
  1. AnchorTargetCreator() : 用每张图中bbox的真实标签为所有任务分配ground truth!【RPN网络】
  2. ProposalCreator() : 输入上一张图的所有bbox,label的ground trurh。输出的2000个roi作为ProposalTargetCreator的输入【RPN网络】
  3. ProposalTargetCreator() : 为2000个rois赋予ground truth!(挑出128个赋予ground truth!)【RoIHead网络】
model/utils/bbox_tools.py 文件

loc2bbox() 将源bbox+偏移和比例 == 解码 ==>目标bbox。正好是下面的逆过程
bbox2loc() 将源bbox和目标bbox == 编码 ==>为“loc(源bbox相对于bbox的offset和scales)”
bbox_iou() 两个bbox相交的面积与相并的面积比IOU。给定两组bbox(N,4 与 K,4),输出数组shape为(N,K)
generate_anchor_base() 通过枚举纵横比和比例生成anchor(锚)基窗口 (9个base anchor)



  • 传入参数

    • src bbox(array)bounding box的坐标: pymin,pxmin,pymax,pxmaxp_{ymin}, p_{xmin}, p_{ymax}, p_{xmax}pymin​,pxmin​,pymax​,pxmax​
      loc(array)scales and offsets(比例和偏移):ty,tx,th,twt_y, t_x, t_h, t_wty​,tx​,th​,tw​ ;
    • bounding box中心 (y,x)=py,px(y, x) = p_y, p_x(y,x)=py​,px​
      bounding box 大小 ph,pwp_h, p_wph​,pw​
  • 计算公式:g^\bf \hat{g}g^​ 表示近似目标边框;p\bf pp 表示proposal边框

    • g^y=phty+py\hat{g}_y = p_h t_y + p_yg^​y​=ph​ty​+py​
    • g^x=pwtx+px\hat{g}_x = p_w t_x + p_xg^​x​=pw​tx​+px​
    • g^h=phexp⁡(th)\hat{g}_h = p_h \exp(t_h)g^​h​=ph​exp(th​)
    • g^w=pwexp⁡(tw)\hat{g}_w = p_w \exp(t_w)g^​w​=pw​exp(tw​)
  • 返回值

    • 解码的bounding box坐标,数据shape=[R,4];数据为[g^ymin,g^xmin,g^ymax,g^xmax\hat{g}_{ymin}, \hat{g}_{xmin}, \hat{g}_{ymax}, \hat{g}_{xmax}g^​ymin​,g^​xmin​,g^​ymax​,g^​xmax​]
    • loc(array):具有偏移量和比例的数组。同输入。
    • bounding box's center:g^y,g^x\hat{g}_y, \hat{g}_xg^​y​,g^​x​
      bounding box's size : g^h,g^w\hat{g}_h, \hat{g}_wg^​h​,g^​w​

bbox2loc(src_bbox, dst_bbox)传入参数计算公式返回值三者关系如下:

  • 传入参数

    • src_bbox (array)一个图像坐标,数据shape=[R,4];坐标:pymin,pxmin,pymax,pxmaxp_{ymin}, p_{xmin}, p_{ymax}, p_{xmax}pymin​,pxmin​,pymax​,pxmax​
      dst_bbox (array)一个图像坐标,数据shape=[R,4];坐标:gymin,gxmin,gymax,gxmaxg_{ymin}, g_{xmin}, g_{ymax}, g_{xmax}gymin​,gxmin​,gymax​,gxmax​

    • bounding box’s center:(y,x)=py,px(y, x) = p_y, p_x(y,x)=py​,px​
      bounding box’s size : ph,pwp_h, p_wph​,pw​

    • target bounding box’s center : gy,gxg_y, g_xgy​,gx​
      target bounding box’s size : gh,gwg_h, g_wgh​,gw​

  • 计算公式:真正目标边框 g\bf gg 与 proposal边框p\bf pp之间的offsets and scales : ty,tx,th,twt_y, t_x, t_h, t_wty​,tx​,th​,tw​

