


static struct rt_mailbox static_mailbox;
static char mb_pool[2048];rt_mb_init(&static_mailbox, "name", &mb_pool[0], sizeof(mb_pool)/4, run_flag);/*动态邮箱的创建*/
static rt_mailbox_t dynamic_mailbox = RT_NULL;dynamic_mailbox = rt_mb_creat("name", 512, run_flag);


static struct rt_messagequeue static_mq;
static rt_uint8_t msq_pool[2048];rt_mq_init(&static_mq,"name",&msq_pool[0],a message of size,sizeof(msq_pool),type);/*动态消息队列的创建*/
static rt_mq_t dynamic_mq = RT_NULL;
static rt_uint8_t msq_pool[2018];dynamic_mq = rt_mq_creat("name", a message of size, max number,type);/*type是指类型,是先进先出的堆模式,还是伴随优先级模式*///常用    RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO   RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO

a message of size 指每个信息的大小,可以自定义;


char *str;


char buff = 'A';/*发送数据到消息队列*/





/* 邮箱控制块 */
static struct rt_mailbox mb;
/* 用于放邮件的内存池 */
static char mb_pool[20];static char mb_str1[] = "I'm a mail!";
static char mb_str2[] = "this is another mail!";
static char mb_str3[] = "over";ALIGN(RT_ALIGN_SIZE)
static char thread1_stack[1024];
static struct rt_thread thread1;/* 线程1入口 */
static void thread1_entry(void *parameter)
{char *str;while (1){rt_kprintf("thread1: try to recv a mail\n");/* 从邮箱中收取邮件 */if (rt_mb_recv(&mb, (rt_uint32_t *)&str, RT_WAITING_FOREVER) == RT_EOK){rt_kprintf("thread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:%s\n", str);if (str == mb_str3)break;/* 延时100ms */rt_thread_mdelay(500);}}/* 执行邮箱对象脱离 */rt_mb_detach(&mb);
static char thread2_stack[1024];
static struct rt_thread thread2;/* 线程2入口 */
static void thread2_entry(void *parameter)
{rt_uint8_t count;rt_err_t result;count = 0;while (count < 20){count ++;if (count & 0x1){/* 发送mb_str1地址到邮箱中 */result = rt_mb_send(&mb, (rt_uint32_t)&mb_str1);if(-RT_EFULL == result){//邮箱满了rt_kprintf("mailbox is fulled\n");return ;}}else{/* 发送mb_str2地址到邮箱中 */rt_mb_send(&mb, (rt_uint32_t)&mb_str2);}rt_kprintf("send a message\n");/* 延时200ms */rt_thread_mdelay(50);}/* 发送邮件告诉线程1,线程2已经运行结束 */rt_mb_send(&mb, (rt_uint32_t)&mb_str3);
thread1: try to recv a mailsend a messagethread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail!send a messagesend a messagesend a messagesend a messagesend a messagemailbox is fulledthread1: try to recv a mailthread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail!thread1: try to recv a mailthread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail!thread1: try to recv a mailthread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail!thread1: try to recv a mailthread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:I'm a mail!thread1: try to recv a mailthread1: get a mail from mailbox, the content:this is another mail!thread1: try to recv a mail



/* 消息队列控制块 */
static struct rt_messagequeue mq;
/* 消息队列中用到的放置消息的内存池 */
static rt_uint8_t msg_pool[2048];ALIGN(RT_ALIGN_SIZE)
static char thread1_stack[1024];
static struct rt_thread thread1;
/* 线程1入口函数 */
static void thread1_entry(void *parameter)
{char buf = 0;rt_uint8_t cnt = 0;while (1){/* 从消息队列中接收消息 */if (rt_mq_recv(&mq, &buf, sizeof(buf), RT_WAITING_FOREVER) == RT_EOK){rt_kprintf("thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:%c\n", buf);if (cnt == 19){break;}}/* 延时50ms */cnt++;rt_thread_mdelay(50);}rt_kprintf("thread1: detach mq \n");rt_mq_detach(&mq);
static char thread2_stack[1024];
static struct rt_thread thread2;
/* 线程2入口 */
static void thread2_entry(void *parameter)
{int result;char buf = 'A';    rt_uint8_t cnt = 0;while (1){if (cnt == 8){/* 发送紧急消息到消息队列中 */result = rt_mq_urgent(&mq, &buf, 1);if (result != RT_EOK){rt_kprintf("rt_mq_urgent ERR\n");}else{rt_kprintf("thread2: send urgent message - %c\n", buf);}}else if (cnt >= 20)/* 发送20次消息之后退出 */{rt_kprintf("message queue stop send, thread2 quit\n");break;}else{/* 发送消息到消息队列中 */result = rt_mq_send(&mq, &buf, 1);if (result != RT_EOK){rt_kprintf("rt_mq_send ERR\n");}rt_kprintf("thread2: send message - %c\n", buf);}buf++;cnt++;/* 延时5ms */rt_thread_mdelay(5);}
thread2: send message - Athread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Athread2: send message - Bthread2: send message - Cthread2: send message - Dthread2: send message - Ethread2: send message - Fthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Bthread2: send message - Gthread2: send message - Hthread2: send urgent message - Ithread2: send message - Jthread2: send message - Kthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Ithread2: send message - Lthread2: send message - Mthread2: send message - Nthread2: send message - Othread2: send message - Pthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Cthread2: send message - Qthread2: send message - Rthread2: send message - Sthread2: send message - Tmessage queue stop send, thread2 quitthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Dthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Ethread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Fthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Gthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Hthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Jthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Kthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Lthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Mthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Nthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Othread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Pthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Qthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Rthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Sthread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:Tthread1: detach mq */



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    我们在前面单独介绍过FreeRTOS的任务通知和消息队列, 但是在FreeRTOS中任务间的通讯还有信号量,邮箱,事件组标志等可以使用 这篇文章就这些成员与消息队列和任务通知的关系进行说明分析 ..增 ...

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  8. 智能家居DIY连载教程(2)——在实际项目中运用消息队列与邮箱

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