Word Preparation

tropical island: 热带岛屿

The tiny tropical island of Ascension is not easy to find.

The inhabitants of this tropical island are very friendly.

the …, the better:越…越好

I want to travel to some place quiet. The quieter, the better.

I want to go home. The sooner, the better.

providing sth. for someone:为某人提供某物

Our company provides a staff lounge for employees to use.

This shopping mall provides a kid’s center where kids can have lots of fun.

I have been waiting for it for ages. 我期待好久了;我等待好久了。

I am so looking forward to the tour. I feel like I’ve been waiting for it for ages.

That little boy finally got the Christmas present he always wanted. He has been waiting for it for ages.

I’d rather stay away from busy places. 我更愿意远离繁忙的地方。

I don’t want to go to New York. I’d rather stay away from busy places.

I’d rather stay away from busy places, so let’s find some place quiet.

I’m wondering what kind of … it has to offer though. 不过我想知道它都提供什么样的…

I’m wondering what kind of accommodation this island has to offer though.

I’m wondering what kind of books this library has to offer though.


Making a holiday plan 做假期计划

除了 I’ve been waiting for it for ages.,还可以说

  • I’m looking forward to it.
  • I’m expecting it.
  • I anticipate …
  • I await …
  • I finally get to go on holiday. I’m looking forward to it.
  • I’m really good at baking, so I’m expecting my cake to be good.
  • I anticipate we will have to cooperate with each other in the near future.
  • I’ll await your good news.

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