    • ty=(gy−py)pht_y = \frac{(g_y - p_y)} {p_h}ty​=ph​(gy​−py​)​
    • tx=(gx−px)pwt_x = \frac{(g_x - p_x)} {p_w}tx​=pw​(gx​−px​)​
    • th=log⁡(ghph)t_h = \log(\frac{g_h} {p_h})th​=log(ph​gh​​)
    • tw=log⁡(gwpw)t_w = \log(\frac{g_w} {p_w})tw​=log(pw​gw​​)
  • 返回值:

    • loc-Bounding box offsets and scales(array):数据shape=[R,4];坐标:ty,tx,th,twt_y, t_x, t_h, t_wty​,tx​,th​,tw​。

bbox_iou(bbox_a, bbox_b)传入参数计算公式返回值三者关系如下:

  • 传入参数

    • bbox_a (array:numpy.ndarray)数据shape=[N,4]
    • bbox_b (array:cupy.ndarray)数据shape=[K,4]
  • 计算公式:(交并公式)IOUA∩IOUBIOUA∪IOUB\frac{IOU_A \cap IOU_B}{IOU_A \cup IOU_B}IOUA​∪IOUB​IOUA​∩IOUB​​

  • 返回值:
    返回一个 array : 数据shape =(n,k)。
    这个数组是一个IoUs元素的索引:这个索引介于 第n 个在box_a的bounding box 和 第k个在box_b的bounding box。

