
搜索:“金庸 site:edu.cn”
结果:已搜索有关金庸 site:edu.cn的中文(简体)网页。共约有2,680项查询结果,这是第1-10项。搜索用时0.31秒。
搜索:“金庸古龙 site:sina.com.cn”

示例:搜索所有含指向 百度“http://www.baidu.com”链接的网页。

示例:查找米高积逊 迈克尔。
搜索:“inurl 米高积逊 迈克尔”
结果:已搜索有关inurl 米高积逊 迈克尔的中文(简体)网页。共约有10项查询结果,这是第1-10项。搜索用时0.01秒。
搜索:“inurl:security windows2000 site:microsoft.com”
结果:已在microsoft.com内搜索有关 inurl:security windows2000的网页。共约有198项查询结果,这是第1-10项。搜索用时0.37秒。



英文版 标题里其他的几个小技巧

Google Keywords like:

can give you a greater understanding of how to get better placement in Google.

Each of these keywords can help you understand better where you can focus your efforts to increase your ranking in Google. Here is a breakdown of each keyword.

Allinanchor - returns the pages/sites that have those specific keywords in anchor tags pointing towards those pages. For example: allinanchor:compelling visual content will return only documents that have a link to them that contains compelling visual content in the anchor text.
Allintitle - If you start a query with allintitle:, Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the title. For instance, allintitle:google search will return only documents that have both “google” and “search” in the title. Note there can be no space between the allintitle: and the following word.
Allintext - If you start a query with allintext:, Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the body of the page. For instance, allintext:website design will return only documents that have both “website” and “design” in the body of the page. Note there can be no space between the allintext: and the following word.
Site - If you include site: in your query, Google will restrict the results to those websites in the given domain. For instance, site:www.ahfx.net will find all pages indexed by Google for that domain. web design site:www.ahfx.net will find pages about web design within the ahfx.net url. Note there can be no space between the “site:” and the domain.
Link - The query link: will list webpages that have links to the specified webpage. For instance, link:www.ahfx.net will list webpages that have links pointing to the AHFX.net homepage. Note there can be no space between the “link:” and the web page url.
These are just a few of the Google Keywords or “operators”. Google has its own information on the Google operators, but it doesn’t list all of the important ones. Most of the time allinanchor will help show you where your page should end up if you have optimized the page well. Although it doesn’t always happen (because you might have 25 links from pages with a PageRank of 3 while a competitor has 3 links from pages with a PR of 7 and you can be higher in the allinanchor but lower in the actual rankings), this is a good indicator if your backlink keywords are helping move you up or down the rankings. Idealy your rank should move towards your allinanchor ranking.

These are just a few of the places you can check to see how your stack up against the competition. Keeping an eye on these rankings will give you a better understanding of whether you need more inbound links, or just need to optimize the pages you already have.

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