前言:在linux使用好几个月后,开机的时候总是会提醒/boot 空间不足,我当时想下次重装系统的时候一定给/boot 分配个几个G,100多M不大够用,可是我点linux对应的报告问题的时候,Linux提示这是已知问题,已解决,然后学习了一下解决方法。


1. 问题产生原因

LVM installs and encrypted installs use a separate /boot partition. The partition by default is capable of holding only four or five kernels, and can fill to capacity quickly. To prevent your /boot partition from getting full, you need to configure automatic removal of old kernels, or manually remove old kernels regularly.

Changing the kernel providing packages on your system requires commands with root access, so please read RootSudo.

简单说来就是随着linux kernel的更新,系统中包含的kernel越来越多,最后会将本来就不大的/boot空间填满。解决方法有两个,一个是配置自动移除老的kernels,另外是手动移除。




jiatai@jiatai:~$ uname -r


dpkg --get-selections|grep linux


sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.13.0-32(版本号见上面历史kernel获取)


$ sudo update-initramfs -d -k 4.2.0-15-generic
$ sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-4.2.0-15-generic linux-image-extra-4.2.0-15-generic
                                  ## If the previous command fails, some installed package
                                  ## depends on the kernel. The output of dpkg displays the name
                                  ## of the package. Purge it first.
$ sudo apt-get -f install         ## Try to fix the broken dependency.

2. 解决方法

2.1 手动解决

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge



2.2 自动解决


2.2.1 Enable Unattended Upgrades (Ubuntu 14.04)



In Ubuntu 16.04 and later unattended-upgrades is enabled by default, however in Ubuntu 14.04 you will need to enable it either via the GUI or a command-line.


Enable unattended upgrades using Software & Updates application's "Updates" tab:

  • Check the box for *-security (and/or any other repositories you wish)
  • Automatically check for updates: Set to any frequency (except 'Never')
  • When there are security updates: Set to Download and Install Automatically


sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades

2.2.2 Configure Unattended Upgrades to Remove Unneeded Kernels Automatically


修改文件/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades 中如下所示,去除注释以及将默认的false改成true。


Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-New-Unused-Dependencies "false"


Note: The following methods will only remove kernels that are marked as being automatically installed as described above. In Ubuntu 16.04 kernels installed by Software Updater are marked as being automatically installed. In Ubuntu 14.04 only kernels installed by unattended-upgrades are marked as being automatically installed. See bug #1439769 for details.

Note: This way will not remove all automatically installed old kernel providing packages as fallback versions are kept; the list of kept kernels is maintained and automatically updated in the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels as a list of matching regular expressions.

The second step is to edit the configuration file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades to enable automatic removal. It's owned by root, so remember to use sudo!

Option for All Ubuntu Releases

The following setting configures unattended-upgrade to remove unused dependencies after an unattended upgrade.

Make sure /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades contains line

Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";

and that it is not commented out. Comments start with '//' in this file.

Thereafter unattended-upgrades will remove automatically remove packages providing old kernels as part of unattended upgrade. (It does not purge them, however.) It also removes other unneeded packages, as well.

Option for Ubuntu 16.04 and newer

Unattended-upgrades version 0.90 supports a new configuration variable that makes it possible to automatically remove only packages that become excessive during a run of unattended-upgrades. It is enabled i.e. "true" by default, so make sure /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades does not contain:

Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-New-Unused-Dependencies "false"

The way this is designed, it is important that you let unattended-upgrades handle installion of security updates. Otherwise unattended-uprades will not remove old kernels and you may have to do some manual removing of kernels.


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