


14.90 积分

OSI Network LayerNetwork Fundamentals – Chapter 5ObjectivesIdentify the role of the Network Layer, as it describes communication from one end device to another end deviceExamine the most common Network Layer protocol, Internet Protocol (IP), and its features for providing connectionless and best-effort serviceUnderstand the principles used to guide the division or grouping of devices into networksUnderstand the hierarchical addressing of devices and how this allows communication between networksUnderstand the fundamentals of routes, next hop addresses and packet forwarding to a destination networkNetwork Layer Protocols and Internet Protocol (IP)Define the basic role of the Network Layer in data networksNetwork Layer Protocols and Internet Protocol (IP)Identify the basic characteristics and the role of the IPv4 protocolNetwork Layer Protocols and Internet Protocol (IP)Describe the implications for the use of the IP protocol as it is connectionlessNetwork Layer Protocols and Internet Protocol (IP)Describe the implications for the use of the IP protocol as it is considered an unreliable protocolNetwork Layer Protocols and Internet Protocol (IP)Describe the implications for the use of the IP as it is media independentNetwork Layer Protocols and Internet Protocol (IP)Describe the role of framing in the Transport Layer and explain that segments are encapsulated as packetsNetwork Layer Protocols and Internet Protocol (IP)Identify the major header fields in the IPv4 protocol and describe each field's role in transporting packetsGrouping Devices into Networks and Hierarchical AddressingList several different reasons for grouping devices into sub-networks and define several terms used to identify the sub-networksGrouping Devices into Networks and Hierarchical AddressingList several ways in which dividing a large network can increase network performanceGrouping Devices into Networks and Hierarchical AddressingList several ways in which dividing a large network can increase network securityGrouping Devices into Networks and Hierarchical AddressingExplain the communication problems that emerge when very large numbers of devices are included in one large networkGrouping Devices into Networks and Hierarchical AddressingDescribe how hierarchical addressing solves the problem of devices communicating across networks of networksGrouping Devices into Networks and Hierarchical AddressingDescribe the purpose of further subdividing networks into smaller networksFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingDescribe the role of an intermediary gateway device in allowing devices to communicate across sub-divided networksFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingTrace the steps of an IP packet as it traverses unchanged via routers from sub network to sub-networkFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingDescribe the role of a gateway and the use of a simple route table in directing packets toward their ultimate destinationsFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingDefine a route and its three key partsFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingDescribe the purpose and use of the destination network in a routeFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingDescribe the purpose and use of the next hop in a routeFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingTrace the steps of several IP packets as they are routed through several gateways from devices on one sub network to devices on other sub networksFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingDescribe the purpose of routing protocols and the need for both static and dynamic routesFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingExplain how routes are manually configured to build routing tableFundamentals of Routes, Next Hop Addresses and Packet ForwardingExplain the role of routing protocols in building the routing tableSummary 关 键 词: 思科网络课件 第五 双语 计算机网络 教程




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