
The Linear Regression is the simplest non-trivial relationship. The biggest mistake one can make is to perform a regression analysis that violates one of its assumptions! So, it is important to consider these assumptions before applying regression analysis on the dataset.

线性回归是最简单的非平凡关系。 一个人可能犯的最大错误是进行违反其假设之一的回归分析! 因此,在对数据集进行回归分析之前,必须考虑这些假设。

This article focuses both on the assumptions and measures to fix them in case the dataset violates it.


  1. Linearity: The specified model must represent a linear relationship.


This is the simplest assumption to deal with as it signifies that the relationship between dependent and independent variable is linear wherein independent variable is multiplied by its coefficient to obtain dependent variable.



Y =β0 +β1X1 + ... +βKXK

It is quite easy to verify this assumption as plotting independent variable against dependent variable on a scatterplot gives us insights whether the pattern formed can be represented through a line or not. However, applying linear regression on data would not be appropriate if a line can’t fit the data. In the latter case, one can perform non-linear regression, logarithmic or exponential transformation on the dataset to convert it into a linear relationship.

验证这一假设非常容易,因为在散点图上绘制自变量与因变量的关系使我们洞悉所形成的模式是否可以通过线条表示。 但是,如果一条线无法拟合数据,则对数据进行线性回归将是不合适的。 在后一种情况下,可以对数据集执行非线性回归,对数或指数变换,以将其转换为线性关系。

2. No endogeneity of regressors: The independent variables shouldn’t be correlated with the error term.

2. 回归变量无内生性:自变量不应与误差项相关。

This refers to the prohibition of link between the independent variable and the error term. Mathematically, it can be expressed in the following way.

这是指禁止自变量与错误项之间的链接。 在数学上,它可以用以下方式表示。


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