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function [Graph,varargout] = GraphLoad(FileName,IndexFileName,SkipSqueeze,varargin)

% Loads a graph from file


% Receives:

% FileName - string - the file to load

% Nx2 of integers - the actual links

% IndexFileName - string - (optional) the name of the file which holds the index, The index file must

% comply with the following format: 2 columns. For each node it's name (string)

% and index are provided. Default: [].

% - structure - The structure containing the index

% .IndexNames - vector of integers - lists node indeces

% .IndexValues- cell str - lists appropreate names

% - cell 2x1 or 1x2 - Cell containing the index, where the first cell is indeces, while the second - their names

% SkipSqueeze - boolean - (optional) If true (~=0), the mexGraphSqueeze function is not called after the graph is loaded. Default: 0

% varargin - FLEX IO - The input is in FlexIO format. The following parameters are allowed:

% Parameter Name | Type | Optional | Default Value | Description

% IndexFileImportHandle | function pointer| Yes | @(IndexFileName)textread(IndexFileName,'%s %d'); | Defines how the index file is read.


% Returns:

% Graph - Graph Struct - the loaded graph

%LUT -Nx2 of integers-(optional) Look up table of the size Nx2 (N - number of nodes in the graph) with the

% order in which the node's numbering was changed. Can be used for corresponding ordering

% of other node parameters. See 'mexGraphSqueeze'




if ~FIOProcessInputParameters(varargin,GetDefaultInput)

error('The function input is not FlexIO compatible');


if ~exist('IndexFileName','var')

IndexFileName = '';


if ~exist('SkipSqueeze','var')

SkipSqueeze = 0;


IndexNames = [];

IndexValues = [];

if ischar(FileName)

LinksData = load(FileName,'-ascii');

Graph.FileName = FileName;


LinksData = FileName;

FileName = '';


if ischar(IndexFileName) && exist(IndexFileName,'file')


[IndexValues IndexNames] = textread(IndexFileName,'%d %s');

%[IndexNames IndexValues] = IndexFileImportHandle(IndexFileName);



elseif isstruct(IndexFileName)

IndexNames = IndexFileName.IndexNames;

IndexValues = IndexFileName.IndexValues;

elseif iscell(IndexFileName) && numel(IndexFileName)==2

IndexNames = IndexFileName{1};

IndexValues = IndexFileName{2};


if nargout < 2

Graph = ObjectCreateGraph(LinksData,mfilename,'IndexNames',IndexNames,'IndexValues',IndexValues,'SkipSqueeze',SkipSqueeze);


[Graph varargout{1}]= ObjectCreateGraph(LinksData,mfilename,'IndexNames',IndexNames,'IndexValues',IndexValues,'SkipSqueeze',SkipSqueeze);


Graph.FileName = '';


function DefaultInput = GetDefaultInput

DefaultInput = {};

DefaultInput = FIOAddParameter(DefaultInput,'IndexFileImportHandle',@(IndexFileName)textread(IndexFileName,'%s %d'));



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