

前天,在老外的网站(估计又是老印的)上看到这个文章,觉得这可能就是GAP的真正含义吧。下面是原文转载。看完了全文,总算是初步理解了什么是GAP。如何去处理GAP:不理睬GAP是不可能的,我估计要么作USER EXIT,要么修正业务流程来满足SAP的规则,至少我是这么理解的。

GAP Analysis

Contributed by Madhavi

Gap means small cracks. In SAP world or in Information Technology world, gap analysis is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications( ex; existing system or legacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose of determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as "the space between where we are and where we want to be."
Gap Analysis is undertaken as a means of bridging that space. Actual Gap Analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in Business Blueprint [AS IS Process] stage.
A through Gap Analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates and its needs against what the package can can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which must be recorded and actioned,
1. GAP must be closed and customized software can be developed
2. GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is required
3. GAP does not need to be closed.
A point worth mentioning here is that at time people confuse between user-exits and Gap Analysis. User exits are standard gate ways provided by SAP to exit the standard code and we can write our own code with the help of ABAP workbench, its not new functionality which we are trying to build in sap but its slight enhancement within the same code.
Gap analysis is start point of Realization and once business Blueprint is finished we have to find the realization of sap system for client requirement and there will be certain gaps when compared to system fit. Those gaps can be closed either by re-engineering of business process to fit with SAP or we have to use USER exits in case of small deviations or complete enhancements with the help of ABAP to fit with the SAP system.
The Gaps can differ from company to company. Most commonly, however, missing functionality is industry-specific.
1. MGM Studios and Lycos sometime back worked with SAP to develop its new intellectual property management and media advertising management functionality, respectively.
2. A leading Oral care product company wanted the promotion of free-goods where they wanted 'Buy one get 2 different products free'.

原文地址 http://sapfunctional.com

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