Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
(C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\apk>apktool if f.apk
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-ERR1
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-ERR2
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rHK-ERR3
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rHK-ERR4
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rHK-ERR5
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rCN-ERR6
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rCN-ERR7
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rCN-ERR8
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rTW-ERR9
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rTW-ERR10
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: string-zh-rTW-ERR11
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-ERR12
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-ERR13
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-ERR14
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rHK-ERR15
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rHK-ERR16
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rHK-ERR17
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rCN-ERR18
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rCN-ERR19
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rCN-ERR20
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rTW-ERR21
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rTW-ERR22
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.
W: Invalid config flags detected: plurals-zh-rTW-ERR23
I: Framework installed to: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\apktool\frame




Issue 195:    Status: Fixed

Add support for API level 13 (Android 3.2) resources   Jul 13, 2011

Issue 128:
Add support for non-standard res-qualifiers  Jan 21, 2011

Some framework-res.apk files contains unknown, non-standard resource qualifiers. It's not possible to support them while retaining my assumption that decoded apk is normal Android project. Original SDK can't build such an app, I think some manufacturers use modified versions of SDK to accomplish that.

We could store non-standard res-qualifiers in a binary form while decoding and use them when building. We could do this in following ways:

* create our own build system (aapt) - but that wouldn't be easy.
  * alter resources.arsc after building by original aapt.

For now it's not possible to rebuild such apk fully. Apktool automatically removes unknown resources when decoding to make app valid - in most cases you should be able to rebuild it and if you're lucky, it will work almost normally. If not, you could try to decode apk with --keep-broken-res switch - then you won't be able to build it, but you will see "broken" resources and you could try to fix them manually.

Comment 1 by project member Brut.alll, Jan 21, 2011


Issue 80:
Better generation of public.xml file.

Reported by project member Brut.alll, Jul 28, 2010

Issue 113:
Problems while compile framework files




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