
If you’re working in Word and you need to total values in a table, you can do so without having to enter the data into Excel and then copy and paste it into Word. Word can do simple calculations such as summing, multiplying, and averaging.

如果您在Word中工作,并且需要对表中的值进行总计,则无需在Excel中输入数据,然后将其复制并粘贴到Word中即可。 Word可以进行简单的计算,例如求和,相乘和平均。

NOTE: When you add new rows or columns of values to a table in Word, the formulas will not automatically update. To update a formula, right-click on the formula and choose Update Field from the popup menu.

注意:在Word中向表中添加值的新行或新列时,公式将不会自动更新。 要更新公式,请右键单击该公式,然后从弹出菜单中选择“更新字段”。

To enter a formula into a cell in a table, put the cursor in the cell and click the Layout tab under Table Tools.


Click Formula in the Data section of the Layout tab.


In this example, we are going to multiply the Units by the Unit Cost and then total the Total column. To do this, we enter the following in the Formula edit box on the Formula dialog box to multiply the two number to the left of the current cell:

在此示例中,我们将用“单位成本”乘以“单位”,然后将“总计”列总计。 为此,我们在“公式”对话框的“公式”编辑框中输入以下内容,以将当前单元格左侧的两个数字相乘:



Select an option from the Number format drop-down list to specify the format format for the result of the formula.


NOTE: For more information about the formulas available and how to use them, see Microsoft’s Office site.


Click OK to accept the settings and insert the formula into the cell.


The result of the formula displays in the cell.


NOTE: If you right-click on a cell containing a formula and select Toggle Field Codes from the popup menu, the actual formula displays in the cell, as shown in the first image at the beginning of this article. Right-click again and select Toggle Field Codes again to display the result.

注意:如果右键单击包含公式的单元格,然后从弹出菜单中选择“切换字段代码”,则实际公式将显示在该单元格中,如本文开头的第一张图片所示。 再次右键单击,然后再次选择“切换域代码”以显示结果。

We followed the same steps to multiply the Units and Unit Cost in each of the other rows.


Now, make sure there’s an extra row at the bottom of the table so we can total the costs. Put the cursor in the empty cell at the bottom of the Total column. Click Formula in the Data section of the Layout tab again to access the Formula dialog box. Enter the following formula in the Formula edit box (the formula might default to the SUM formula with ABOVE as the argument):

现在,请确保表格底部有一个额外的行,以便我们总计费用。 将光标放在“总计”列底部的空白单元格中。 再次单击“布局”选项卡的“数据”部分中的“公式”以访问“公式”对话框。 在“公式”编辑框中输入以下公式(该公式可能默认为以ABOVE作为参数的SUM公式):


= SUM(以上)

Select an appropriate Number format and click OK.


The total of the Total column displays in the cell.


If you want to try out this feature, we’ve included the SampleWordTable we used. The totals in the Total column are just numbers. Replace those with the PRODUCT formula and then add a row at the bottom to total the Total column.

如果您想试用此功能,我们已经包含了我们使用的SampleWordTable 。 “总计”列中的总计只是数字。 将它们替换为PRODUCT公式,然后在底部添加一行以总计列。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/165464/how-to-total-rows-and-columns-in-a-word-2013-table/


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