
There are two versions of Internet Explorer in Windows 8, one you can only launch from the Start Screen and the Desktop version which you can only launch from the Desktop. Lets look at how we can launch the Desktop version from the Start Screen.

Windows 8中有两种版本的Internet Explorer,一种只能从“开始”屏幕启动,而另一种则只能从桌面启动。 让我们看看如何从“开始”屏幕启动桌面版本。

To get started you need to create a shortcut, so right-click on the desktop, and choose New –>  Shortcut.


When you are asked for the location of the item, type the following:


%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}

%windir%\ explorer.exe shell ::: {871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}

Now give your shortcut an name, then click finish.


Now right-click on your new shortcut and select properties from the context menu.


When the dialog opens, click on the Change Icon button.


Paste the following into the textbox:



%SystemRoot%\ system32 \ SHELL32.dll

Now select the the Internet Explorer icon and click ok.

现在选择Internet Explorer图标,然后单击“确定”。

Finally right-click on your new shortcut and select “Pin to Start” from the context menu.

最后,右键单击新的快捷方式,然后从上下文菜单中选择“ Pin to Start”。

That’s all there is to it.




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