
okay then… this is how you should be able to pull that stunt off… please note, that this might or might not work, I am not taking any responsibilities on this. If there's any valuable data on your host, back it up! Any mistake at any step you're about to take can render your host inoperable, wipe any of the hard drives installed and make the heavons come down on you… ok, not the last one, probably.

For safety, I'd suggest to perform these steps on a blank drive - don't use the new repo's drive, or remove the new repo first, if you haven't made use of it yet. But before doing so, perform one last operation and copy off the .ovsrepo file, that resides on the new repo's root - you might need it for reference.

Action plan:

- get the path to the dm-mapper device of the drive, you want to restore your data on. Cross check the devices in /dev/disk/by-id to /dev/mapper

- according to the information you provided, the drive should be formatted like this:

mkfs.ocfs2 -b 4096 -C 1048576 -L OVS249e7240affcd  -U 0004FB00000300003B7249E7240AFFCD -N 32 /dev/mapper/

- mount the ocfs2 volume and create a .ovsrepo file in it's root, which contains these lines:





- restore your data on the volume

- unmount the volume

- since the dm-mapper path will be different you might to create a link from the old drive's id to the new one's:

link -s /dev/mapper/ /dev/mapper/35000c50034edb1b7

- either check for new drives on your OVS via OVMM and/or reboot your OVS

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