我被python中的多项式除法困住了。这是我修改过的代码。while循环不起作用。此代码只将原始L输出为r。如果删除while循环,则只输出第一次除法的剩余部分。我尝试了很多方法来实现它,但都失败了。任何建议将不胜感激。谢谢!def GetDegree(poly):

while poly and poly[-1] == 0:

poly.pop() # normalize

return len(poly)-1

def division(p1,p2):

d1 = GetDegree(p1)

d2 = GetDegree(p2)

if d2 < 0 or d1<0:

raise ZeroDivisionError

if d1 > d2:

S,L = p2,p1#obtain S with lower degree, L with higher degree


S,L = p1,p2

d1 = GetDegree(L)

d2 = GetDegree(S)

while d1>0:

q = [0]*d1

d = [0]*(d1 - d2) + S#shift short towards right by d1-d2

mult = q[d1 - d2] = L[-1] / float(d[-1])#get the result by dividing the first term of the dividend by the highest term of the divisor

d = [coef*mult for coef in d]#multiply the above result by short

L = [fabs( coefL - coefd ) for coefL, coefd in zip(L, d)]#return a new long by subtracting long with d

d1 = GetDegree(L)#return new d1

r = L#return new long and keeping looping for there is no variable left and return as remainder

return r


以下是我为输入情况修改的代码,基于PM 2Ring的答案:def normalize(poly):

while poly and poly[-1] == 0:


if poly == []:


def poly_divmod(num, den):

#Create normalized copies of the args

num = num[:]


den = den[:]


if len(num) >= len(den):

#Shift den towards right so it's the same degree as num

shiftlen = len(num) - len(den)

den = [0] * shiftlen + den


return [0], num

quot = []

divisor = float(den[-1])

for i in range(shiftlen + 1):

#Get the next coefficient of the quotient.

mult = num[-1] / divisor

quot = [mult] + quot

#Subtract mult * den from num, but don't bother if mult == 0

#Note that when i==0, mult!=0; so quot is automatically normalized.

if mult != 0:

d = [mult * u for u in den]

num = [u - v for u, v in zip(num, d)]




return quot, num

def test(num, den):

print ("%s / %s ->" % (num, den))

q, r = poly_divmod(num, den)

print ("quot: %s, rem: %s\n" % (q, r))

return q, r

def main():

degree = int(input('Enter the degree of your polynomial 1:'))

num = []

for i in range (0,degree+1):

coefficient = int(input('Enter the coefficient for x^ %i ? ' %i))


degree = int(input('Enter the degree of your polynomial 2:'))

den = []

for i in range (0,degree+1):

coefficient = int(input('Enter the coefficient for x^ %i ? ' %i))


test(num, den)

if __name__ == '__main__':



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