidden_size*2]with tf.variable_scope('Inputs'):X_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, timestep_size], name='X_input')y_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, timestep_size], name='y_input')wordNum = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='wordNum')
bilstm_output = bi_lstm(X_inputs)with tf.variable_scope('outputs'):softmax_w = weight_variable([hidden_size * 2, class_num])softmax_b = bias_variable([class_num])y_pred = tf.matmul(bilstm_output, softmax_w) + softmax_b# adding extra statistics to monitor
# y_inputs.shape = [batch_size, timestep_size]
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.argmax(y_pred, 1), tf.int32), tf.reshape(y_inputs, [-1]))
# accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=tf.reshape(y_inputs, [-1]), logits=y_pred))# ***** 优化求解 *******
tvars = tf.trainable_variables()  # 获取模型的所有参数
grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(cost, tvars), max_grad_norm)  # 获取损失函数对于每个参数的梯度
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr)  # 优化器# 梯度下降计算
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tvars),global_step=tf.train.get_or_create_global_step())
# print('Finished creating the bi-lstm model.')
saver = tf.train.Saver()
best_model_path = 'ckpt/bi-lstm.ckpt-6'
saver.restore(sess, best_model_path)
X_tt, y_tt = data_train.next_batch(2)
# print('X_tt.shape=', X_tt.shape,'y_tt.shape=', y_tt.shape)
# print('X_tt = ', X_tt)
# print('y_tt = ', y_tt)# 利用 labels(即状态序列)来统计转移概率
# 因为状态数比较少,这里用 dict={'I_tI_{t+1}':p} 来实现
# A统计状态转移的频数
A = {'sb': 0,'ss': 0,'be': 0,'bm': 0,'me': 0,'mm': 0,'eb': 0,'es': 0
}# zy 表示转移概率矩阵
zy = dict()
for label in labels:for t in range(len(label) - 1):key = label[t] + label[t + 1]A[key] += 1.0zy['sb'] = A['sb'] / (A['sb'] + A['ss'])
zy['ss'] = 1.0 - zy['sb']
zy['be'] = A['be'] / (A['be'] + A['bm'])
zy['bm'] = 1.0 - zy['be']
zy['me'] = A['me'] / (A['me'] + A['mm'])
zy['mm'] = 1.0 - zy['me']
zy['eb'] = A['eb'] / (A['eb'] + A['es'])
zy['es'] = 1.0 - zy['eb']
keys = sorted(zy.keys())
print('the transition probability: ')
for key in keys:print(    key, zy[key])
zy = {i: np.log(zy[i]) for i in zy.keys()}
print(zy)def viterbi(nodes):"""维特比译码:除了第一层以外,每一层有4个节点。计算当前层(第一层不需要计算)四个节点的最短路径:对于本层的每一个节点,计算出路径来自上一层的各个节点的新的路径长度(概率)。保留最大值(最短路径)。上一层每个节点的路径保存在 paths 中。计算本层的时候,先用paths_ 暂存,然后把本层的最大路径保存到 paths 中。paths 采用字典的形式保存(路径:路径长度)。一直计算到最后一层,得到四条路径,将长度最短(概率值最大的路径返回)"""paths = {'b': nodes[0]['b'], 's':nodes[0]['s']} # 第一层,只有两个节点for layer in range(1, len(nodes)):  # 后面的每一层print(layer)paths_ = paths.copy()  # 先保存上一层的路径print(paths_)# node_now 为本层节点, node_last 为上层节点paths = {}  # 清空 pathfor node_now in nodes[layer].keys():      # nodes[layer] {'s': 6.416104, 'b': 1.4611748, 'm': -2.1077693, 'e': 1.5862198}    key为s b m e.print(nodes[layer])print(node_now)# 对于本层的每个节点,找出最短路径sub_paths = {}# 上一层的每个节点到本层节点的连接for path_last in paths_.keys():if path_last[-1] + node_now in zy.keys(): # 若转移概率不为 0sub_paths[path_last + node_now] = paths_[path_last] + nodes[layer][node_now] + zy[path_last[-1] + node_now]# 最短路径,即概率最大的那个sr_subpaths = pd.Series(sub_paths)sr_subpaths = sr_subpaths.sort_values()  # 升序排序node_subpath = sr_subpaths.index[-1]  # 最短路径node_value = sr_subpaths[-1]   # 最短路径对应的值# 把 node_now 的最短路径添加到 paths 中paths[node_subpath] = node_value# 所有层求完后,找出最后一层中各个节点的路径最短的路径sr_paths = pd.Series(paths)sr_paths = sr_paths.sort_values()  # 按照升序排序return sr_paths.index[-1]  # 返回最短路径(概率值最大的路径)def text2ids(text):"""把字片段text转为 ids."""words = list(text)ids = list(word2id[words])if len(ids) >= max_len:  # 长则弃掉print(u'输出片段超过%d部分无法处理' % (max_len))return ids[:max_len]ids.extend([0]*(max_len-len(ids))) # 短则补全ids = np.asarray(ids).reshape([-1, max_len])return idsdef simple_cut(text):"""对一个片段text(标点符号把句子划分为多个片段)进行预测。"""if text:text_len = len(text)X_batch = text2ids(text)  # 这里每个 batch 是一个样本fetches = [y_pred]feed_dict = {X_inputs:X_batch, lr:1.0, batch_size:1, keep_prob:1.0}_y_pred = sess.run(fetches, feed_dict)[0][:text_len]  # padding填充的部分直接丢弃nodes = [dict(zip(['s','b','m','e'], each[1:])) for each in _y_pred]tags = viterbi(nodes)words = []for i in range(len(text)):if tags[i] in ['s', 'b']:words.append(text[i])else:words[-1] += text[i]return wordselse:return []def cut_word(sentence):"""首先将一个sentence根据标点和英文符号/字符串划分成多个片段text,然后对每一个片段分词。"""not_cuts = re.compile(u'([0-9\da-zA-Z ]+)|[。,、?!.\.\?,!]')result = []start = 0for seg_sign in not_cuts.finditer(sentence):result.extend(simple_cut(sentence[start:seg_sign.start()]))result.append(sentence[seg_sign.start():seg_sign.end()])start = seg_sign.end()result.extend(simple_cut(sentence[start:]))return resultsentence = "你看我盡節存忠立功勛,單注著楚霸王大軍盡。" #你  看  我  盡  節  存  忠  立  功勛  ,單  注  著  楚霸王  大軍  盡  。
result = cut_word(sentence)
rss = ''
for each in result:rss = rss + each + ' / '


  1. 基于机器学习的古代汉语切分标注算法及语料库研究(毕业设计包含完整代码+论文+资料ppt)

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  3. 【毕业设计_课程设计】基于机器学习的情感分类与分析算法设计与实现(源码+论文)

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