
Steam allows you to remotely install games from your smartphone, just like you can with a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. You can download games to your gaming PC from anywhere, ensuring those big downloads are complete and the game is ready to play when you get home. You can also do this from any web browser.

Steam允许您从智能手机远程安装游戏,就像使用PlayStation 4或Xbox One一样。 您可以从任何地方将游戏下载到游戏PC,以确保完成大笔下载并且回家后就可以开始游戏了。 您也可以从任何Web浏览器执行此操作。

您需要知道的 (What You Need to Know)

This only works if you’re signed into Steam on a PC and if Steam is currently running on that PC. The PC must be powered on, and not in sleep or hibernation mode. Many PCs are configured to automatically sleep and hibernate by default, and that’s a good setting for saving power. So you’ll have to decide whether this is worth disabling a useful power saving setting.

仅当您在PC上登录Steam且该PC当前正在运行Steam时,此方法才有效。 必须打开PC的电源,并且不能使其处于睡眠或Hibernate模式。 默认情况下,许多PC被配置为自动Hibernate和Hibernate,这是节省电源的好设置。 因此,您必须决定是否值得禁用有用的节能设置。

To ensure your PC doesn’t go to sleep or hibernate when you’re away from it, head to Control Panel > System and Security > Power Options > Change when the computer sleeps. Set it to “Never”. You can still manually initiate Sleep mode from the Start menu.

为确保PC不在时,PC不会进入睡眠或Hibernate状态,请转到“控制面板”>“系统和安全性”>“电源选项”>“计算机在睡眠时更改”。 将其设置为“从不”。 您仍然可以从“开始”菜单手动启动睡眠模式。

如何从手机安装Steam游戏 (How to Install a Steam Game From Your Phone)

You can access this feature using Valve’s official Steam mobile app, available from Google Play for Android, Apple’s App Store for iPhone, and even the Windows Store for Windows Phone. Install the Steam app on your smartphone and sign in with the same account you use in Steam on your desktop PC.

您可以使用Valve的官方Steam移动应用程序访问此功能,该应用程序可从Android的Google Play , iPhone的Apple的App Store甚至Windows Phone的Windows Store获得。 在您的智能手机上安装Steam应用程序,然后使用台式机上Steam中使用的相同帐户登录。

Once you’ve signed in, tap the menu button at the top left corner of the app and tap “Library” to view your game library.


At the top of the Library page, you’ll see your “Current Steam Login”, which tells you which PC you’re currently signed into Steam with. This is the PC you’ll be installing games on. You can use the filter box to search for specific games or sort them by name or playtime and look through your entire library.

在“库”页面的顶部,您会看到“当前Steam登录名”,它会告诉您当前使用哪个PC登录Steam。 这是您要在其上安装游戏的PC。 您可以使用过滤器框搜索特定的游戏,或按名称或游戏时间对其进行排序,并浏览整个库。

If a game is currently installed on your PC, you’ll see it as “Ready to Play”. If a game isn’t yet installed, you can click the download button to the right of the game’s name to begin installing it.

如果PC上当前安装了游戏,则将其显示为“准备玩”。 如果尚未安装游戏,则可以单击游戏名称右侧的下载按钮以开始安装它。

Once you’ve begun a download, you’ll see the download progress on this page. You can also pause and resume downloads using the buttons here.

开始下载后,您将在此页面上看到下载进度。 您也可以使用此处的按钮暂停和继续下载。

You can also buy games in the Steam mobile app and immediately begin downloading them in Steam on your PC.


If you have a product key from a physical game or a website that sells Steam keys, you can now even activate these while away from Steam. Head to the Activate a Product on Steam web page and provide the CD key or product code. You’ll have to do this in your web browser because the option isn’t integrated into the Steam mobile app, but you can always do it via the web browser on your phone.

如果您有实体游戏的产品密钥或出售Steam密钥的网站,现在甚至可以在离开Steam时激活它们。 转到在Steam上激活产品网页并提供CD密钥或产品代码。 您必须在Web浏览器中执行此操作,因为该选件未集成到Steam移动应用程序中,但您始终可以通过手机上的Web浏览器来执行此操作。

The Steam app also provides other useful features, like a code-generating feature that works with Steam Guard to secure your Steam account. You can configure Steam to require a code generated by the app on your phone each time you sign in, in addition to your password. It’s also required for confirming trades on the Steam Community Market, which is essential when you’re selling your Steam trading cards for Steam credit.

Steam应用程序还提供了其他有用的功能,例如与Steam Guard一起使用以保护您的Steam帐户的代码生成功能。 您可以将Steam配置为在每次登录时要求手机上应用程序生成的密码以及密码。 确认Steam社区市场上的交易也需要它,这在您出售Steam交易卡以获得Steam积分时必不可少。

如何从Web浏览器安装Steam游戏 (How to Install a Steam Game From a Web Browser)

You can also do this from the Steam website in any web browser. Be careful to only sign into Steam on PCs that you trust.

您也可以在任何Web浏览器中的Steam网站上执行此操作。 请注意,仅在您信任的PC上登录Steam。

To do this, head to the Steam website and sign in with the same account you use in Steam. Hover over your name at the top of the Steam page and click “Profile”.

为此,请访问Steam网站并使用您在Steam中使用的相同帐户登录。 将鼠标悬停在Steam页面顶部的名称上方,然后点击“个人资料”。

Click “Games” at the right side of your account profile page.


You’ll see a page showing the name of the PC you’re currently signed into Steam with and listing the games on your library. It works just like the Steam mobile interface. You can filter your games or sort and scroll through them. Installed games read “Ready to play”, while games you can install read “Not installed”. You can install them by clicking the download button to their right and they’ll immediately begin installing. The download progress will appear on this page, too.

您会看到一个页面,显示您当前登录Steam所用的PC的名称,并在您的媒体库中列出游戏。 它的工作方式与Steam移动界面一样。 您可以过滤游戏或对游戏进行排序和滚动。 已安装的游戏显示为“准备就绪”,而您可以安装的游戏则显示为“未安装”。 您可以通过单击其右侧的下载按钮来安装它们,它们将立即开始安装。 下载进度也会显示在此页面上。

In the future, you can bookmark this page and come directly here. The address is , where “NAME” is your Steam name.

将来,您可以在此页面添加书签并直接进入此处。 地址是 ,其中“ NAME”是您的Steam名称。

You can also purchase Steam games from the Store on the website and immediately begin downloading them, or activate product keys on your Steam account using the the Activate a Product on Steam web page and immediately begin downloading them.


如何远程安装非Steam PC游戏 (How to Remotely Install Non-Steam PC Games)

Services like EA Origin, GOG Galaxy, and Blizzard don’t offer a similar feature. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It just means you have to set up a remote desktop tool on your PC. You can then remotely access it from another computer—or even your phone, if you’re prepared to navigate your phone’s desktop on a small screen.

EA Origin,GOG Galaxy和Blizzard Battle.net等服务没有提供类似功能。 但是,这并不意味着不可能。 这仅意味着您必须在PC上设置远程桌面工具。 如果您准备在小屏幕上浏览手机的桌面,则可以从另一台计算机甚至手机远程访问它。

Once you’ve set up remote desktop, you can do anything on your PC remotely, including downloading and installing games. Of course, it is a lot less convenient and streamlined.

一旦设置了远程桌面,就可以在PC上远程执行任何操作,包括下载和安装游戏。 当然,它的便利性和简化性要差很多。




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