The humble twig is finding its way into high-end lighting. The sticks suggest rustic luxury -- think barn weddings and ski resorts -- but can also be found in modern interiors, giving spaces a clean, natural look.

twigs:细枝,小树枝    high-end:高档的    rustic:乡村的,村野的    barn:谷仓,车库

While materials could come from almost any branchy plant, twigs from hickory, maple and beech trees are most commonly used in the lighting pieces. Here's a sampling of fixtures for sale.

branchy:枝繁的,多枝的    hickory:山胡桃    maple:枫树,淡棕色



Nazareth, Pa.-based Wish Designs uses natural hickory branches in its 40-plus styles of twig and branch chandeliers, scones, table and floor lamps. 'It's not hard to come up with a twig light fixture,' said Merit Wish, the company's designer and owner. 'Building it with kindling and electricity safely -- that's hard,' said Ms. Wish, who has made twig chandeliers since the 1970s. Wish recently rolled out a line of exterior 'Brancheliers' to be used in outdoor living spaces. This Appalachian Pantone twig chandelier was custom-painted emerald green, one of the more popular colors for spring. The piece costs $2,205.


A dormant winter tree inspired San Francisco-based designer Jonathan Browning to create this glittering chandelier. The piece uses 32 twigs plucked from a ginkgo tree outside of Mr. Browning's downtown studio, which is housed in a historic publishing factory. It is cast in oil-rubbed bronze and decorated with thousands of smoky quartz crystals to create a snow-dusted effect. Price: $34,500

dormant:休眠的,静止的    glittering:闪闪发光的    


Twig light items by New York's family-owned Meyda Custom Lighting use branches from naturally grown beech, birch and other trees from the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. The fixtures are meant to imitate a starry night sky in the Adirondacks. Its main design themes include rustic Gothic and Arts and Crafts. This Twigs flush-mount fixture, decorated with replica wax candles, is custom crafted to order. Price as shown: $2,559


Richmond, Va., lighting company Shades of Light, which was founded in 1986, started using twigs and larger branches in its lighting pieces in recent years. This Nature's Twig Pendant Light is made of tree bark. Its small and simple design is intended to blend with the decor in a lodge or even urban spaces. Price: $69


Boston lighting-design studio Birch & Willow specializes in twig, branch and vine light fixtures. Owner and designer Katherine Ahern said this hand-dyed Roost pendant light is her most popular design. The piece consists of reed, willow, grapevine and hand-hammered copper wire. Like many of Ms. Ahern's designs, Roost pendants cast a light that replicates the effect of sunshine though foliage. Price: Between $620 and $1,680, depending on the size

willow:柳树    grapevine:葡萄藤    pendants:吊坠,项链    


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