
Android 原生有自带权限管理的,只是被隐藏了。看android源码在android.app下就有个AppOpsManager类。



* API for interacting with "application operation" tracking.



This API is not generally intended for third party application developers; most

* features are only available to system applications. Obtain an instance of it through

* {@link Context#getSystemService(String) Context.getSystemService} with

* {@link Context#APP_OPS_SERVICE Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE}.






* Result from {@link #checkOp}, {@link #noteOp}, {@link #startOp}: the given caller is

* allowed to perform the given operation.


public static final int MODE_ALLOWED = 0;


* Result from {@link #checkOp}, {@link #noteOp}, {@link #startOp}: the given caller is

* not allowed to perform the given operation, and this attempt should

* silently fail (it should not cause the app to crash).


public static final int MODE_IGNORED = 1;


* Result from {@link #checkOpNoThrow}, {@link #noteOpNoThrow}, {@link #startOpNoThrow}: the

* given caller is not allowed to perform the given operation, and this attempt should

* cause it to have a fatal error, typically a {@link SecurityException}.


public static final int MODE_ERRORED = 2;


* Result from {@link #checkOp}, {@link #noteOp}, {@link #startOp}: the given caller should

* use its default security check. This mode is not normally used; it should only be used

* with appop permissions, and callers must explicitly check for it and deal with it.


public static final int MODE_DEFAULT = 3;




* Do a quick check for whether an application might be able to perform an operation.

* This is not a security check; you must use {@link #noteOp(int, int, String)}

* or {@link #startOp(int, int, String)} for your actual security checks, which also

* ensure that the given uid and package name are consistent. This function can just be

* used for a quick check to see if an operation has been disabled for the application,

* as an early reject of some work. This does not modify the time stamp or other data

* about the operation.

* @param op The operation to check. One of the OP_* constants.

* @param uid The user id of the application attempting to perform the operation.

* @param packageName The name of the application attempting to perform the operation.

* @return Returns {@link #MODE_ALLOWED} if the operation is allowed, or

* {@link #MODE_IGNORED} if it is not allowed and should be silently ignored (without

* causing the app to crash).

* @throws SecurityException If the app has been configured to crash on this op.

* @hide


public int checkOp(int op, int uid, String packageName) {

try {

int mode = mService.checkOperation(op, uid, packageName);

if (mode == MODE_ERRORED) {

throw new SecurityException(buildSecurityExceptionMsg(op, uid, packageName));


return mode;

} catch (RemoteException e) {







* 判断 悬浮窗口权限是否打开


* @param context

* @return true 允许 false禁止


public static boolean getAppOps(Context context) {

try {

Object object = context.getSystemService("appops");

if (object == null) {

return false;


Class localClass = object.getClass();

Class[] arrayOfClass = new Class[3];

arrayOfClass[0] = Integer.TYPE;

arrayOfClass[1] = Integer.TYPE;

arrayOfClass[2] = String.class;

Method method = localClass.getMethod("checkOp", arrayOfClass);

if (method == null) {

return false;


Object[] arrayOfObject1 = new Object[3];

arrayOfObject1[0] = Integer.valueOf(24);

arrayOfObject1[1] = Integer.valueOf(Binder.getCallingUid());

arrayOfObject1[2] = context.getPackageName();

int m = ((Integer) method.invoke(object, arrayOfObject1)).intValue();

return m == AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED;

} catch (Exception ex) {


return false;



以上这篇Android 获取判断是否有悬浮窗权限的方法就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持脚本之家。

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