
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

If you’re in the Kindle ecosystem, your book highlights and notes will sync between all your devices. But what about DRM free books? What if you want to export all highlights and notes from a book to a notetaking app?

如果您处于Kindle生态系统中,则书中的重点和注释将在所有设备之间同步。 但是DRM免费书籍呢? 如果要从一本书中将所有要点和注释导出到记笔记应用程序怎么办?

There are two ways to do this. If you buy ebooks from the Kindle store, all your highlights and notes will be backed up automatically from your Kindle account. You can retrieve them at any time.

有两种方法可以做到这一点。 如果您从Kindle商店购买电子书,则所有亮点和便笺将自动从Kindle帐户备份。 您可以随时检索它们。

If you’re in the habit of manually transferring DRM-free books to your Kindle, you’ll have to take a different route. Your Kindle has a running text file where it stores all the highlights and notes from every book in chronological order. If you’re planning to sell your Kindle, you should first take a backup of this file.

如果您习惯于将无DRM的书籍手动传输到Kindle,则必须采取其他方法。 您的Kindle有一个运行中的文本文件,其中按时间顺序存储了每本书的所有突出显示和注释。 如果您打算出售Kindle ,则应首先备份此文件。

Let’s take a look at both methods below.


如何从您的Kindle帐户下载精彩集锦 (How to Download Highlights From Your Kindle Account)

Head over to the Kindle Notebook page. Here, you’ll see a list of all the books with highlights and notes in the left sidebar. Click on a book, and you’ll see the highlights and attached notes. You can even click the drop-down menu here to create a note for any highlight.

转到Kindle Notebook页面 。 在这里,您会在左侧栏中看到所有带有突出显示和注释的书籍的列表。 单击一本书,您将看到重点内容和附件。 您甚至可以单击此处的下拉菜单为任何突出显示创建注释。

If you just want to refer to notes at a later date or wish to copy-paste some of the highlights from the notes, you can do that from this page.


If you want to download a copy of your highlights and save them for offline use, you can use the free Bookcision bookmarklet.


First, open the Bookcision page in Chrome or Firefox (bookmarklet support in Safari on Mac is lacking, to say the least).

首先,在Chrome或Firefox中打开Bookcision页面 (至少可以说,在Mac上的Safari中缺少对书签的支持)。

Next, click on hold on the button that says “Drag To Bookmark Bar” and drag it to the bookmarks bar, below the URL bar. If you don’t see the bookmarks bar, use the shortcut “Shift+Command+B” on Mac or “Shift+Ctrl+B” on Windows.

接下来,按住“拖动到书签栏”按钮,然后将其拖到URL栏下方的书签栏。 如果看不到书签栏,请在Mac上使用快捷键“ Shift + Command + B”,在Windows上使用快捷键“ Shift + Ctrl + B”。

Now, select a book from the Kindle Notebook page and click on the “Bookcision” bookmark.

现在,从Kindle Notebook页面中选择一本书,然后单击“ Bookcision”书签。

You’ll see a new popup on the page. This will list all the highlights and notes from the book. You’ll see a handy “Copy To Clipboard” button. You can click on it to quickly copy the text.

您会在页面上看到一个新的弹出窗口。 这将列出书中的所有要点和注释。 您会看到一个方便的“复制到剪贴板”按钮。 您可以单击它以快速复制文本。

Click on the drop-down button next to “Download” and select “As Plain Text” to download all the highlights and notes in a simple text file.


When you open the downloaded file, you’ll find the highlights along with the page number within the given book.


You can now save the notes offline, email them to yourself, or paste them into your note-taking app of choice.


如何从Kindle存储导出突出显示 (How to Export Highlights From Kindle Storage)

If you ended up deleting a DRM-free ebook from your Kindle device, don’t worry, the highlights and notes will still be available in the “My Clippings.txt” file on your Kindle.

如果您最终从Kindle设备上删除了无DRM的电子书 ,请不用担心,突出显示和注释仍将在Kindle上的“ My Clippings.txt”文件中提供。

Every Kindle—including the first generation—maintains a running file of all the highlights and notes you’ve made. This feature is only available on Kindle ebook readers and not on Kindle Fire tablets or for Kindle apps.

每台Kindle(包括第一代)都维护着一个运行文件,其中包含您所做的所有突出显示和注释。 此功能仅在Kindle电子书阅读器上可用,而在Kindle Fire平板电脑或Kindle应用程序上不可用。

First, connect your Kindle to your Mac or Windows PC using the provided USB cable. Now, go to Finder on your Mac or File Explorer on your PC and open the “Kindle” file directory. Go to the “Documents” folder.

首先,使用随附的USB电缆将Kindle连接到Mac或Windows PC。 现在,转到Mac上的Finder或PC上的File Explorer,然后打开“ Kindle”文件目录。 转到“文档”文件夹。

Here, search for the “My Clippings.txt” file and double-click on the document to open it in the default text editing app.

在这里,搜索“ My Clippings.txt”文件,然后双击该文档以在默认的文本编辑应用程序中将其打开。

You’ll find a long list of all the highlights and notes you’ve ever made on your Kindle. Depending on how long you’ve been using the Kindle, it can be a long list.

您会在Kindle上找到一长串所有突出显示和注释的清单。 根据您使用Kindle的时间长短,它可能会很长。

Even though it is just a text file, the highlights and notes are organized sensibly. Every highlight or note mentions the name of the book, the date and the time of the highlight, and the location of the book.

即使只是文本文件,突出显示和注释也会合理地组织起来。 每个突出显示或注释均提及书名,突出显示的日期和时间以及书的位置。

To find highlights from a particular book, all you have to do is go to the “Search” bar and search for the name of the book.


Once you find the highlights, you can choose to copy and paste them into your note-taking app or a different document file.





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