The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID 20124058_832001227
Team Leader’s blog
Video demo link


  • Blog link of the team leader
  • Team Gathering
    • <1>Team member's introduction
    • <2>Description of team characteristics
    • <3>Logo of the team
    • <4>Group photo
  • Start action
    • <1>Summarize the content of the project
    • <2>Individual contribution and the proportion
  • Drip Record
    • <1>Mind map and burnout map
    • <2>UML
    • <3>Learning progress bar
    • <4>Experience
    • <5>Difficulties and solutions
    • <6>Video clip

Blog link of the team leader

Team Gathering

<1>Team member’s introduction

832001227 WENQI PENG:
Style: Passion and focus, strong sense of responsibility, meticulous and thoughtful
Skills: Matlab, Arduino, C++, Python, Android studio, SCM embedded development
Programming interests: Currently focused on Android Studio, with a transition to kotlin, jetpack and flutter considered at a later stage.
Expected software engineering roles: I want to be a team task driver and an inspired small genius.
One sentence declaration: More hard, more successful.

832001209 Zheng Haifeng:(leader)
Style: Analytical, logical, focused research skills :Matlab, Arduino, C, Python, Android studio
Programming interests: Currently, I focus on MATLAB, and later I want tosupplement the knowledge of front-end development. Desired role of software engineering: I want to be the product manager of a team, and the person in charge of data analysis and general direction.
In a word: opportunity is for those who are prepared.

832001203 Yi Liangguo:
Style: Analytical, logical, focused research skills :Matlab, Arduino, C, Python, Android studio
Programming interests: Currently, I focus on MATLAB, and later I want to supplement the knowledge of front-end development. Desired role of software engineering: I hope to be the person who can help my teammates and become the glue that connects the whole team

832001205 YINGXIN QIU:
Style:Quick action
Skills:Front-end development and UI design
Programming interests:html,python,java
Expected software engineering roles:Technical Developer and UI Designer
Declaration:Born to be extraordinary.

832001130 Boyang Xue:
Style:Try bravely, be bold and careful
Skills:Algorithm design and Embedded hardware Development.
Programming interests:Python and JavaScript.
Expected software engineering roles:Algorithm Engineer,Solve programming problems to achieve the intended function.
Declaration:No human can repel a firm hope.

832001211 Lanhui Xu:
Style: Quick thinking, able to put forward a lot of creative ideas
Skills: Python, C, C++, JavaSprint, Matlab, PS, PR, Office
Programming interest: At present, the most proficient are python data analysis and C logic; higher achievements in other programming languages are expected in the future.
Expected software engineering roles: I hope to be a person who takes into account the overall situation and details of the main body in the project.
One sentence declaration:Let’s go for it

832001202 Wu Chenlin:
Style: good at communication, optimistic, concentrated on research
Skills: Matlab, Arduino, C, C++, Python, Android studio
Programming interest: At present, I focus on C and Arduino, and I want to supplement the knowledge of front-end development in the later stage
Expected role of software engineering: I want to be a communication bridge of a team and the person in charge of data collection and analysis.
In a word: work harder, go further and be higher.
·Person in charge: Han Tong,Zheping Lin

Zheping Lin:
Style: Serious and meticulous work, practical and willing to work, with good team spirit and communication skills.
Skills: Back-end development,UI design and hardware
Programming interests:C + +, python
Expected role: back-end developer.
Declaration: Till today, harvest tomorrow.

Han Tong:
Style: Good logical thinking, can withstand a certain work pressure and can complete the work on time and ensure the quality.
Skills: Back-end development,UI design and hardware.
Programming interests:C + +, matlab
Expected role: Back-end developer.
Declaration: Be brave and enterprising, dare to innovate.

<2>Description of team characteristics

  1. Strong execution;
    The results speak for themselves.
  2. Collective learning and continuous accumulation.
    The accumulation of knowledge and experience is a strong guarantee of execution.
  3. “Home” atmosphere, happy work, happy life. A humane team will be dynamic forever.

<3>Logo of the team

<4>Group photo

Start action

<1>Summarize the content of the project

  • Realize a college student sports APP integrating sports socializing, sports planning and data recording
  • 实现一款集运动社交,运动规划,数据记录为一体的大学生运动APP

<2>Individual contribution and the proportion

Drip Record

<1>Mind map and burnout map


(Part1) Person in charge: WENQI PENG, YINGXIN QIU
Description: We are responsible for software prototyping and whole report class diagram making as well as the writing of the UML diagram of the login module
Problems faced by this part: Database security Issues
Problems solved: Use a high-security database to store sensitive user information.

Use case diagram
Activity diagram
Class diagram:

State Diagram
Entity relationship diagram

(Part2) Person in charge: Han Tong, Zheping Lin

Description: When drawing the UML diagram, the underlying logic is more complicated. We learned to comb the logic on the draft paper first, and then build the frame according to the common elements of the UML map, and finally draw the image.

(Part 3) Person in charge: Boyang Xue & Haifeng Zheng
Description: We are responsible for the module of the community communication platform of the software, including Posting messages, photos, comments and liking interaction.
Problem faced by this part: Check the validity of posts to prevent malicious posts and bad comments.
Problem solved:Set keyword blocking function and add community administrator

(Part4) Person in charge: LANHUI XU YILIANG GUO
Description: We are responsible for the whole exercise module, which includes the important functions of step count, running timing and exercise plan
Problem faced by this part:When we first started to draw UML diagrams, we found that it was not as simple as we imagined, and there were many mysteries.
Problem solved:We finally completed our sports module by reviewing the courseware PPT and searching for relevant teaching videos on blibli.

<3>Learning progress bar

Person in charge: Chenlin Wu
Description: I am responsible for drawing the psp chart and making statistics of our group’s learning progress and production results
The problem we face in this part is that sometimes we can’t fully follow the plan in terms of learning progress, and the actual effect is slightly different from the plan
The problem has been solved: by adjusting the plan in time, we tested the truth in practice, and implemented the study and production of symbols in our group.


Selection of UML design tools: Processon

  • advantages: Able to cooperate with a team, the operation is relatively simple, can quickly get started, have UML templates, and save a lot of drawing time
  • evaluation of tools after use: Drawing operation is relatively simple, can quickly complete the production of UML diagram.

<5>Difficulties and solutions

Difficulties: When it comes to drawing UML diagrams and the choice of drawing tools, there are a variety of drawing tools such as Visio, ROSE, ProcessOn

Solution: After comparing these tools with our needs, I finally chose ProcessOn, a free online tool. Convenient and fast, also comes with templates, enough to meet my needs

<6>Video clip


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