import numpy as np
import numpy as xp
import six
from six import __init__def loc2bbox(src_bbox, loc):""" 将边界框偏移和比例==解码==>bbox边界框边界框偏移 + 比例由函数:bbox2loc 计算而得。此函数表示解码为二维图像坐标中的坐标。"""if src_bbox.shape[0] == 0:return xp.zeros((0, 4), dtype=loc.dtype)src_bbox = src_bbox.astype(src_bbox.dtype, copy=False)src_height = src_bbox[:, 2] - src_bbox[:, 0]   # Ph = ymax-yminsrc_width = src_bbox[:, 3] - src_bbox[:, 1]    # Pw = xmax-xminsrc_ctr_y = src_bbox[:, 0] + 0.5 * src_height  # Py = y0+0.5hsrc_ctr_x = src_bbox[:, 1] + 0.5 * src_width   # Px = x0+0.5w,计算出中心点坐标 dy = loc[:, 0::4]     # python [start:stop:step]dx = loc[:, 1::4]dh = loc[:, 2::4]dw = loc[:, 3::4]""" RCNN中提出的边框回归:寻找原始proposal与近似目标框G之间的映射关系回归后的目标框(Gx,Gy,Gh,Gw)"""ctr_y = dy * src_height[:, xp.newaxis] + src_ctr_y[:, xp.newaxis] # #ctr_y为Gyctr_x = dx * src_width[:, xp.newaxis] + src_ctr_x[:, xp.newaxis] # ctr_x为Gxh = xp.exp(dh) * src_height[:, xp.newaxis]   # h为Ghw = xp.exp(dw) * src_width[:, xp.newaxis]    # w为Gw# 以下代码:由中心点转换为左上角和右下角坐标dst_bbox = xp.zeros(loc.shape, dtype=loc.dtype)dst_bbox[:, 0::4] = ctr_y - 0.5 * hdst_bbox[:, 1::4] = ctr_x - 0.5 * wdst_bbox[:, 2::4] = ctr_y + 0.5 * hdst_bbox[:, 3::4] = ctr_x + 0.5 * wreturn dst_bbox  def bbox2loc(src_bbox, dst_bbox):  #  已知源框和目标框求出其位置偏差"""将源和目标边界框编码为“loc(偏移与比例)”.给定边界框,此函数计算偏移量和比例将源边界框与目标边界框匹配。"""height = src_bbox[:, 2] - src_bbox[:, 0]width = src_bbox[:, 3] - src_bbox[:, 1]ctr_y = src_bbox[:, 0] + 0.5 * heightctr_x = src_bbox[:, 1] + 0.5 * width           # 计算出源框中心点坐标base_height = dst_bbox[:, 2] - dst_bbox[:, 0]base_width = dst_bbox[:, 3] - dst_bbox[:, 1]base_ctr_y = dst_bbox[:, 0] + 0.5 * base_heightbase_ctr_x = dst_bbox[:, 1] + 0.5 * base_width # 计算出目标框中心点坐标eps = xp.finfo(height.dtype).eps               # 求出最小的正数height = xp.maximum(height, eps)               # #将height,width与其比较保证全部是非负width = xp.maximum(width, eps)dy = (base_ctr_y - ctr_y) / heightdx = (base_ctr_x - ctr_x) / widthdh = xp.log(base_height / height)dw = xp.log(base_width / width)               #  根据上面的公式二计算dx,dy,dh,dwloc = xp.vstack((dy, dx, dh, dw)).transpose()  # np.vstack按照行的顺序把数组给堆叠起来return locdef bbox_iou(bbox_a, bbox_b):                      # 求两个bbox相交的交并比"""两个bbox相交的面积与相并的面积比"""if bbox_a.shape[1] != 4 or bbox_b.shape[1] != 4: # 确保bbox第二维为bbox的四个坐标raise IndexError# tl = 交叉框 top left 坐标; br = 交叉框bottom right坐标。tl = xp.maximum(bbox_a[:, None, :2], bbox_b[:, :2])br = xp.minimum(bbox_a[:, None, 2:], bbox_b[:, 2:])area_i = xp.prod(br - tl, axis=2) * (tl < br).all(axis=2)area_a = xp.prod(bbox_a[:, 2:] - bbox_a[:, :2], axis=1)area_b = xp.prod(bbox_b[:, 2:] - bbox_b[:, :2], axis=1)return area_i / (area_a[:, None] + area_b - area_i) # 计算IOUdef __test():passif __name__ == '__main__':__test()def generate_anchor_base(base_size=16, ratios=[0.5, 1, 2],anchor_scales=[8, 16, 32]):"""通过枚举纵横比和比例生成anchor(锚)基窗口。具体:按给定的纵横比==生成==>被缩放和被修改的锚。"""py = base_size / 2.px = base_size / 2.anchor_base = np.zeros((len(ratios) * len(anchor_scales), 4),dtype=np.float32)for i in six.moves.range(len(ratios)):for j in six.moves.range(len(anchor_scales)):h = base_size * anchor_scales[j] * np.sqrt(ratios[i])w = base_size * anchor_scales[j] * np.sqrt(1. / ratios[i])index = i * len(anchor_scales) + janchor_base[index, 0] = py - h / 2.anchor_base[index, 1] = px - w / 2.anchor_base[index, 2] = py + h / 2.anchor_base[index, 3] = px + w / 2. # #计算出anchor_base画的9个框的左下角和右上角的4个anchor坐标值return anchor_base


  • 生成anchor(锚)基窗口详情:
    R = len(ratios比率) * len(anchor_scalesr锚定标度) 生成anchors。(anchors总个数)
    i * len(anchor_scales) + j 这个anchor :相对应的由ratios[i]anchor_scales[j]生成

  • 传入参数
    base_size=16 : 参考窗口的宽度和高度
    ratios=[0.5, 1, 2] : 锚的宽高比(可以有多个比率):宽度与高度的比率
    anchor_scales=[8, 16, 32]:锚定区域:anchor_scales中元素的平方与参考窗口的原始区域的乘积。

  • 返回值
    numpy.ndarray:数据shape=(R, 4)
    每个元素都是一组 bounding box(边界框)的坐标,对应 ymin,xmin,ymax,xmaxy_{min}, x_{min}, y_{max}, x_{max}ymin​,xmin​,ymax​,xmax​


