
Just in case somebody missed it: we have wonderful girls in Arpa’s land.

Arpa has a rooted tree (connected acyclic graph) consisting of n vertices. The vertices are numbered 1through n, the vertex 1 is the root. There is a letter written on each edge of this tree. Mehrdad is a fan of Dokhtar-kosh things. He call a string Dokhtar-kosh, if we can shuffle the characters in string such that it becomes palindrome.

He asks Arpa, for each vertex v, what is the length of the longest simple path in subtree of v that form a Dokhtar-kosh string.


The first line contains integer n (1  ≤  n  ≤  5·105) — the number of vertices in the tree.

(n  -  1) lines follow, the i-th of them contain an integer pi + 1 and a letter ci + 1 (1  ≤  pi + 1  ≤  i, ci + 1 is lowercase English letter, between a and v, inclusively), that mean that there is an edge between nodes pi + 1 and i + 1 and there is a letter ci + 1 written on this edge.


Print n integers. The i-th of them should be the length of the longest simple path in subtree of the i-th vertex that form a Dokhtar-kosh string.




1 s
2 a
3 s


3 1 1 0


1 a
2 h
1 a
4 h


4 1 0 1 0







  • \(f[xor[x]]\)有值,说明在这棵子树中,有一条路径上的情况与\(x\)到根节点的路径一定能构成回文串(异或后全为0)。因此,有
    \[ ans[x]=max(ans[x],f[xor[x]]) \]

  • 假设能满足要求的路径为\(path\),那么\(xor[x]^path\)得到的结果一定是某一位为1或全为0。因此,有异或运算的性质,可以直接用\(xor[x]^(1<<i)\)得到满足要求的状态,再更新答案,有
    \[ ans[x]=max(ans[x],f[xor[x]\oplus(1<<i)]) \]

\[ f[xor[x]]=max(f[xor[sum]],dep[x]) \]



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#define N 500002
using namespace std;
int head[N],ver[N],nxt[N],edge[N],l;
int n,i,son[N],size[N],dep[N],sum[N],dfn[N],low[N],rec[N],ans[N],tim,f[1<<23];
void insert(int x,int y,char z)
void dfs(int x,int pre)
{dfn[x]=++tim;rec[tim]=x;size[x]=1;dep[x]=dep[pre]+1;for(int i=head[x];i;i=nxt[i]){int y=ver[i];if(y!=pre){sum[y]=sum[x]^edge[i];dfs(y,x);size[x]+=size[y];if(size[y]>size[son[x]]) son[x]=y;}}low[x]=tim;
void dsu(int x,int pre)
{for(int i=head[x];i;i=nxt[i]){int y=ver[i];if(y!=son[x]){dsu(y,x);ans[x]=max(ans[x],ans[y]);for(int j=dfn[y];j<=low[y];j++) f[sum[rec[j]]]=0;}}if(son[x]>0){dsu(son[x],x);ans[x]=max(ans[x],ans[son[x]]);}if(f[sum[x]]) ans[x]=max(ans[x],f[sum[x]]-dep[x]);for(int i=0;i<22;i++){if(f[sum[x]^(1<<i)]) ans[x]=max(ans[x],f[sum[x]^(1<<i)]-dep[x]);}f[sum[x]]=max(f[sum[x]],dep[x]);for(int i=head[x];i;i=nxt[i]){int y=ver[i];if(y!=son[x]){for(int j=dfn[y];j<=low[y];j++){int z=rec[j];if(f[sum[z]]) ans[x]=max(ans[x],f[sum[z]]+dep[z]-2*dep[x]);for(int k=0;k<22;k++){if(f[sum[z]^(1<<k)]) ans[x]=max(ans[x],f[sum[z]^(1<<k)]+dep[z]-2*dep[x]);}}for(int j=dfn[y];j<=low[y];j++){int z=rec[j];f[sum[z]]=max(f[sum[z]],dep[z]);}}}
int main()
{cin>>n;for(i=1;i<n;i++){int u;char w;cin>>u>>w;insert(u,i+1,w);}dfs(1,0);dsu(1,0);for(i=1;i<=n;i++) cout<<ans[i]<<' ';cout<<endl;return 0;


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