




/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H/** Copied from include/linux/...*/#undef offsetof
#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)/*** container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure* @ptr: the pointer to the member.* @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in.* @member: the name of the member within the struct.**/
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})struct list_head {struct list_head *next, *prev;
};#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }#define LIST_HEAD(name) \struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)/*** list_entry - get the struct for this entry* @ptr: the &struct list_head pointer.* @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.* @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.*/
#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \container_of(ptr, type, member)/*** list_for_each_entry - iterate over list of given type* @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.* @head: the head for your list.* @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.*/
#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member); \&pos->member != (head); \pos = list_entry(pos->member.next, typeof(*pos), member))/*** list_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry* @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor.* @n: another type * to use as temporary storage* @head: the head for your list.* @member: the name of the list_head within the struct.*/
#define list_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, head, member) \for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member), \n = list_entry(pos->member.next, typeof(*pos), member); \&pos->member != (head); \pos = n, n = list_entry(n->member.next, typeof(*n), member))/*** list_empty - tests whether a list is empty* @head: the list to test.*/
static inline int list_empty(const struct list_head *head)
{return head->next == head;
}/** Insert a new entry between two known consecutive entries.** This is only for internal list manipulation where we know* the prev/next entries already!*/
static inline void __list_add(struct list_head *_new,struct list_head *prev,struct list_head *next)
{next->prev = _new;_new->next = next;_new->prev = prev;prev->next = _new;
}/*** list_add_tail - add a new entry* @new: new entry to be added* @head: list head to add it before** Insert a new entry before the specified head.* This is useful for implementing queues.*/
static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *_new, struct list_head *head)
{__list_add(_new, head->prev, head);
}/** Delete a list entry by making the prev/next entries* point to each other.** This is only for internal list manipulation where we know* the prev/next entries already!*/
static inline void __list_del(struct list_head *prev, struct list_head *next)
{next->prev = prev;prev->next = next;
}#define LIST_POISON1 ((void *) 0x00100100)
#define LIST_POISON2 ((void *) 0x00200200)
/*** list_del - deletes entry from list.* @entry: the element to delete from the list.* Note: list_empty() on entry does not return true after this, the entry is* in an undefined state.*/
static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry)
{__list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);entry->next = (struct list_head*)LIST_POISON1;entry->prev = (struct list_head*)LIST_POISON2;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "list.h"struct stu_example {struct list_head of_node;int age;
};static LIST_HEAD(stu_list_head);
#define LIST_LEN 10int main( )
{int i = 0;/*初始化链表*/struct stu_example stu_list[LIST_LEN];struct stu_example *tmp = NULL;for  (i=0; i < LIST_LEN; i++) {list_add_tail(&stu_list[i],&stu_list_head);stu_list[i].age = i + 20;}/*遍历链表*/ list_for_each_entry(tmp, &stu_list_head, of_node) {printf("age=%d\n",tmp->age);}/*删除链表*/list_del(&stu_list_head);printf("Hello,world\n");return 0;











+/* Override the default implementation from linux/nospec.h. */
+#define select_nospec(cond, exptrue, expfalse) \
+({ \
+ typeof(exptrue) _out = (exptrue); \
+ \
+ asm volatile("test %1, %1\n\t"          \
+ "cmove %2, %0"            \
+ : "+r" (_out) \
+ : "r" (cond), "r" (expfalse)); \
+ _out; \
+/* Prevent speculative execution past this barrier. */#define barrier_nospec() alternative("", "lfence", X86_FEATURE_LFENCE_RDTSC)diff --git a/include/linux/list.h b/include/linux/list.h
index dd6c2041d09c..1a1b39fdd122 100644
--- a/include/linux/list.h
+++ b/include/linux/list.h
@@ -636,7 +636,8 @@ static inline void list_splice_tail_init(struct list_head *list,*/#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \for (pos = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member); \
- !list_entry_is_head(pos, head, member); \
+ ({ bool _cond = !list_entry_is_head(pos, head, member); \
+ pos = select_nospec(_cond, pos, NULL); _cond; }); \pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))




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