(-37.2548,-82.5097) (53.2548,98.5097)
(-82.5097,-173.019) (98.5097,189.019)
(-173.019,-354.039) (189.019,370.039)
(-56,-56) (72,72)
(-120,-120) (136,136)
(-248,-248) (264,264)
(-82.5097,-37.2548) (98.5097,53.2548)
(-173.019,-82.5097) (189.019,98.5097)
(-354.039,-173.019) (370.039,189.019)

class AnchorTargetCreator(object):
  • 作用: 将图像事实 bounding boxes 指定给anchors用于训练RPN。
n_sample (int): 要生成的区域数.
pos_iou_thresh (float): IOU高于此阈值的锚定将被指定为正.
neg_iou_thresh (float): IOU低于此阈值的锚定将被指定为负.
pos_ratio (float): 采样区域中正区域的比率。

输入: (将ground truth(图上实况)监控分配给锚的抽样子集。最初生成的20000个anchor坐标、此一张图中所有的bbox的真实坐标。)

bbox (array): bounding boxes的坐标。数据shape=(R, 4)。R是bounding boxes的数量
anchor (array): anchors的坐标。 数据shape=(S, 4)。S是anchors的数量
img_size=(H, W)
loc(array):通过偏移和缩放来匹配anchors到图面真值边界框。数据shape=(S, 4)。S是anchors的数量
将图像的事实 bounding boxes(边界框)指定给anchors 形成带标签的样本去训练faster_RCNN中的RPN网络。anchor变成真正的ROIS需要进行位置修正。
使用 model.utils.bbox_tools.bbox2loc()的编码方案计算anchors(锚)与ground truth(图面真实值)匹配的偏移量和比例。

输出:size为(20000,1)的正负label(其中只有128个为1,128个为0,其余都为-1)、 size为(20000,4)的回归目标(所有anchor的坐标都有)

class ProposalTargetCreator(object):
  • 作用:将(ground truth)地面实况 bounding boxes 分配给给定的ROI。
n_sample (int): 采样区域的数量。
roi (array): 采样的rois。数据shape=(R, 4)
bbox (array): 图面真实bounding boxes坐标.数据shape=(R, 4).
label (array): 图面真实bounding boxes labels. 数据shape=(R,), R[0, L - 1], 其中L前景类别数
返回值 (array, array, array):
sample_roi:采样的rois。数据shape=(S, 4);S=128
gt_roi_loc:将采样的ROI与图面真值边界框匹配的偏移和缩放。数据shape=(S, 4);S=128
gt_roi_label:分配给采样ROI的标签. 数据shape=(S,) 范围[0, L],值为0的标签是背景;S=128

class ProposalCreator:
loc (array): 预测anchors的偏移量比例。数据shape=(R, 4)
score (array): 预测anchors的前景概率。数据shape=(R,).
anchor (array): anchors坐标。数据shape=(R, 4).
img_size (tuple of ints:H,W): 包含缩放后的图像大小.
scale (float): 图像缩放比例.
roi:proposal boxes坐标(array),数据shape=(S, 4):



