










force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more tha


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