


import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class Calculator2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener


JLabel heading = new JLabel ("2. Calculator");

JLabel intro1 = new JLabel ("This program stimulates a four-function calculator.");

JLabel intro2 = new JLabel ("It takes an operator and a number. It can add, subtract,");

JLabel intro3 = new JLabel (" multiply and divide. Enter in the format eg. '+35'. ");

JLabel inLabel = new JLabel (" Operation: ");

JLabel outLabel = new JLabel (" Total: ");

JTextField inOper = new JTextField (7);

JTextField outTota = new JTextField (7); // intro


JPanel titlePanel = new JPanel ();

JPanel intro1Panel = new JPanel ();

JPanel intro2Panel = new JPanel ();

JPanel intro3Panel = new JPanel ();

JPanel operPanel = new JPanel ();

JPanel totaPanel = new JPanel ();

JPanel butPanel = new JPanel ();

String operTemp;

String totaTemp;

public Calculator2 ()


setTitle ("C - 2.");

inOper.addActionListener (this);

outTota.setEditable (false);

getContentPane ().setLayout (new FlowLayout ());

titlePanel.add (heading);

intro1Panel.add (intro1);

intro2Panel.add (intro2);

intro3Panel.add (intro3);

operPanel.add (inLabel);

operPanel.add (inOper);

totaPanel.add (outLabel);

totaPanel.add (outTota); //adds components to panels

getContentPane ().add (titlePanel);

getContentPane ().add (intro1Panel);

getContentPane ().add (intro2Panel);

getContentPane ().add (intro3Panel);

getContentPane ().add (operPanel);

getContentPane ().add (totaPanel); //Adds panels to Frame

setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);


public static int isInteger (String input)




Integer.parseInt (input);

return Integer.parseInt (input);


catch (NumberFormatException nfe)


return 0;


} //isInteger method

// The application

public String calculate (String operation, String newtotal)


int total = isInteger (newtotal);

String totalS;

char operator;

int number = 0;

operator = operation.charAt (0);

if (operator == '+')


number = isInteger (operation.substring (1));

total = total + number;

totalS = Integer.toString (total);


else if (operator == '-')


number = isInteger (operation.substring (1));

total = total - number;

totalS = Integer.toString (total);


else if (operator == '*')


number = isInteger (operation.substring (1));

total = total * number;

totalS = Integer.toString (total);


else if (operator == '/')


number = isInteger (operation.substring (1));

total = total / number;

totalS = Integer.toString (total);




totalS = ("ERROR");


if (number == 0)


totalS = ("ERROR");


return totalS;

} // calculate method

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)


String userIn = inOper.getText ();

String totalIn = outTota.getText ();



totaTemp = calculate (userIn, totalIn);

outTota.setText (totaTemp + "");


catch (Exception ex)


outTota.setText ("ERROR");


repaint ();


public static void main (String[] args)


Calculator2 calc = new Calculator2 ();

calc.setSize (350, 350);

calc.setResizable (false);

calc.setVisible (true);



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