import numpy as np
import cupy as cpfrom model.utils.bbox_tools import bbox2loc, bbox_iou, loc2bbox
from model.utils.nms import non_maximum_suppressionclass ProposalTargetCreator(object):"""将(ground truth)地面实况(bounding boxes)边界框分配给给定的ROI。"""def __init__(self,n_sample=128,pos_ratio=0.25, pos_iou_thresh=0.5,neg_iou_thresh_hi=0.5, neg_iou_thresh_lo=0.0):self.n_sample = n_sampleself.pos_ratio = pos_ratioself.pos_iou_thresh = pos_iou_threshself.neg_iou_thresh_hi = neg_iou_thresh_hiself.neg_iou_thresh_lo = neg_iou_thresh_lo  # NOTE:default 0.1 in py-faster-rcnndef __call__(self, roi, bbox, label,loc_normalize_mean=(0., 0., 0., 0.),loc_normalize_std=(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2)):"""为抽样方案分配(ground truth)地面实况此函数对来自:roi和bbox组合的n_sample ROI进行总计采样。.ROI分配有ground truth类标签以及边界框偏移和比例,以匹配(ground truth)地面真值边界框pos_ratio*n_sample ROI作为前场采样.model.utils.bbox_tools.bbox2loc:计算边界框的偏移和比例S是采样ROI的总数 = n_sampleL是可能包括背景的对象类别数输入参数与返回值 请查看上面该类的解析。"""n_bbox, _ = bbox.shaperoi = np.concatenate((roi, bbox), axis=0)pos_roi_per_image = np.round(self.n_sample * self.pos_ratio)iou = bbox_iou(roi, bbox)gt_assignment = iou.argmax(axis=1)max_iou = iou.max(axis=1)# Offset range of classes from [0, n_fg_class - 1] to [1, n_fg_class].gt_roi_label = label[gt_assignment] + 1     # 值为0的标签是背景# 筛选出大于前景IoU阈值的RoI(感兴趣区域)pos_index = np.where(max_iou >= self.pos_iou_thresh)[0]pos_roi_per_this_image = int(min(pos_roi_per_image, pos_index.size))if pos_index.size > 0:pos_index = np.random.choice(pos_index, size=pos_roi_per_this_image, replace=False)# Select background RoIs as those within [neg_iou_thresh_lo, neg_iou_thresh_hi).neg_index = np.where((max_iou < self.neg_iou_thresh_hi) &(max_iou >= self.neg_iou_thresh_lo))[0]neg_roi_per_this_image = self.n_sample - pos_roi_per_this_imageneg_roi_per_this_image = int(min(neg_roi_per_this_image,neg_index.size))if neg_index.size > 0:neg_index = np.random.choice(neg_index, size=neg_roi_per_this_image, replace=False)# The indices that we're selecting (both positive and negative).keep_index = np.append(pos_index, neg_index)gt_roi_label = gt_roi_label[keep_index]gt_roi_label[pos_roi_per_this_image:] = 0  # negative labels --> 0sample_roi = roi[keep_index]# 计算偏移量和比例,使采样ROI与GTs匹配gt_roi_loc = bbox2loc(sample_roi, bbox[gt_assignment[keep_index]])gt_roi_loc = ((gt_roi_loc - np.array(loc_normalize_mean, np.float32)) / np.array(loc_normalize_std, np.float32))return sample_roi, gt_roi_loc, gt_roi_labelclass AnchorTargetCreator(object):"""将图像的事实 bounding boxes(边界框)指定给anchors将图像的事实 bounding boxes(边界框)指定给anchors 去训练faster_RCNN中的RPN网络"""def __init__(self,n_sample=256,pos_iou_thresh=0.7, neg_iou_thresh=0.3,pos_ratio=0.5):self.n_sample = n_sampleself.pos_iou_thresh = pos_iou_threshself.neg_iou_thresh = neg_iou_threshself.pos_ratio = pos_ratiodef __call__(self, bbox, anchor, img_size):"""将图像的ground truth(图上实况)监控分配给锚的抽样子集。数据类型:input arrays = output arrays输入参数与返回值 请查看上面该类的解析。"""