

安装pylint,pylint是一个单独可以对python文件进行格式校验的模块,https://www.pylint.org/ 官网地址有各个电脑环境的安装说明,Windows下,使用:

pip install pylint


  1. print("啦啦啦")

  2. def func():

  3. print("do something special")

  4. def func1():

  5. print("sdfsd")


  1. $ pylint test1.py

  2. ************* Module test1

  3. test1.py:1:0: C0111: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)

  4. test1.py:2:0: C0111: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)

  5. test1.py:5:0: C0111: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)

  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------

  7. Your code has been rated at 4.00/10 (previous run: 4.00/10, +0.00)


  1. """模块说明"""

  2. print("啦啦啦")

  3. def func():

  4. """func函数说明"""

  5. print("do something special")

  6. def func1():

  7. """func1函数说明"""

  8. print("sdfsd")

看最后的输出rated at 4.00/10。就是所有代码满分是10分,当前代码得分为4分,以上会说明缺少那些操作,把相应的操作补上,分数就会涨上去,这章就不具体解释缺少操作的含义。

previous run:4.00/10,+0.00。上次得分和相对上次得分的涨幅或扣分,没有就和当前得分一样。


但是,这样操作的话,需要开发人员自觉去遵守执行,确保代码全都符合条件了再提交上去,但是人无完人,项目任务繁重的时候难免会忘记,而且这种做法本身也比较low。本着科技为第一生成力,我们希望在git commit的时候,就进行代码检查,通过的代码将会提交成功,进而才能push到服务端。没通过的代码,将打印出得分、修改的相关信息、位置直到开发人员完毕通过检查为止。


有幸找到一遍软文,介绍如何操作 https://kirankoduru.github.io/python/pylint-git-hooks.html ,但是其中有些坑,由于该文章没有透露它的环境相关信息,我照着操作了一遍,并不好使,花了一些时间去排除,所以还是以本篇文章为准。

安装 git-pylint-commit-hook,如果使用的是python版本和我一致,就别指定版本为2.0.7

  1. #pip install git-pylint-commit-hook==2.0.7 第一个坑,不使用该版本

  2. pip install git-pylint-commit-hook



  1. #进到hooks目录

  2. cd .git/hooks

  3. #配置pre-commit文件

  4. mv pre-commit.sample pre-commit

注意:将pre-commit中除了#!/bin/sh 以外的内容全部删除,如果不删除的话,提交的代码检查不通过,也会被提交!(第二个坑)



  1. #!/bin/sh

  2. git-pylint-commit-hook




  1. #!/bin/sh

  2. git-pylint-commit-hook --limit=9.0


  1. #!/bin/sh

  2. git-pylint-commit-hook --limit=9.0 --pylintrc=.pylintrc


  1. # PyLint configuration file for the project pymvpa.

  2. #

  3. # Agreed formatting (per yoh+michael voice dialog) is camel.

  4. #

  5. # This pylintrc file will use the default settings except for the

  6. # naming conventions, which will allow for camel case naming as found

  7. # in Java code or several libraries such as PyQt, etc.

  8. #

  9. # At some moment it was modified by yoh from the original one

  10. # which can be found on debian systems at

  11. # /usr/share/doc/pylint/examples/pylintrc_camelcase

  12. #

  13. # Just place it in ~/.pylintrc for user-wide installation or simply

  14. # use within a call to pylint or export environment variable

  15. # export PYLINTRC=$PWD/doc/misc/pylintrc

  16. [BASIC]

  17. # Regular expression which should only match correct module names

  18. module-rgx=([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)$

  19. attr-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{,30}

  20. # Regular expression which should only match correct class names

  21. class-rgx=[A-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+$

  22. # Regular expression which should only match correct function names

  23. function-rgx=[a-z_]+[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9]*$

  24. # Regular expression which should only match correct method names

  25. # Allow upper cases in testFeatureSelection where FeatureSelection

  26. # is a class name

  27. method-rgx=(([a-z_]|__)[a-z0-9_]*(__)?|test[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)$

  28. # Regular expression which should only match correct argument names

  29. argument-rgx=[a-z][a-z0-9]*_*[a-z0-9]*_*[a-z0-9]*_?$

  30. # Regular expression which should only match correct variable names

  31. variable-rgx=([a-z_]+[a-z0-9]*_*[a-z0-9]*_*[a-z0-9]*_?||(__[a-zA-Z0-9_]*__))$||[A-Z]+

  32. # Regular expression which should only match correct module level names

  33. # Default: (([A-Z_][A-Z1-9_]*)|(__.*__))$

  34. const-rgx=([a-z_]+[a-z0-9]*_*[a-z0-9]*_*[a-z0-9]*_?|__[a-zA-Z0-9_]*__)$||[A-Z]+

  35. [FORMAT]

  36. indent-string=' '

  37. [DESIGN]

  38. # We are capable to follow that many, yes!

  39. max-branchs = 20

  40. # some base class constructors have quite a few arguments

  41. max-args = 14

  42. # and due to ClassWithCollections and conditional attributes classes by default have lots

  43. # of attributes

  44. max-attributes = 14

  45. # some sci computation can't be handled efficiently without having

  46. #lots of locals

  47. max-locals = 35


  49. # Disable the following PyLint messages:

  50. # R0903 - Not enough public methods

  51. # W0105 - String statement has no effect # often used for after-line doc

  52. # W0142 - Used * or ** magic

  53. # W0232 - Class has no __init__ method

  54. # W0212 - Access to a protected member ... of a client class

  55. # W0613 - Unused argument

  56. # E1101 - Has no member (countless false-positives)

  57. # R0904 - Too many public methods

  58. disable-msg=R0903,W0142,W0105,W0212,W0613,E1101,R0904

  59. [REPORTS]

  60. # set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized and

  61. # html

  62. output-format=parseable

  63. # Include message's id in output

  64. include-ids=yes

  65. # Tells wether to display a full report or only the messages

  66. # reports=no


  68. # List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma.

  69. # FIXME -- something which needs fixing

  70. # TODO -- future plan

  71. # XXX -- some concern

  72. # YYY -- comment/answer to above mentioned concern

  73. notes=FIXME,TODO,XXX,YYY

  74. [MASTER]

  75. ignore=tests

  76. disable-msg=R0904,R0903,E1101,R21


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