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C89 31个,C99 127个。

ANSI C89 Translation limits

The implementation shall be able to translate and execute at least one program that contains at least one instance of every one of the following limits:

* 15 nesting levels of c0mp0und statements, iteration control structures, and selection control structures

* 8 nesting levels of conditional inclusion

* 12 pointer, array, and function declarators (in any combinations) modifying an arithmetic, a structure, a union, or an incomplete type in a declaration

* 31 declarators nested by parentheses within a full declarator

* 32 expressions nested by parentheses within a full expression

* 31 significant initial characters in an internal identifier or a macro name

* 6 significant initial characters in an external identifier

* 511 external identifiers in one translation unit

* 127 identifiers with block scope declared in one block

* 1024 macro identifiers simultaneously defined in one translation unit

* 31 parameters in one function definition

* 31 arguments in one function call

* 31 parameters in one macro definition

* 31 arguments in one macro invocation

* 509 characters in a logical source line

* 509 characters in a character string literal or wide string literal (after concatenation)

* 32767 bytes in an object (in a hosted environment only)

* 8 nesting levels for #include'd files

* 257 case labels for a switch statement (excluding those for any

nested switch statements)

* 127 members in a single structure or union

* 127 enumeration constants in a single enumeration

* 15 levels of nested structure or union definitions in a single struct-declaration-list

ISO C99 Translation limits

1 The implementation shall be able to translate and execute at least one program that

contains at least one instance of every one of the following limits:13)

— 127 nesting levels of blocks

— 63 nesting levels of conditional inclusion

— 12 pointer, array, and function declarators (in any combinations) modifying an arithmetic, structure, union, or incomplete type in a declaration

— 63 nesting levels of parenthesized declarators within a full declarator

— 63 nesting levels of parenthesized expressions within a full expression

— 63 significant initial characters in an internal identifier or a macro name (each universal character name or extended source character is considered a single character)

— 31 significant initial characters in an external identifier (each universal character name specifying a short identifier of 0000FFFF or less is considered 6 characters, each universal character name specifying a short identifier of 00010000 or more is considered 10 characters, and each extended source character is considered the same number of characters as the corresponding universal character name, if any)

— 4095 external identifiers in one translation unit

— 511 identifiers with block scope declared in one block

— 4095 macro identifiers simultaneously defined in one preprocessing translation unit

— 127 parameters in one function definition

— 127 arguments in one function call

— 127 parameters in one macro definition

— 127 arguments in one macro invocation

— 4095 characters in a logical source line

— 4095 characters in a character string literal or wide string literal (after concatenation)

— 65535 bytes in an object (in a hosted environment only)

— 15 nesting levels for #included files

— 1023 case labels for a switch statement (excluding those for any nested switch statements)

— 1023 members in a single structure or union

— 1023 enumeration constants in a single enumeration

— 63 lev els of nested structure or union definitions in a single struct declaration-list


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