img_H, img_W = img_sizen_anchor = len(anchor)                                  # 一般对应20000个左右anchorinside_index = _get_inside_index(anchor, img_H, img_W)  # 将那些超出图片范围的anchor全部去掉anchor = anchor[inside_index]                           # 只保留位于图片内部anchor的序号argmax_ious, label = self._create_label(inside_index, anchor, bbox)                         # 筛选出符合条件的正例128个负例128并给它们附上相应的labelloc = bbox2loc(anchor, bbox[argmax_ious])               # 计算边界框回归目标label = _unmap(label, n_anchor, inside_index, fill=-1)  #映射到原始锚点集loc = _unmap(loc, n_anchor, inside_index, fill=0)return loc, labeldef _create_label(self, inside_index, anchor, bbox):# label:(正样本为1, 负样本为0, 背景(不关心的忽略值)为-1,)label = np.empty((len(inside_index),), dtype=np.int32)  # inside_index所有在图片范围内的anchor序号label.fill(-1)argmax_ious, max_ious, gt_argmax_ious = \self._calc_ious(anchor, bbox, inside_index)# assign negative labels first so that positive labels can clobber themlabel[max_ious < self.neg_iou_thresh] = 0   # anchor与对应的框求得的iou值:若小于负样本阈值,则label=0label[gt_argmax_ious] = 1                   # 把与每个bbox求得iou值最大的anchor的label设为1label[max_ious >= self.pos_iou_thresh] = 1  # 正标签:大于设定阈值的IOU#==================正样本抽样处理===================n_pos = int(self.pos_ratio * self.n_sample) # 按照比例计算出正样本数量,pos_ratio=0.5,n_sample=256(再次抽样正标签)pos_index = np.where(label == 1)[0]         # 得到所有正样本的索引if len(pos_index) > n_pos:                  # 若选取的正样本数多于预设定数,则随机抛弃,抛弃样本的label设为-1disable_index = np.random.choice(pos_index, size=(len(pos_index) - n_pos), replace=False)label[disable_index] = -1# ==================负样本抽样处理===================n_neg = self.n_sample - np.sum(label == 1)neg_index = np.where(label == 0)[0]if len(neg_index) > n_neg:disable_index = np.random.choice(neg_index, size=(len(neg_index) - n_neg), replace=False)label[disable_index] = -1return argmax_ious, labeldef _calc_ious(self, anchor, bbox, inside_index):ious = bbox_iou(anchor, bbox)         # 计算anchor与bbox的IOUargmax_ious = ious.argmax(axis=1)     # 获取改行最大iou值的索引max_ious = ious[np.arange(len(inside_index)), argmax_ious]gt_argmax_ious = ious.argmax(axis=0)gt_max_ious = ious[gt_argmax_ious, np.arange(ious.shape[1])]gt_argmax_ious = np.where(ious == gt_max_ious)[0]return argmax_ious, max_ious, gt_argmax_iousdef _unmap(data, count, index, fill=0):# Unmap a subset of item (data) back to the original set of items (of# size count)if len(data.shape) == 1:ret = np.empty((count,), dtype=data.dtype)ret.fill(fill)ret[index] = dataelse:ret = np.empty((count,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=data.dtype)ret.fill(fill)ret[index, :] = datareturn retdef _get_inside_index(anchor, H, W):# Calc indicies of anchors which are located completely inside of the image# whose size is speficied.index_inside = np.where((anchor[:, 0] >= 0) &(anchor[:, 1] >= 0) &(anchor[:, 2] <= H) &(anchor[:, 3] <= W))[0]return index_insideclass ProposalCreator:"""建议区域是通过调用此对象生成的( 这部分操作不需要反向传播,因此可用numpy/tensor实现)此对象的__call__方法通过将估计的边界框偏移应用到一组锚来输出对象检测(proposals)建议此类接受参数以控制传递给NMS的边界框的数量,和经过NMS后的边界框的数量。(若参数=负,保留所有bbox或经过NMS返回的bbox)Args:force_cpu_nms (bool): 若(强制cpu_nms)=True,则始终在cpu模式下使用nms,否则,根据输入类型选择NMS模式。"""def __init__(self,parent_model,nms_thresh=0.7,          # NMS时使用的阈值n_train_pre_nms=12000,   # 训练模式下:通过NMS之前要保留的得分最高的边界框数。n_train_post_nms=2000,   # 训练模式下:通过NMS后要保留的得分最高的边界框数。n_test_pre_nms=6000,     # 测试模式下:传递给nms之前要保留的得分最高的边界框数。n_test_post_nms=300,     # 测试模式下:传递给nms后要保留的得分最高的边界框数min_size=16              # 根据边界框的大小确定丢弃边界框的阈值.):self.parent_model = parent_modelself.nms_thresh = nms_threshself.n_train_pre_nms = n_train_pre_nmsself.n_train_post_nms = n_train_post_nmsself.n_test_pre_nms = n_test_pre_nmsself.n_test_post_nms = n_test_post_nmsself.min_size = min_sizedef __call__(self, loc, score,anchor, img_size, scale=1.):""" loc和score是经过region_proposal_network中经过1x1卷积分类和回归得到的Inputs :loc,score,anchor当用同一索引索引索引时,指的是同一个锚On notations:R是anchor(锚)的总数 = 图像(feature map)的高X宽X每个像素的锚定基数。