



mysql 数据库 改名

mysql database rename



mysqldump -R old_db | mysql new_db


此处Mac中本地mysql去改名,最简单的还是:mysqldump -u username -p -v olddatabase > olddbdump.sql

mysqladmin -u username -p create newdatabase

mysql -u username -p newdatabase < olddbdump.sql

详细过程:➜  mysql_backup_restore mysqldump -uroot -pcrifan_mysql -v naturling > local_mysql_naturling.sql

mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

-- Connecting to localhost...

-- Retrieving table structure for table auth_group...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table auth_group_permissions...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table auth_permission...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table django_admin_log...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table django_content_type...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table django_migrations...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table django_session...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table django_site...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table enum_value_dict...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table keyword...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table keyword_rel...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table media...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table media_keyword_rel...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table media_scene_rel...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table qa...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table qa_keyword_rel...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table qa_scene_rel...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table scene...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table scene_keyword_rel...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table script_dialog...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table script_history...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table script_review...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table script_script...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table thesaurus...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table user_functiongroup...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table user_functiongroup_members...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table user_user...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table user_user_groups...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Retrieving table structure for table user_user_user_permissions...

-- Sending SELECT query...

-- Retrieving rows...

-- Disconnecting from localhost...

➜  mysql_backup_restore ll

total 67624

-rw-r--r--  1 crifan  staff    33M  7 25 10:07 local_mysql_naturling.sql

➜  mysql_backup_restore mv local_mysql_naturling.sql local_mysql_naturling_180725.sql

➜  mysql_backup_restore ll

total 67624

-rw-r--r--  1 crifan  staff    33M  7 25 10:07 local_mysql_naturling_180725.sql

➜  mysql_backup_restore mysqladmin -uroot -pcrifan_mysql create naturling_local

mysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

➜  mysql_backup_restore mysql -uroot -pcrifan_mysql naturling_local < local_mysql_naturling_180725.sql

mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.


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