



GUI编程:学习使用Python tkinter组件库来创建完整的用户界面;





Python and Python Pocket Reference》的作者。



Part I. The Beginning

1. A Sneak Preview

Part II. System Programming

2. System Tools

3. Script Execution Context

4. File and Directory Tools

5. Parallel System Tools

6. Complete System Programs

Part III. GUI Programming

7. Graphical User Interfaces

8. A tkinter Tour, Part

9. A tkinter Tour, Part 2

10. GUI Coding Techniques

11. Complete GUI Programs

Part IV. Internet Programming

12. Network Scripting

13. Client-Side Scripting

14. The PyMailGUI Client

15. Server-Side Scripting

16. The PyMailCGI Server

Part V. Tools and Techniques

17. Databases and Persistence

18. Data Structures

19. Text and Language

20. Python/C Integration

Part VI. The End

21. Conclusion: Python and the Development Cycle



版权页: 插图: The "browse" button in Figure 10-7 pops up a file selection dialog just as the packdlg form did.Instead of an OK button,this dialog binds the Enter key-press event to kill the window and end the modalwait state pause; on submission, the name of the packed file is passed to the main function of the unpacker script shown earlier to perform the actual file scan process. Room forimprovement All of this works as advertised-by making command-line tools available in graphical form like this, they become much more attractive to users accustomed to the GUI way of life.We've effectively added a simple GUI front-end to command-line tools.Still, two aspects of this design seem prime for improvement. First, both of the input dialogs use common code to build the rows of their input forms, but it's tailored to this specific use case; we might be able to simplify the dialogs further by importing a more generic form-builder module instead.We met general form builder code in Chapters 8 and 9, and we'll meet more later-see the form.py module in Chapter 12 for pointers on further genericizing form construction. Second, at the point where the user submits input data in either form dialog,we've lost the GUI trail-the GUI is blocked, and messages are routed back to the console.The GUI is technically blocked and will not update itselfwhile the pack and unpack utilities run; although these operations are fast enough for my files as to be negligible,we would probably want to spawn these calls off in threads for very large files to keep the main GUI thread active (more on threads later in this chapter). The console issue is more blatant: packer and unpacker messages still show up in the stdout console window, not in the GUI (all the filenames here include full directory paths if you select them with the GUI's Browse buttons, courtesy of the standard Open dialog): C:\...\PP4E\Gui\5hellGui\temp> python ..\mytools.py list PP4E saolledtext list test Packer: packed.all ('spam.txt', 'ham.txt', 'eggs.txt') packing: spam.txt packing: ham.txt packing: eggs.txt Unpacker: packed.all creating: spam.txt creating: ham.txt creating: eggs.txt.











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