(H/16)x(W/16)x9(大概20000)输入参数与返回值 请查看上面该类的解析。"""# NOTE: when test, remember faster_rcnn.eval() and to set self.traing = Falseif self.parent_model.training:              # 若是训练模式n_pre_nms = self.n_train_pre_nms        # 12000n_post_nms = self.n_train_post_nms      # 经过NMS后有2000个else:n_pre_nms = self.n_test_pre_nms         # 6000n_post_nms = self.n_test_post_nms       # 经过NMS后有300个roi = loc2bbox(anchor, loc)                # 将bbox转换为近似groudtruth的anchor(即rois)# Clip predicted boxes to image.roi[:, slice(0, 4, 2)] = np.clip(roi[:, slice(0, 4, 2)], 0, img_size[0])roi[:, slice(1, 4, 2)] = np.clip(roi[:, slice(1, 4, 2)], 0, img_size[1])# Remove predicted boxes with either height or width < threshold.min_size = self.min_size * scalehs = roi[:, 2] - roi[:, 0]    # #rois的宽ws = roi[:, 3] - roi[:, 1]keep = np.where((hs >= min_size) & (ws >= min_size))[0] # 确保rois的长宽大于最小阈值roi = roi[keep, :]score = score[keep]# Take top pre_nms_topN (e.g. 6000).order = score.ravel().argsort()[::-1]  #  将score拉伸并逆序(从高到低)排序if n_pre_nms > 0:order = order[:n_pre_nms]roi = roi[order, :]# Apply nms (e.g. threshold = 0.7).# Take after_nms_topN (e.g. 300).# unNOTE: somthing is wrong here!# TODO: remove cuda.to_gpu# 调用非极大值抑制函数,将重复的抑制掉,就可以将筛选后ROIS进行返回。#     经过NMS处理后Train数据集得到2000个框,Test数据集得到300个框keep = non_maximum_suppression(cp.ascontiguousarray(cp.asarray(roi)),thresh=self.nms_thresh)if n_post_nms > 0:keep = keep[:n_post_nms]roi = roi[keep]return roi     # 取出最终的2000或300个rois
kernel_forward = '''extern "C"__global__ void roi_forward(const float* const bottom_data,const float* const bottom_rois,float* top_data, int* argmax_data,const double spatial_scale,const int channels,const int height, const int width, const int pooled_height, const int pooled_width,const int NN){int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;if(idx>=NN)return;const int pw = idx % pooled_width;const int ph = (idx / pooled_width) % pooled_height;const int c = (idx / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels;int num = idx / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels;const int roi_batch_ind = bottom_rois[num * 5 + 0];const int roi_start_w = round(bottom_rois[num * 5 + 1] * spatial_scale);const int roi_start_h = round(bottom_rois[num * 5 + 2] * spatial_scale);const int roi_end_w = round(bottom_rois[num * 5 + 3] * spatial_scale);const int roi_end_h = round(bottom_rois[num * 5 + 4] * spatial_scale);// Force malformed ROIs to be 1x1const int roi_width = max(roi_end_w - roi_start_w + 1, 1);const int roi_height = max(roi_end_h - roi_start_h + 1, 1);const float bin_size_h = static_cast<float>(roi_height)/ static_cast<float>(pooled_height);const float bin_size_w = static_cast<float>(roi_width)/ static_cast<float>(pooled_width);int hstart = static_cast<int>(floor(static_cast<float>(ph)* bin_size_h));int wstart = static_cast<int>(floor(static_cast<float>(pw)* bin_size_w));int hend = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(ph + 1)* bin_size_h));int wend = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(pw + 1)* bin_size_w));// Add roi offsets and clip to input boundarieshstart = min(max(hstart + roi_start_h, 0), height);hend = min(max(hend + roi_start_h, 0), height);wstart = min(max(wstart + roi_start_w, 0), width);wend = min(max(wend + roi_start_w, 0), width);bool is_empty = (hend <= hstart) || (wend <= wstart);// Define an empty pooling region to be zerofloat maxval = is_empty ? 0 : -1E+37;// If nothing is pooled, argmax=-1 causes nothing to be backprop'dint maxidx = -1;const int data_offset = (roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width;for (int h = hstart; h < hend; ++h) {for (int w = wstart; w < wend; ++w) {int bottom_index = h * width + w;if (bottom_data[data_offset + bottom_index] > maxval) {maxval = bottom_data[data_offset + bottom_index];maxidx = bottom_index;}}}top_data[idx]=maxval;argmax_data[idx]=maxidx;}
kernel_backward = '''extern "C"__global__ void roi_backward(const float* const top_diff,const int* const argmax_data,const float* const bottom_rois,float* bottom_diff, const int num_rois,const double spatial_scale, int channels,int height, int width, int pooled_height,int pooled_width,const int NN){int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;Importtan >= instead of >if(idx>=NN)return;int w = idx % width;int h = (idx / width) % height;int c = (idx/ (width * height)) % channels;int num = idx / (width * height * channels);float gradient = 0;// Accumulate gradient over all ROIs that pooled this elementfor (int roi_n = 0; roi_n < num_rois; ++roi_n) {// Skip if ROI's batch index doesn't match numif (num != static_cast<int>(bottom_rois[roi_n * 5])) {continue;}int roi_start_w = round(bottom_rois[roi_n * 5 + 1]* spatial_scale);int roi_start_h = round(bottom_rois[roi_n * 5 + 2]* spatial_scale);int roi_end_w = round(bottom_rois[roi_n * 5 + 3]* spatial_scale);int roi_end_h = round(bottom_rois[roi_n * 5 + 4]* spatial_scale);// Skip if ROI doesn't include (h, w)const bool in_roi = (w >= roi_start_w && w <= roi_end_w &&h >= roi_start_h && h <= roi_end_h);if (!in_roi) {continue;}int offset = (roi_n * channels + c) * pooled_height* pooled_width;// Compute feasible set of pooled units that could have pooled// this bottom unit// Force malformed ROIs to be 1x1int roi_width = max(roi_end_w - roi_start_w + 1, 1);int roi_height = max(roi_end_h - roi_start_h + 1, 1);float bin_size_h = static_cast<float>(roi_height)/ static_cast<float>(pooled_height);float bin_size_w = static_cast<float>(roi_width)/ static_cast<float>(pooled_width);int phstart = floor(static_cast<float>(h - roi_start_h)/ bin_size_h);int phend = ceil(static_cast<float>(h - roi_start_h + 1)/ bin_size_h);int pwstart = floor(static_cast<float>(w - roi_start_w)/ bin_size_w);int pwend = ceil(static_cast<float>(w - roi_start_w + 1)/ bin_size_w);phstart = min(max(phstart, 0), pooled_height);phend = min(max(phend, 0), pooled_height);pwstart = min(max(pwstart, 0), pooled_width);pwend = min(max(pwend, 0), pooled_width);for (int ph = phstart; ph < phend; ++ph) {for (int pw = pwstart; pw < pwend; ++pw) {int index_ = ph * pooled_width + pw + offset;if (argmax_data[index_] == (h * width + w)) {gradient += top_diff[index_];}}}}bottom_diff[idx] = gradient;}


  • 对于 rpn_loss中的分类是2分类,是256个样本参与,正负样本各一半,分类预测值是rpn网络的11卷积输出,分类真实标签是AnchorTargetCreator生成的ground truth。 rpn_loss中的回归样本数是所有20000个(严格讲是20000个bbox中所有完整出现在原图中的bbox)bbox来参与,回归预测值是rpn网络的另一个11卷积输出,回归目标是AnchorTargetCreator生成的ground truth。

  • 对于roi_loss中的分类是21分类,是128个样本参与,正负样本1:3。分类预测值是Roi_head网络的FC21输出,分类真实标签是ProposalTargetCreator生成的ground truth。roi_loss中的回归样本数是128个,回归预测值是Roi_head网络的FC84输出,回归目标是ProposalTargetCreator生成的ground truth。

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